How to make bra straps stop squeaking

Ummmmm....huh.....that's a stumper...I'll be waiting to see what others offer in the way of advice...

WD-40? LOL... I actually had a bra that squeaked the first couple of wears but then it stopped.

LOL at QM! Actually I was still laughing from the thread title.

I wish I knew what to tell you! At first I thought you were referring to a new one and thought it might stop after you washed it, but now i'm wondering if it might not be trying to tell you something... literally.

LOL...I *know* I gotta break down and buy a new one ASAP...maybe I can take up humming (loudly) till then? Thanks, ladies!

I had one that squeaked once, too. I don't know why, though.

1.LOL. Thanx for that!:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2. never heard a squeaking bra:-))))...oh, wait! but I'm hard of hearring, so have to (double)check mines, too in the future:-)))))

It's got to be the hooks... metal on metal rubbing?

I can't stop giggling, but two possibilities: the underwire itself rubbing against its housing (which might be helped by fabric softener) or if it's got those silicon 'ribs' or 'ripples' on the inside that help it stay put, you could try putting some body lotion just under there? I hope you find yourself some less opinionated underthings soon!

LOL! I'm small chested, so mine echoes! : P

I have had this problem--very annoying, as it was a very expensive bra. .it gets better with wear, and repeated (hand) washing. It is the underwires/stays rubbing against their housing. The other thing you can do is what our ancestors did in the 19th Century--you can "floss" the stays/underwires by reinforcing the stitches with embroidery floss. Women did this with corsets to keep the stays from migrating. But really, it's easier to just wear it and it eventually stops. Best preventative--if it squeaks in the store, try another one on!

Thanks, ladies! It has seen better days (as have I !) So Im looking forward to replacing it ASAP. In the meantime, it's kinda funny to watch people's reactions as they try and figure out where that sound is coming from!

I have had several bras that do this. It doesn't seem to be related to the age or size, but rather the stays rubbing inside their "channel". I'll try the flossing thing, though -- never thought of that!

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Floriza ยท 13/03/2019 15:45

Anyone else have a problem with creaking squeaking bras from Marks and Spencer.

My bra is so loud it sounds like a nest of mice are living in it.

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How do you stop a bra from squeaking?

After washing, it needs to dry, so make sure your bra lies flat, that way it saves the cups misshaping and the back band stretching out. It could be at this point you notice the fabric around the wire becoming slightly twisted, which again could be leading to the squeak. Gently untwist and leave to dry.

What causes a bra to squeak?

The squeaking comes from the underwire rubbing against the channel of material it's sewn into. When the material is pulled too tightly against the underwire, the two come in contact and creak or squeak. This is most common when a flat underwire (a two-dimensional underwire) has to bend around a curved torso.

How do I stop my bra straps from rubbing?

Applying some baby powder near your bust line can be very effective. Or, you can use an anti-chafe product such as Body Glide (or good old Vaseline) to the skin near the seams and band of the bra for some lubrication, which will make friction less likely. Chafing is no fun for anyone, that's for sure.