Thomas and friends all engines go race for the sodor cup dvd

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Original title: Thomas & Friends: Race for the Sodor Cup

  • 20212021
  • TV-YTV-Y
  • 1h

Thomas and friends all engines go race for the sodor cup dvd

To win the Sodor Cup, it'll take more than speed. Swift engines Kana and Thomas must use their smarts and work together to cross the finish line first.To win the Sodor Cup, it'll take more than speed. Swift engines Kana and Thomas must use their smarts and work together to cross the finish line first.To win the Sodor Cup, it'll take more than speed. Swift engines Kana and Thomas must use their smarts and work together to cross the finish line first.

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    Worst movie ever from 2021

    I would say that Thomas And Friends Race For The Sodor Cup is a rehash of the 2016 movie Thomas And Friends The Great Race which is way better, i would say that Thomas And Friends Race For The Sodor Cup is the worst movie next to The Emoji Movie, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, Sausage Party, Norm Of The North, The Banana Splits Movie, Bob The Builder Mega Machines The Movie, Rapsittie Street Kids Believe In Santa and The Wild (2006).

    • arielsiere
    • Jun 2, 2022

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    Thomas and friends all engines go race for the sodor cup dvd

    By what name was Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go - Race for the Sodor Cup (2021) officially released in India in English?


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    Thomas and friends all engines go race for the sodor cup dvd
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