What merv rating is a hepa filter

The filter in your HVAC system removes impurities from the indoor air. This helps to reduce allergy and asthma symptoms and helps to keep your home cleaner. Air circulating through your home passes through the device and then reenters the rooms in a purified state. You will need to choose the right type based on your needs. Knowing the difference between MERV and HEPA filters will help you to select the option that is appropriate for your home in St. Rose, Louisiana.

What Is a MERV Filter?

Finer filtration is a characteristic to look for when choosing an air filter for your home. MERV stands for minimum efficiency reporting value. All filters have a MERV rating. Many HVAC companies and distributors offer filters with a MERV rating between one and 20. This rating describes how effectively the filters remove particles and allergens like pet dander, dust, and pollen from the air.

Filters with high ratings can even remove biological growth, car fumes, and smoke. They effectively destroy airborne particles and are extremely energy-efficient. A filter with a high MERV rating is especially recommended for homes with allergy and asthma sufferers.

It is important to understand that MERV values are not standard. They will vary from one brand to the next. This means one filter with a MERV rating of 14 may be able to remove volatile organic compounds, while a different filter with the same rating may not be able to achieve this same level of filtration.

What Is a HEPA Filter?

HEPA filters are commonly thought to be the best of the best when it comes to HVAC air filters. They can trap airborne contaminants that are as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. The average strand of hair on your head is about 45 microns.

Generally, HEPA filters require an additional fan to filter the air. This means your HVAC system needs to be compatible with a HEPA filter, or it will not work effectively. An HVAC system that’s not compatible with a HEPA filter will not operate efficiently since it will have to try to generate enough power to move air through the filter. This can increase your energy bills and put extra strain on your system.

Choosing a Filter for Your Home

All air filters are designed to remove dust from the indoor air. A filter with a MERV rating of five to eight will effectively remove a variety of allergens from the air, including dust mites and pollen. If no one in your home has respiratory problems, or airborne particles are not a particular concern, you can use a basic filter.

Volatile organic compounds are commonly released into the air when using household cleaning products and are extremely harmful to your health. A filter with a MERV rating of eight to 16 can remove these pollutants from the air. Filters with a MERV rating of 13 to 17 are normally used in hospitals and nursing homes. They are ideal for removing bacteria from the air. Use this type of filter if you or someone in your home suffers from a chronic illness that weakens the immune system.

HVAC filters with a rating of 15 to 20 are meant to be used in residential and commercial structures where there is a strong concern about the potential spread of viruses. Consider filters with high ratings if you suffer from an illness that makes it harder for your immune system to fight viruses.

Your IAQ Experts

Only use a HEPA filter if your HVAC system is compatible. Speak with an HVAC specialist to determine what kind of filter you can use with your system. If you need more than just a basic filer, ask about upgrades that support HEPA filters. Installing a new unit is an excellent way to achieve improved ventilation and optimum filtration.

Bryans United Air Conditioning specializes in a variety of HVAC services, including indoor air quality improvement. Visit our website or give us a call at 504-208-2071 for more information.

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MERV and HEPA filters are both fantastic options for any air quality system – but there’s some differences between them both.

If you’re trying to decide whether to buy a MERV or HEPA filter for your home’s air system, you’re in the right place. In this article we’ll cover all the details behind both types of filter – and when each might be the best option for your situation.

What’s the difference between MERV & HEPA filters?

The choice between buying a MERV vs HEPA filter depends on the MERV rating. HEPA is an overall certification system which guarantees a fantastic quality filter. A MERV filter, on the other hand, can be a standard filter (rated MERV 5-10) all the way up to medical grade filter (MERV 20).

Depending on the MERV rating, a MERV and HEPA filter can be just as good as the other. It’s important to understand what the different MERV ratings mean, and how they stack up against a HEPA-approved filter.

MERV vs HEPA: Which One Should You Choose?

Okay, I know I said that MERV is merely a rating system, not an actual filter. So why am I comparing the two, you ask? Because since you do want a filter that has a good MERV rating listed on it or a HEPA filter, the comparison really isn’t that far out.

Since MERV is a whole system, let’s get through understanding that one first.

What is MERV?

What merv rating is a hepa filter

I mentioned this above, but for the sake of having things in sensible order here, I’ll mention it again.

MERV, which is an acronym for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, is a system that is used to evaluate and rate the efficiency of air filters.  The job of your furnace filter is to stop and catch particles that are floating around in the air of your home—some of them harmful. MERV rates filters on how well they do at catching particles of different sizes. Filters that have a higher MERV will catch the smallest particles.

Now, you might be tempted to stop reading right there to run out and buy yourself the filter with the highest possible MERV value you can find. Because that would be a good thing, right?

Not necessarily!

Depending on your HVAC system a high value MERV filter has the potential to kill your furnace. Nobody wants to destroy the heat exchanger on their furnace—which at the very least will cost you a fortune, and at the worst will kill you due to carbon monoxide poisoning—because of a $20 filter.

Before you buy a high MERV filter, make sure your system was built to handle the reduced airflow.

How Does the MERV Rating System Work?

Okay, this is all a little mind-bending and there are lots of numbers and data, so take a deep breath.

MERV rates and reports the ability of a filter to capture particles sized between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). Essentially, it will let you know how effective an air filter is at its job.

The rating system is between 1 and 20. Filters rated at 1 are only capable of the lowest levels of filtration, while at the other end of the scale, you guessed it, filters rated at 20 will catch the tiniest particles.

You won’t find filters with a MERV of over 16 in your local Home Depot, though. They are typically only found in hospitals, schools, and even nuclear power plants.

For homeowners, the recommendation is a MERV between 5 and 13. And as I pointed out above, don’t buy a 13 without knowing the amount of airflow your duct work needs. And in my opinion, you’re pretty much wasting your money on anything under a MERV of 5.

And unless you live alone and don’t have any pets—or visitors—I’d strongly advise against buying cheap filters that have no kind of rating at all.

Particles measuring 0.3 to 10 microns (µm) in diameter are created in a lab to use in testing. And because no one I know knows the size of a micron, I’ll provide you with a visual reference.

Reach up and pull out one of your hairs—just kidding—and have a look at the diameter. The average strand of hair is about 50 microns in diameter, meaning your eye won’t even be able to detect 0.3. In fact, the smallest you can see is about 40 microns in diameter, so you can’t see the larger 10 micron particles either.

The lab divides these particles into three size categories—E1, E2, and E3—and then divides them again into four sub-categories. So that it looks like this:

E1 E2 E3
4 particles in the 0.3 to 1.0 µm range 4 particles in the 1.0 to 3.0 µm range 4 particles in the 3.0 to 10.0 µm range

From there, each filter goes through a total of 72 tests per particle to determine the MERV rating.

Once that is done, they have the data to create a chart something like this.

What merv rating is a hepa filter

Before getting into which MERV filters might be the best for you, I’m going to go off on a bit of a lateral tangent.

I’ve mentioned a few times that filters with higher MERV ratings can be bad for your HVAC system, but I haven’t really explained why. I’m going to explain why now.

The Dangers of Pressure Drop

Let’s start with an analogy that many of us now unfortunately have firsthand knowledge of. Have you worn a mask at all since the beginning of COVID-19?

What happens when you inhale and exhale? That mask, which is the same principle as your HVAC filter, restricts your air. And the more layers the mask has—the better it does at stopping tiny particles—the more your air is restricted.

What merv rating is a hepa filter

That’s not fun, and it makes us work harder to pull in the air we need to live.

Pressure drop is the same idea.

It’s basically resistance to airflow. Too much restriction is bad for humans and bad for HVAC systems. In more mathematical terms, a pressure drop is equal to the amount that your filter slows down airflow between your vents and your furnace.

Just like the type of mask you wear will impact airflow and pressure drop, so will the type of filter you use. If it’s tightly woven and will withstand those 0.3 microns, you could be facing a dangerous pressure drop. Assuming your ductwork wasn’t designed to handle it.

And I’m sorry, but I don’t know if anyone but a professional can assess your system and let you know what airflow it’s been designed to take.

Okay. I told you MERV was complicated! Now let’s move on to HEPA filters.

What are HEPA Filters?

What merv rating is a hepa filter

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air.

HEPA, or High Efficiency Particulate Air filters, are designed for applications where contaminants must be trapped on the first go-round.

These types are filters are found in places like hospitals or labs where airborne contaminants need to be captured in their first cycle through the facility’s ventilation system.

If I were writing this more than a year ago, I would be mentioning something scary like MRSA that can be spread via droplets. We have something a lot scarier to deal with now, and all of us are more familiar than we want to be with airborne bacteria or viruses.

HEPA filters are created using a collection of dense fibers in a specific configuration. Particles either hit the filter straight on and get caught or they are trapped in the curved contours of the fibers.

Do HEPA filters have MERV ratings?

HEPA filters are not MERV rated. Not because they don’t qualify for MERV testing and rating, but because the manufacturing process of HEPA filters already guarantees a rating higher than MERV.

The lab testing done to rate filters for MERV mentioned above is the ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) test protocol 52.2.

HEPA air filters are the ONLY mechanical air filters that are tested and certified to meet a specific efficiency at a specific particle size. All HEPA air filters must meet a minimum efficiency of 99.97% at 0.3 microns. ASHRAE or MERV air filters are tested using the Dust Spot tests that incorporate some fine dust, powdered carbon, and some cotton linters. The Dust Spot test particle size range is from 0.3 microns to 50 microns in size with an average size of approximately 20 microns.

So what does that mean?

Are HEPA Filters Better Than MERV Filters?

Let’s do a MERV 16 vs HEPA comparison here.

If you were to use the Dust Spot test that is used on HEPA filters on a MERV 16 filter that uses the ASHRAE test protocol, the MERV 16 filter would only sit at about 50% efficiency.

Meaning that HEPA filters are at least 50% better at doing their jobs when it comes to removing respirable sized airborne particles. And that’s compared with a MERV 16 rated filter which is 95% or better and trapping particles sized 0.0 to 1.0 microns.

  • A MERV 16 filter is rated at 95% or better at 0.3 microns
  • A HEPA filter is guaranteed to have a minimum efficiency of 99.97% at 0.3 microns

But again, a word of caution. This doesn’t mean you should run out and buy a HEPA filter for your furnace because they are better.

In an apples to apples testing ground where all variables and environments are equal, yes. There is no question that HEPA is better than MERV.

But I’m guessing your home isn’t in a sealed lab the likes of a MERV or HEPA testing site.

Remember the section above on the dangers of pressure drop? The same applies to HEPA filters.

Which filter is best against COVID-19?

What merv rating is a hepa filter

I mentioned above that a year ago we were still pretty innocent and naïve about our fears of airborne bacteria and viruses. Not to say what we had before wasn’t bad, but we’ve reached a whole new level of scary.  

In my city, HVAC companies are getting worked off their feet trying to keep up with ventilation upgrades in commercial buildings, schools, and so forth. The goal is to get more fresh air in while improving central air filtration. The CDC has an entire page of upgrade recommendations.

But what about your home?

Remember, the smallest airborne particle the best MERV 16 filter catches is 0.3 microns. If you don’t remember, take a look back at that nice colorful chart above.

And the EPA says that a HEPA filter is guaranteed to capture particles at least that size.

Yet since the COVID virus is only about 0.1 um in diameter, there is no filter guaranteed to catch that.

Could a HEPA filter theoretically catch the COVID-19? Yes. Because it could, maybe, and probably has caught 0.1 micron particles in testing. But the flip side would be it’s also let some through. Therefore, and this is a biggie, there is no guarantee it will offer you 100% protection from spreading the virus in your home.

I’d say a filter may be false hope, but certainly, something is still better than nothing.


So, at the end of the day, which is better for your home? A MERV of HEPA filter.

If you’re read through this entire article, you know by now there is no one size fits all answer.

The first, and most important deciding factor has to be your own HVAC system, and the amount of pressure drop your airflow can handle. If you use a very tight MERV 16 or HEPA filter, you could destroy your furnace.

You’ll either need a professional to come in and test your system, or you’ll need to get your hands on some specialized testing equipment and learn how to use it. And do lots of math.

Let’s assume your system was built to handle the pressure of a top of the line filter. Meaning MERV 16 vs HEPA.

Buy a HEPA filter if:

  • You want the highest possible guarantee of airborne pollutants to be caught
  • The initial cost is not a factor
  • Longer replacement schedule of 6 months to a year vs every 90 days for MERV filters

Buy a MERV 16 filter if:

  • You’re looking for a cheaper, more accessible option
  • You’re not too concerned about the few extra percentage points of protection that a HEPA could provide
  • You’re looking for more options

Thanks for reading. Hopefully, I’ve answered any questions you might have had in your search for information around MERV vs HEPA.

Be sure to check out the related articles below!

Does HEPA have a MERV rating?

A HEPA filter is essentially the ultimate solution in the air filter world and far exceeds what a MERV 13 is able to do. All HEPA filters have a rating of a MERV 17 or higher.

How does MERV compare to HEPA?

High Efficiency Particulate Air or HEPA have an even higher performance than MERV 16. While a MERV 16 filter captures >95% of particles in the entire test range (0.3-10.0 microns), a HEPA filter captures 99.97% of particles with a size of 0.3 microns.

How does MERV 13 compare to HEPA?

MERV 13 filters are more efficient at removing large particles from the air, while HEPA filters are more efficient at removing small particles from the air. MERV 13 filters can remove up to 99.97% of particles from the air, while HEPA filters can remove up to 99.99% of particles from the air.

Is MERV 13 too high for home?

MERV 13 air filters are the highest-rated air filters for home use. Any air filter with a rating higher than 13 will restrict air flow to the point of which could cause damage to your HVAC system, resulting in an added expense to fix it.