Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

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When a couple is struggling to get pregnant, the conception process can seem all-encompassing. Their minds are often riddled with anxiety and can become a twisted web of doctor’s appointments, infertility factoids, and the general stresses of day-to-day life. 

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

First Published: June 11,2020…

Last Updated: July 22, 2020

Amidst this mind-frame of chaos and uncertainty, self-care is often on the back burner.

For someone on the outside looking in, it can be challenging to watch your loved ones go through this experience and feel like there’s nothing you can do to help.

Speaking from my experience of struggling with infertility, I know what it feels like to want the comfort of my friends and family, but not know exactly how to ask for it. 

The invisible demon called pride can get in the way and prevent us from seeking the help and support we desperately need.

If you’re looking for a simple way to help lift someone’s spirits throughout their infertility journey, why not consider one of the great infertility gifts currently available?

From a fertility candle to an IVF survival kit, these thoughtful gift ideas are sure to help brighten the day of someone struggling with infertility.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

What Are Infertility & IVF Gifts?

Infertility gifts can be as small or as large as you’d like, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to show you care. 

You might be looking for an infertility gift for one of the following reasons:

  • Maybe you’re looking to offer reassurance to a friend who’s struggling to get pregnant.
  • Perhaps you want to make an IVF cycle easier on a loved one who’s currently in the thick of the process.
  • Or, you could be looking for a way to comfort someone who’s recently suffered from a stillbirth or miscarriage.

Whatever your loved one’s circumstances may be, infertility & IVF gifts can accomplish all of the suggestions listed above. 

They are thoughtful tokens to remind your friends or family members who are dealing with infertility and pregnancy loss that you care and you’re there for them, if they need you.

How Do You Know if It’s Appropriate to Give Infertility Gifts?

It may seem strange to debate whether or not it’s ever NOT okay to give someone infertility gifts. While the well-intentions behind most gifts are appreciated, they are not, however, always appropriate.

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s suitable for you to purchase infertility or IVF gifts for a friend or family member, the first thing to consider is what you know about their situation. 

Or, more importantly, how you know it.

If you know someone is having a hard time conceiving, but they haven’t spoken to you directly, offering them a gift could be unwelcome and unappreciated.

For the 1-in-8 couples struggling to get pregnant, they might not want to share their experience with others. If they haven’t opened up to you about their journey, buying them a gift might be too forward despite your good intentions.

It could also make them feel pressured to discuss this very personal topic when they weren’t ready or planning to do so.

On the other hand, if an individual or couple has let you into their bubble, the Undefining Motherhood team has tons of great suggestions to help you pick the best infertility gifts for your loved one’s unique circumstances.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

Infertility Gifts that Work for Anyone

From a fertility bracelet to a fertility candle, there are lots of lovely infertility gifts that would work for any person or couple who is suffering. Here are a few of our favorite options!

(1) Rose Quartz Fertility Bracelet

For women who believe in the power of crystals, rose quartz is said to be effective in boosting fertility and supporting patients throughout their IVF cycles.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

This adorable rose quartz fertility bracelet is not only stylish and affordable, but it would make an ideal infertility or IVF gift.

(2) Crystal-Infused Fertility Candle

To go along with the fertility bracelet mentioned above, this crystal-infused fertility candle doesn’t just look great, but it smells delightful, too!

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

I personally would love to have this in my home, whether I’m hoping to conceive or not.

(3) Fertility Affirmation Cards

During my struggle with infertility, I found myself continually seeking small boosts of positivity and strength to keep me going. “Challenging” doesn’t quite describe the mental and physical anguish you can experience during the treatment process.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

That’s what makes these beautiful fertility affirmation cards one of the most uplifting infertility gifts on our list.

(4) The Baby Dust Box

We can promise with complete certainty that women going through infertility are VERY familiar with the word “baby dust.”

When someone announces a new cycle or pregnancy, both infertility support groups and miscarriage support groups are full of other women sending them “baby dust” (AKA wishing them luck).

The Baby Dust Box is an amazing gift, featuring:

  • Pregnancy tests
  • Ovulation tests
  • Organic snacks
  • Self care items
  • Beauty items

Motivational IVF Gifts to Keep Women Going During Their Cycles

Here’s the thing about IVF: it’s a pain in the ass. 

Albeit, it’s a pain in the ass hopeful couples are lucky to be taking part in, but a pain in the ass, nonetheless.

It will weigh on your body, your time, your mental state, and your finances. Between trying to balance your day-to-day life and ensuring you stay on top of all your medications and doctor’s appointments, it can sometimes feel like the process is going to break you.

At least that’s how it occasionally felt to me.

I tried to put on a brave face. Every time I filled up that syringe with my nightly injections or showed up for my fifth transvaginal ultrasound in a week, I would feel the tiniest bit overwhelmed that this strange experience was what it took for me to get pregnant.

If someone is willing to let you in during their IVF cycle, showering them with one of these IVF gifts is a great way to give them the boost of encouragement they might desperately be needing.

(4) IVF Socks

During my first IVF cycle, a wonderful friend gifted me with a pair of the coziest socks I’d ever felt. While I appreciated the sentiment, I was a little confused about why she’d chosen socks of all things. 

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

She proceeded to tell me that in Chinese medicine, there is a belief that keeping your feet warm throughout fertility treatments can have a positive effect on a woman’s uterus.

It is said to make the uterus warmer, cozier, and generally more hospitable after an embryo transfer.

Whether you believe this or not, however, I quickly learned that socks are the perfect IVF gift. 

When a patient is sitting in the surgery center before their embryo transfer, it can be cold…they might as well have a cute pair of socks to keep their tootsies warm while they wait, or while their feet are up in stirrups!

(5) IVF Medication Bag

Wouldn’t it be nice if the IVF process consisted of popping a couple of hormone pills and calling it a day? 

Unfortunately, however, a significant part of the treatment involves injectable medications that must be taken at specific times each day.

Your loved one will not always be home at the precise moment she’ll need to take her shots. Why not gift her with an adorable IVF medication carrying case that she can take with her?

(6) IVF Survival Kit

Would you like to give your friend the total package while they’re going through IVF? Then an IVF survival kit might be a perfect choice!

Make an IVF care package, consider including items like these:

  • A Rose Quartz Fertility Bracelet
  • Fuzzy Socks
  • IVF Water Bottle
  • Medication Bag
  • A Fertility Candle
  • IVF Journal
  • Fertility-Friendly Foods, i.e., nuts and seeds, avocados, and pineapple

(7) IVF Milestone Cards

Okay, we’ve all seen the adorable month-to-month photos parents are posting to mark their babies’ first years. 

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

Why not put a spin on this idea and help your friend create a photo journal of their IVF process with these beautifully-designed IVF milestone cards?

These can be used in a variety of different ways. Whether your friend chooses to share their IVF journey on social media or uses the cards to keep a personal record of their experience, these IVF milestone cards will make a beautiful addition to photos.

Infertility Gifts for Someone Who’s Lost a Baby

If someone you know has suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth, infertility gifts can be an uplifting way to show your love and support. 

Whether you’re looking for something to help them mourn the loss they’ve suffered or extend encouragement for future possibilities, there are many beautiful options for you to choose from.

In addition to the gifts listed here, you can also learn about all of our favorite miscarriage gifts. 

(8) Eternity Circles Necklace

The interwoven circles displayed on this elegant necklace represent the eternal bond between a mother and the child she has lost.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

A fertility bracelet or necklace would be a cherished option to help a grieving mother commemorate the baby she will never have the chance to hold.

(9) Miscarriage Journal

A miscarriage journal is a great way to give a grieving mama access not only to her own personal feelings about her loss, but also to a community of women who have experienced what she is going through.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant
This grief journal, authored by Katy Huie Harrison, mother of 4 angel babies, is the perfect gift for anyone experiencing pregnancy loss.

This journal holds a loss mom’s hand as she navigates the grief of pregnancy loss. It comes with access to a private online community, and it addresses both emotional and everyday issues. 

Imagine the strength someone gains when they feel less isolated and instead recognize that they’re part of a larger sisterhood, a loss community. 

What Infertility and IVF Gifts Should You AVOID?

For someone who’s looking to buy a friend or family member struggling with infertility with a gift, it might seem strange to think that there’s certain items you shouldn’t give.

Just as it’s important to know what not to say to someone struggling with infertility, it’s also crucial to understand that some gifts are better left unpurchased. 

When you’re looking into infertility gifts or IVF gifts, avoid the following types of items:

(1) Items for When They Get Pregnant

You might think that purchasing gifts for pregnant women, like a pregnancy journal or pregnancy survival kit, is a hopeful option that will encourage your friend or family member who’s trying to get pregnant.

On the contrary, though, if they don’t end up conceiving again, they’ll be left with just one more physical reminder that things didn’t work out the way they hoped they would.

(2) Baby Gifts

For the same reason you shouldn’t buy gifts for use during pregnancy, you should just say no to items like onesies, baby blankets, or anything they might use for a future baby. 

Grieving mamas and grieving couples don’t need a daily reminder of what they don’t have. 

From a Fertility Candle to an IVF Survival Kit – Uplifting Your Loved Ones with Infertility Gifts

To someone who’s trying unsuccessfully to have a baby or who’s recently lost a baby, infertility gifts are more than just a small token of kindness.

They’re an uplifting reminder that someone cares about their struggles.

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant
Women experiencing infertility often feel isolated, and the reminder that someone recognizes their pain and wants to bring them joy is worth so much.

It can be hard to put yourself in the shoes of someone struggling with infertility. When you’re not sure what to say or what to do, infertility and IVF gifts are a sweet option to help brighten your loved one’s day.

What infertility gifts mean the most to you?

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

Other Infertility Articles

  • What is infertility?
  • Infertility support
  • What is embryo adoption?
  • Online infertility support groups 
  • Using donor eggs 
  • IVF pineapple
  • What is secondary infertility?

Infertility Stories

  • Premature ovarian failure stories: Laura’s experience
  • Katy’s infertility success story
  • Carly’s story of a cancelled IVF cycle

Other Gift Guides

  • Gifts that give back
  • Miscarriage gifts
  • Rainbow baby gifts
  • IVF gifts
  • Best gifts for 2 year olds
  • Push presents

Gift for someone trying to get pregnant

Kristen Bergeron is a freelance writer from Florida. In addition to writing, she is a wife, mother of two beautiful girls, Hadley and Scarlett, and a part-time photographer. After overcoming infertility and having two successful IVF cycles, she’s made it a personal goal to help educate men and women on the realities of fertility struggles. She is passionate about supporting fellow women who are trying to navigate the complicated world of conception, pregnancy, and learning to be the best mothers we can be.

What is good luck for fertility?

Lucky Symbols: Green and yellow represent fertility; wearing sock with these colors on transfer day is a must! They are to keep your feet warm because of the old wives' tale that warm feet equal a warm uterus, add in some extra luck with a shamrock or horseshoe.

How do you console someone trying to get pregnant?

When your friend can't get pregnant (and you can).
Listen. ... .
Skip the platitudes. ... .
Don't ignore the issue. ... .
Don't ramble about your kids. ... .
Ask her what she needs from you. ... .
Take cues from your friend. ... .
Let her know you're there for her, no matter how long it takes. ... .
Offer to connect her with people you know who have been through it..

What to send friend who cant get pregnant?

Try some of these options:.
A gift card to your favorite bar for a night out with drinks..
A complete friend date night with dinner out and a funny movie..
A spa package for a day of relaxation..
An activity that's outside their typical comfort zone like go-cart racing, bowling or an art or cooking class..