My dog ate candy what do i do

We here at Woodland Veterinary Hospital love Halloween! The pumpkins, the costumes, the candy – everything! However, Halloween also brings some risks for our four-legged companions. Before you think about leaving that candy bowl unattended or sharing your trick-or-treat haul with your pets, read this! You just might save their lives. Emergency, critical care and toxicology calls increase by 12% during the week of Halloween, making it the Pet Poison Helpline’s busiest time of year. Every year, WVH gets calls about pets who have accidentally gotten into chocolate or other goodies, and they are a true emergency call. We love your pets and want to help you keep them safe this year, so check out this list of treats that should be kept for PEOPLE only!

Xylitol – xylitol is a naturally occurring substance that is used in sugar-free candies, most commonly, gum. It can cause a very severe drop in blood sugar that can happen within minutes after ingestion. Even small amounts (2-10 pieces) can cause hypoglycemia, seizures, liver failure or even death. It is estimated to be 100 times as toxic as chocolate to dogs.

Chocolate – perhaps the best-known of potential household toxins, and certainly one of the most popular Halloween candies! Dark and baking chocolates are the most dangerous, but even milk chocolate can be toxic in larger amounts.

Candy Corn & Other High Sugar Candy – Candies that are made with pure sugar can cause severe gas and diarrhea. Large ingestions of sugary, high-fat candy can lead to pancreatitis in pets. Potentially fatal, pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas and very painful. It may not show up for two to four days after the pet ingests the candy.

Raisins/Chocolate Covered Raisins – we all have that neighbor who wants to hand out healthy snacks like fruit, or mini boxes of raisins, but watch out for these. Raisins (and other grape products) can cause severe kidney failure. Adding chocolate to the mix adds extra danger. If your pet eats any raisins, even just one, he needs to be taken in immediately for emergency treatment.

Candy Wrappers – When dogs get into the candy stash, they usually don’t bother to unwrap their goodies. Plastic and foil wrappers can cause an obstruction in the intestines and irritate the lining of the GI tract. If severe, this can require surgical intervention.

Small Hard Candy – Hard candy often has a delicious taste to pets, but aside from the sugar risks, it can pose a major choking hazard. It becomes slippery when mixed with saliva, and can easily be inhaled into the trachea (wind pipe).

Glow Sticks & Glow Jewelry – Pets, especially cats, love to chew on these items. In doing so, they can easily puncture them and ingest the liquid inside. Their contents can cause pain and irritation in the mouth, as well as profuse drooling and foaming.

Those are the big ones, but if you are not sure, about a treat that’s ok for pets, it is always ok to call us at WVH and ask! We can be reached at 530-666-2461 any day of the week. Happy Howl-O-Ween!

Forget about witches and zombies; a seemingly innocuous bag of candy can be one of the scariest things that enters a dog parent’s home on Halloween.

Calls to the Pet Poison Hotline increase twelve percent during the week of Halloween, making it the center’s busiest time of the year.


We all know that chocolate can be deadly to dogs, and other ingredients in candy, such as high amounts of sugar and fat, can also cause severe issues for our pups’ health. If a candy is sugar-free, it may contain a sugar substitute called xylitol, which is extremely toxic and deadly to dogs, even in small amounts.

So what do you do if you find Fido with crinkled, half chewed chocolate wrappers strewn in his wake? Here’s what you should do if your dog eats Halloween candy.

Find Out What Kind Of Candy & How Much Your Dog Ate

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

This may seem like a difficult task, given all of the torn up wrappers. However, finding out what your dog ate and how much can help determine what care your pooch needs. Different chocolates have different levels of theobromine, the chemical in chocolate that is toxic to dogs.

Baking chocolate is the worst for dogs, clocking in at roughly 450 milligrams per ounce, followed by dark chocolate at 160 mg/oz; milk chocolate at 64 mg/oz; and white chocolate at 1 mg/oz.

If your dog consumed close to or more than 20 mg of theobromine per pound of body weight, they are in the poison danger zone. The equation looks like this:

(Amount of chocolate x amount of theobromine for type of chocolate) / weight of dog = toxicity level

So for example, the equation for a 30 pound dog who eats 8 ounces of milk chocolate is:

(8 oz of chocolate x 64 mg per oz. of theobromine) / 30 lbs. of body weight = 17.1 mg per lb. (a dangerously close level to toxicity)

If you’ve calculated that your dog is close to this level, get them to the emergency vet as soon as possible. If your dog is on the lower end — say ten and under — keep a close eye on them for further symptoms.

Even if they just consume a little bit of chocolate, contact your vet to make sure you’re taking the correct steps for your particular dog given their needs.

Know The Symptoms

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Not to add more spookiness to this story, but your dog may eat some chocolate or other candies out of your sight, and you may not be able to calculate their toxicity level.

Knowing the signs of chocolate or other poisoning in your dog will help you and your vet determine what the best course of action is.

Signs of chocolate ingestion and possibly toxicity include:

  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Diarrhea
  • Agitation
  • Increased thirst
  • In severe cases, seizures

Just Because They Didn’t Eat Chocolate Doesn’t Mean They’re In The Clear

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Dogs are indiscriminate when it comes to what type of candy they want to get their noses into.

Large binge-eating sessions of foods high in fat and sugar can lead to pancreatitis in dogs. This is an incredibly painful experience for your pup and can lead to even more complications, such as kidney failure or other organ damage.

Unfortunately, the more severe symptoms of pancreatitis may not show for two to four days after the candy binge.

Keep your eyes peeled for abdominal pain that comes along with a gentle belly rub, vomiting, diarrhea, and a severely decreased appetite if you think Fido has gotten into something super sugary, and contact your vet.

The Best Measure Is Preventative

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

It may be terrifying to think that a little bit of candy can do this much damage to your beloved dog, but it’s reassuring that, most of the time, this can be avoided.

If you’re handing out Halloween candy, keep the bowl up in a high spot where your pup cannot reach it or knock it down. If you have children who are trick-or-treating, be sure to explain to them the seriousness of not giving your dog any candy and keeping it out of the dog’s reach.

Also keep your trash locked up so your pooch can’t dig into a bunch of wrappers, which can also cause severe indigestion.

On days with high candy traffic, be sure to give your pup lots of exercise and a nice meal so they’ll be content instead of curiously sniffing around for some eats. Prevention is key.

As with any dog medical question or potential emergency, be sure to contact your vet with any pet specific questions you may have. Look up the nearest emergency vet in your area and have their number on hand, not only for candy overindulgence, but for any other emergencies that could possibly emerge in the future.

Has your pup ever gotten into the Halloween candy? What did you do? Let us know in the comments below!

Will a little candy hurt a dog?

No, dogs should not eat candy. The sugar in candy harms your dog's health, and sugar-free varieties often contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and causes their blood sugar levels to drop.

What candy is toxic to dogs?

Almond Joys, Reese's, M&Ms, Snickers, Kit Kats, Twix, Tootsie Rolls, dark chocolate, Butterfingers, and Milky Ways are dangerous in quantities of more than 10 grams. Unsafe in any quantity: Bubble gum (mostly xylitol containing), dark chocolate and raisins.

How long does it take for a dog to pass candy wrappers?

Contact your veterinarian or emergency vet as soon as possible.” Q: How long does it take for a dog to pass candy wrappers? A: “It can take upwards of 24 to 48 hours for a dog to pass a candy wrapper, if they are going to pass it.”

Can candy make a dog throw up?

With the ingestion of gumdrops (or any candy high in sugar) pancreatitis, vomiting and diarrhea are likely going to come to mind first; but remember that the dose makes the poison, and the sugar in gumdrops can be much more problematic.


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