Purina pro plan sensitive skin dog food

Pro Plan dog food is a range formulated by the established pet food brand, Purina, to meet the specific nutritional needs of dogs that have different lifestyles. With our extensive range of Purina Pro Plan dog food, you will definitely find the recipe that your pet needs. Browse our collection below!

Purina began its journey more than 90 years ago, with the enduring aim of setting the standard for pet nutrition. Their passionate team of pet lovers understands the importance of relationships between owners and their pets, hence, endless resources are dedicated to creating recipes for your dogs to feel and look awesome.

The Pro Plan dog food provides a more premium option of regular dog food, as it uses high-quality ingredients and ensures 100% balanced nutrition for every life stage. Recipes are fine tuned to suit different lifestyles – there are 4 varieties in total: savour, focus, sport and natural. There are recipes made for sportier dogs to increase their strength and endurance, as well as to tackle unique needs such as sensitive skin. This one-of-a-kind product line caters to dogs of all breeds, ages, sizes and nutritional needs, accounting for its numerous 5-star reviews.

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PRO PLAN® DOG FOOD ALL SIZE PUPPY SENSITIVE SKIN & COAT contains a specific blend of nutrients proven to maintain healthy firm skin and beautiful shiny coat. Carefully selected proteins help to minimise risk of skin reactions and key nutrients limits excessive hair loss and strengthen hair follicles.

Ingredients & nutrition


Dehydrated salmon
Animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of vitamin E)
Maize gluten meal
Pea protein
Beet pulp
Animal digest
Amino acids
Organic acids and natural flavours (including calcium, phosphorous, sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, choline)
Fish oil
Colostrum and natural antioxidants

Nutritional Composition

Crude Protein 32%
Crude Fat 20%
Crude Fibre 4.5% (Max)
Salt 1.8% (Max)
DHA 0.05% (Min)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids 0.8% (Min)
Omega 6 Fatty Acids 1.8% (Min)
Zinc 100mg/kg (Min)
Vitamin B2 10mg/kg (Min)
Vitamin B6 10mg/kg (Min)
Calcium 1.0% (Min)
Methionine 0.35% (Min)
Metabolizable Energy (ME): 3.85 kcal/g

Feeding guide

Feeding Guide

Feeding for puppies: Puppies start to nibble at solid food at 3 to 4 weeks old. Keep moistened PRO PLAN Puppy available at all times and allow your puppy to eat at will until fully weaned at 6 to 8 weeks. After weaning, PRO PLAN can be fed moistened or dry. Use the age of the puppy to determine the number of feeds per day. For puppies under 3 months: 3-4 meals (moistened), 3-6 months: 3 meals, > 6 months: 2 meals. Use the feeding table to select the daily amount to feed, and if your puppy is losing weight or overweight when fed these amounts, adjust accordingly.

Using the Feeding Table: To help your puppy maintain an ideal body condition, monitor your puppy’s weight on a regular basis, making sure that their ribs are easily felt and their waist is visible when viewed from above. Maintaining an ideal body condition can impact your puppy’s lifelong health.

Feeding for Reproduction: PRO PLAN provides the extra nutrition needed by reproducing females during gestation and lactation, food consumption may vary during gestation, so feed the amount needed to maintain the pregnant female’s ideal body condition. Food intake may double or even quadruple during lactation.

MAKING THE SWITCH TO PRO PLAN®: By choosing to feed your dog PRO PLAN you can be reassured that our tailored nutrition will have a positive impact on your dog’s long-term health and well-being. Although you will be keen to see the difference PRO PLAN can make in your dog, please allow 7 – 10 days to transition from their current food. This enables your dog’s digestive enzymes to gradually adapt to the change in ingredient and nutritional content, assisting with the proper digestion of the food and helping prevent stomach upsets. Each day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more of PRO PLAN until you are feeding PRO PLAN exclusively

What protein is best for dogs with sensitive stomachs?

Boiled Lean Breast of Chicken or Turkey This is one of the best foods you can offer your dog if he has a sensitive tummy. Not only is the fresh meat very palatable, but also full of protein without too much fiber, fat, or seasoning that can be a cause of stomach sensitivity.

Is chicken or salmon better for dogs?

Just like lamb, salmon can be a great alternative if your dog can't or won't eat chicken. Fish allergies are not that common in dogs, so salmon might be worth a try!

Is lamb or beef better for dogs?

Lamb may be a better option for dogs who suffer from food sensitivities or food allergies caused by other protein sources such as beef or chicken. Check with your veterinarian to see if switching your dog to a lamb-based diet is the right choice.

What is the most sensitive dog food?

Best Dog Food for Sensitive Stomach.
Diamond Care Sensitive Stomach Formula for Adult Dogs..
Hill's Science Diet Sensitive Stomach and Skin Adult Dog Food..
Purina Pro Plan Adult Sensitive Skin and Stomach..
Wellness Core Digestive Health..
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low Fat Kibble..


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