What does it mean when a guy pats your head

What does it mean when a guy pats your head

that you're small and cute.

It doesn't necessarily mean that he's not interested in making the hot sex with you. It just also means he thinks you're small and cute.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

What does it mean when a guy pats your head
, thats what it means.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

Any time a guy touches you anywhere, it means he wants to impregnate you. Simple as that.

What does it mean when a guy pats your head


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

I do it if they said something silly, so "patronising pat". I do it so often I don't actually have to pat anymore, just say it.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

I have no flipping idea, but I hate it and threaten to break their arm every time.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

a form of vodoo magic: the more he pats, the shorter you get

What does it mean when a guy pats your head

What does it mean when a guy pats your head


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

In Monaco, I haven't a clue. Over here, we don't do that.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

It creeps me out when people pat my head.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

Especially when they're strangers

What does it mean when a guy pats your head


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

They are either being condescending or they like you.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

He's wiping off the pigeon shit that's been on your head for two hours and is now too awkward to mention.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

Would you rather he left it there?


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

There there

What does it mean when a guy pats your head
he missed a bit.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

FYI, you have a leech up your nose.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

But I'm eating hot and spicy ramen right now

What does it mean when a guy pats your head

The leech just got burned at the stove

What does it mean when a guy pats your head


(1 Reply)

What does it mean when a guy pats your head

He's trying to keep you from growing taller than him by pushing on your head.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

LudwigvanKickass2 Featured By Owner Dec 3, 2010  Professional Traditional Artist

It means that they want to have sex with you.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

That's....nice =w=

I guess ^^U since the guy is quite attractive >w<


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

LudwigvanKickass2 Featured By Owner Dec 3, 2010  Professional Traditional Artist

Well then.


What does it mean when a guy pats your head

LudwigvanKickass2 Featured By Owner Dec 3, 2010  Professional Traditional Artist



What does it mean when a guy pats your head

LudwigvanKickass2 Featured By Owner Dec 3, 2010  Professional Traditional Artist



What does it mean when a guy pats your head

Ugh....I HATE getting patted on the head. My ex did it to me and it felt so degrading.


What does patting on the head mean?

It's like a basketball terminology, like you're dunking on somebody," Zach recently explained. "It's just kind of a way of showing a good play." Indeed, when put into context, it makes sense that the gesture is indicative of a good play.

Is it rude to pat someone on the head?

It is where the soul, or spirit, resides. Therefore, the patronizing act of patting someone on the head is magnified in these areas. If you think this rule begins and ends at people, think again. It is also considered disrespectful to touch the head of a statue.

What does it mean when a guy massages your head?

Head: Much like the face, the head can be a safer area for him to touch if you're kissing. If he's just bopping you on the head, then it might be playful (though it's still a sign of flirtation). Before he kisses you, he might gently touch the back of your head or your neck to bring your face closer to his.

What does a pat on the head mean in Japan?

In Japanese culture, an adult patting the head of a child is a way to show praise, love, and other positive feelings of affection. When Ayame pats Yuki's head here, it is a full on pat. His hand is palm down on top of Yuki's head and there is a slight bit of pressure that makes it feel real and authentic to Yuki.