Car wash business for sale near me

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Melbourne is one of the world's most widely spread-out cities. And that makes cars a fundamental part of the Melburnian lifestyle. We love to take care of our prized assets, including our vehicles. That attitude, and our frequent water restrictions makes car washes an increasingly popular business in Australia's southern city. Start your search to find your perfect car wash for sale in Melbourne today.


Car wash business for sale near me

WELL ESTABLISHED CAR SALES & GARAGE BUSINESS - NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Car sales, garage services, bodywork, car wash & tyres. Turnover of £1,059,862 pa with scope to increase. Superb reputation with... More details »

Looking to take over an operational ready car detailing business in the Central? We’re looking for somebody who’s willing to take over a car wash / detailing and grooming business with equipment ready, stock ready and manpower ready business. Reason we’re letting go due to unable to commit and manage well. What you gain from buying over from us: -All equipments from shop -Manpower -All ready stocks -current customer base -passive income As like all businesses, it needs a manager or a director to overlook the whole operation. Unfortunately we do not have the time, therefore we had decided to let go this business that we had built

A well-designed washing bay with a water-proof flooring and bright lights makes the whole unit look lovely. Featuring four air conditioners and all the necessary equipment with an attached toilet.  Bright lightings for Dry works like polishing, Ppf, Vinyl, coating, window tinting and e...

How profitable is owning a car wash?

They estimate that a self-serve car wash can generate roughly $1,000 to $1,500 per month in revenue per bay. According to Grandview Research, the US car wash industry generates $14.21 billion in revenue annually.

Is a car wash business a good investment?

Increase Your Income Owning a car wash gives you an increased revenue as there is a high volume of customers. According to Hedges & Company, 2022 is estimated to have 289.5 million registered cars in the United States. 20,000 cars washed in one year can bring you an average revenue of $139,000 alone.

How much does it cost to invest in a car wash?

Typically, car wash investors spend about $2-4 million in capital with the biggest variance being in real estate costs. Fortunately, you have options for getting your startup capital.

How do I start a small business car wash?

10 Steps For Starting a Car Wash From The Ground Up.
1) Location is Everything - Go Scouting. Car washes aren't automatically successful. ... .
2) Review the Competition. ... .
3) Do the Paperwork. ... .
4) Planning and Approval Process. ... .
5) Research Car Washes. ... .
6) Operations Decisions. ... .
7) Make a Business Plan! ... .
8) Get Financing..