Walnut creek arts and rec summer 2022

What is a “Summer Classics” camp?
Summer Classics camps are run exclusively by trained Rec & Park staff and include flexible full and half-day schedule options. Many of these Summer Classic camps feature staff-supervised off-site field trips around the Bay Area – a classic way to keep the fun going all summer long. All registered participants will receive an information email the week prior to the first day of camp. All camps are in-person unless otherwise noted.

Adventure Kids Camp
Aquatics - Swim Lessons & Camps
Preschool Camps
Summer Rec Camp
Teen Xtreme & VolunTEEN Camps

Specialty Camps offer fun, educational, and inspiring experiences to capture your child's own unique special interests. From LEGO camps and performing arts camps to a wide selection of S.T.E.M. camps, you are sure to find your fun this summer! These camps are instructed by talented third-party experts in each area of interest including Sports CampsPerformance Arts (theater, dance, cheerleading, music), S.T.E.A.M. (LEGO-inspired camps, Drawing, Technology) and Special Interest (Cooking, Little Medical School, & Spanish 4 Kidz)


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We know firsthand how hard it used to plan kids' camps and activities. Join our community to discover new activity providers, read reviews, check schedules, and register online.

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Join the marketplace where over 4 million families find and purchase kids activities. ActivityHero is built by parents and activity providers just like you. We know firsthand how challenging it is to manage kids’ camps and activities. So we've built an all-in-one platform to save you time and stay focused on what you are passionate about.

It's Great to Be a Kid in Walnut Creek

The city of Walnut Creek and nearby areas offer many exciting camps, classes, and events for children. Find a camp that fits your family's vacation schedule, or drop in to a weekly class or weekend workshop. There are tons of opportunities for kids to learn new skills and discover their passions. STEM, art, sports, music, adventures and more - find and book it all here!

ActivityHero reaches local Walnut Creek families through our weekly email newsletter and searchable calendars. It's the secret weapon of successful childrens' activity providers. Pay only when a family enrolls.

It's Great to Be a kid in Walnut Creek

The city of Walnut Creek and nearby areas offer many exciting camps, classes, and events for children. Find a camp that fits your family's vacation schedule, or drop in to a weekly class or weekend workshop. There are tons of opportunities for kids to learn new skills and discover their passions. STEM, art, sports, music, adventures and more - find and book it all here!