Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

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    The Stunning Long Coats Of Mittelwest German Shepherds

    My clients often ask me to see photos of what a longer coated German Shepherd looks like when it grows up, so I have decided to put this page up so that everyone can see photos of what the longer coated German Shepherds we breed here at Mittelwest Shepherds look like. German Shepherds with longer coats are no different than a normal coated German Shepherd in any way, other than the length of the coat. Longer coated German Shepherds are not available in every litter born. Sometimes multiple litters will be born with no long coats born in the litters at all, while other times, there could be 1-3 puppies born in a single litter with the longer coat.

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Xander – 10 Months Of Age

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Congratulations to the 2011 PUPPY SIEGER (LSH) Xander vom Buchman!

    Long coated male, owned by Laura Pluml
    Sire:  VA1 2010 SIEGER Titan vom Mittelwest SchH3, KKL1a
    Dam:  V Pepsi vom Frankengold SchH3, KKL1a

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long coated female sired by VA Albert, owned by Pat Beauchamp

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long coated male, owned by Barbara VanDemark

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long coated female, owned by Brano Svitana

    Long haired german shepherd for sale near me

    Long coats Poppi (VA Natasha ~ VA Rocco) & Rin (Layla ~ VA Rocco), owned by Deidre Tomkins

    How much is a long haired German Shepherd?

    Long Haired German Shepherd puppies are rarer than the standard GSD, so expect to pay a little more for a puppy. The average price could range from $1,500 to $4,000 for a puppy from a good breeder. It's essential to find a responsible and reputable breeder as you will want to avoid puppy mills at all costs.

    What is a German Shepherd price in Pune?

    A Little Introduction About German Shepherds..

    What are German Shepherds with long hair called?

    Long haired German Shepherds are technically called a long coat German Shepherd, while a short-haired German Shepherd is called a normal coat or stock coat German Shepherd. In the breeding and show dog world, they are described even more specifically as “stock hair” or “long stock hair with undercoat”.

    What is the best bloodline German Shepherd?

    Probably an American line or West German line would be best for you. If you're wanting a working dog for police work, Schutzhund, security, or personal protection, you'll definitely need to purchase from a working line. If you want a stable temperament, the German and/or Czech working line is your best bet.