What do dogs use their whiskers for

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What do dogs use their whiskers for

(Image credit: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-513868p1.html">MishelVerini</a> / <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/?cr=00&pl=edit-00">Shutterstock.com</a>)

For humans, touch is a sense most often associated with the fingers. But man's best friend, the dog, touches the world a different way — with his face.

Whiskers, or vibrissae, are long, coarse hairs protruding from a dog's muzzle, jaw and above its eyes. The follicles at the base of these hairs are packed with nerves that send sensory messages to a dog's brain.

Highly sensitive to subtle changes in air currents, canine whiskers serve as receptors for important information about the size, shape and speed of nearby objects. This helps dogs — for whom vision is not the most highly evolved trait — "see" objects more clearly, even in the dark. Being able to feel vibrations in the air also helps dogs sense approaching dangers.

Some dog breeds have also been known to use their whiskers in the same way that many smaller mammals do: to determine whether they can fit through small spaces. And while few studies have been conducted to determine whether dogs also use their whiskers to locate food, it is likely that at one time in canine history, this was the case, as rats, seals, walruses and many other nocturnal or aquatic mammals still use vibrissae for this purpose.    

Apart from the tactical advantages of whiskers, these special facial hairs can also relay messages about how a dog is feeling. When a dog is threatened, it will often reflexively flare its whiskers and then point them in a forward direction. Some scientists believe this behavior indicates that whiskers play some part in a canine's defense strategy during combative situations with predators and other dogs.

Despite the apparent advantages of having whiskers, many pet owners — particularly those who "show" their dogs — opt to pluck, trim or surgically remove these vital sensory tools. Anecdotal evidence suggests that tampering with a dog's whiskers can lead to confusion and decreased spatial awareness.

Follow Elizabeth Palermo on Twitter @techEpalermo, Facebook or Google+. Follow LiveScience @livescience. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

Elizabeth is a former Live Science associate editor and current director of audience development at the Chamber of Commerce. She graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from George Washington University. Elizabeth has traveled throughout the Americas, studying political systems and indigenous cultures and teaching English to students of all ages.

Even if you don’t have a pet, you probably have a basic idea of what whiskers are. Even as a little kid, if you were sketching a dog or cat, you made sure to draw the little lines sticking out from its nose. But why do dogs have whiskers?

What are whiskers?

No, they aren’t extra-long facial hairs, like the dog version of a mustache. The purpose of dog whiskers is something totally different. Whiskers, also known as “vibrissae,” are the coarse hairs around dogs’ noses and jaws, and above their eyes as well. To be exact, “whiskers are specialized hairs that are tied to sensory nerves around a dog’s face,” explains Dr. Jennifer Coates, Chewy vet expert. Cats, rabbits, rats, and lots of other animals have whiskers as well.

Why do dogs have whiskers?

So what do dog whiskers do? It turns out that they play a crucial role in the way dogs approach the world around them. Different from ordinary hairs, the hair follicles at the base of whiskers are equipped with nerves. So whiskers are very sensitive to everything from physical objects to shifting air currents. When whiskers come into contact with something, the nerves send signals to the dog’s brain, allowing the dog to evaluate what’s close by. “A dog’s whiskers can help them sense a nearby object, even in the dark, before they bump into it and potentially injure themselves,” Coates explains. It’s similar to the way humans feel things (especially when visibility is poor) with their hands. Check out more unbelievable facts you never knew about your dog.

This is a particularly important function for a couple of reasons. Firstly, dogs’ vision is not as strong a sense as vision is in humans—their sense of smell is much more adroit—especially when it comes to close-up vision. And, of course, dogs don’t have hands—they have four legs. So whiskers serve a major purpose in helping dogs discern what’s in front of and around them.

What else do dog whiskers do?

Is there a purpose of dog whiskers besides helping dogs feel things around them? Well, that is the primary purpose. But another answer to the question “why do dogs have whiskers” involves how the dog is feeling, and how they show it. “Dogs also appear to use their whiskers to convey their state of mind,” Coates told RD.com. “For example, when a dog is alert and engaged with their surroundings, their whiskers tend to be upright, while the whiskers on a reserved or timid dog often will be held close to the face.” A dog that feels threatened may “flare” its whiskers and then point them forward as an instinctual defensive reaction. Your dog’s tail has plenty of things it can tell you, too.

Should you cut your dog’s whiskers?

Now that you know what dog whiskers are for, you may be wondering if it’s OK to cut them. Trimming whiskers won’t hurt the dog, since whiskers don’t contain pain receptors, nor is it permanent because whiskers will grow back. But losing part or all of their whiskers can alter your dog’s spatial awareness, which can lead the dog to become confused and disoriented. So “I’d prefer if you didn’t cut my whiskers” is definitely one of the things your dog wishes he or she could tell you.

What happens when you cut off a dog's whiskers?

It doesn't hurt dogs to cut the whiskers as the hairs don't contain any pain receptors, cutting them off could create confusion or make your dog less spatially aware. It may affect their ability to judge when objects are nearby, which will make your dog a lot less confident.

Is it OK to cut dogs whiskers?

Cutting or trimming your dog's whiskers is never recommended. While it may be tempting if they appear long and unruly, they are necessary for sustaining your pet's ability to successfully navigate his environment healthfully and happily.

Do whiskers grow back on dogs?

Whiskers are hairs, but not the same as the hairs in your dog or cat's coat. These stiffer, thicker hairs are called vibrissae and their follicles are embedded deeper in the skin than coat hairs. Although the whiskers are different from the hair coat, they are shed as the hair coat is and will grow back.