How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne

When dealing with stubborn zits, adult acne dermatologists can help you address the problem with effective and long-lasting acne treatments available in Singapore. While adult acne is a skin condition that exists in many forms, no one should have to live with it for the rest of their lives. 

Adult acne can have a negative impact on one’s self-esteem and emotions. It has been noted that there is a link between acne and depression in women. A 2018 study in the British Journal of Dermatology revealed how adults with acne problems have a 63% higher chance of developing depression.

Combating adult acne

How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne
Breakouts are not only reserved for puberty. Acne in adults, especially women, are a common occurrence.

Adult acne is caused by the same things that once caused your teen acne, alongside hormone changes brought on by menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, or menopause. As women get older, estrogen levels see a decline while male hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone increase. This triggers a surge in oil production in the face, leading to clogged pores and eventually acne.

Acne treatment in Singapore comes in a variety of options, depending on the type and severity of acne. When treatment is started early, acne can heal faster, and breakouts can be better controlled. Delaying adult acne treatment may lead to bigger inflammation and high bacterial growth in the skin.

How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne
An acne facial helps to treat superficial and hormonal acne using facial techniques that can reduce inflammation, eliminate pus, prevent future breakouts, and minimize risk of infections. Techniques used at Illumia Therapeutics include exfoliation, masking and laser therapy to calm inflamed skin and reduce redness and swelling.

At home, derma skincare products containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or hydroxy acids can be applied directly to the skin to minimize breakouts and regulate the skin’s sebum production.

When is it time to see an adult acne dermatologist?

Dermatologists in Singapore can help to treat active acne by helping individuals determine the best course of action to take. Based on the assessment of the skin and severity of the acne, the dermatologist will advise if medication (oral or topical) or aesthetic procedures, such as laser treatments, is well suited for your skin type and condition.

  • Acne starts disrupting your lifestyle

Sometimes, the simplest reason is the most important reason. Acne can take a huge toll on one’s emotional health and can make going through a daily routine difficult.

Our self-confidence is closely connected to our complexion. When acne is out of control and the skin is riddled with inflamed bumps, self-esteem will take a plunge and all the motivation needed to go about the day is lost. If adult acne is let on and the condition worsens, a decrease in productivity levels and a loss of interest in things in life may ensue.

  • Topical ointments & derma skincare products no longer work

How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne
With the use of topical or derma skincare products, acne often goes away by the fourth or sixth-week mark. If you have tried every recommended acne product or as seen advertised online yet acne remains persistent, a visit to the dermatologist is due.

  • Acne keeps recurring at the same places

Recurring acne frequently pops up in the same area as inflammation from the previous pimple still exists deep in the skin. This makes the spot vulnerable to sebum accumulation and hormonal imbalance, leading to acne recurrence.

In Singapore, a dermatologist can help examine the inflammation that is deeply rooted in the skin and offer advice on how to better treat it.

  • Acne is too painful & leaves scars

How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne
Severe inflammatory acne such as nodules and cysts are trapped deep within layers of the skin and are typically painful. When acne is prodded at and the inflammation reaches the skin surface, surrounding skin cells break down and scarring occurs.

However, active acne and previous scars can be properly managed with acne facials, customized acne treatment plans, or a combination of both. 

What not to do about adult acne

The number one rule to getting rid of adult acne is to not pick at or squeeze them. Doing so will only further aggravate the acne lesion. Following this, a wound will develop, and the skin becomes more prone to a bacterial infection.

How much is it to see a dermatologist for acne
It may also be our natural instinct to cover up acne with makeup. But certain ingredients such as silicones in powder, oil, and liquid-based makeup have pore-clogging properties. Primers often increase acne inflammation as well. Let your skin breathe and go makeup-free as often as possible to aid in your skin’s healing process.

Additionally, while acne should not be prodded at, it should also not be left untreated. The earlier acne is treated, the faster it can heal, and thus prevent the formation of larger and painful acne. Having a trusted adult acne dermatologist who can offer expert advice can also relieve acne faster. 

Why choose Illumia Therapeutics?

Our therapists at Illumia Therapeutics work together with the team of aesthetic doctors and expert doctors at Illumia Medical to curate unique acne treatment plans for all types of acne to help you achieve clear, acne-free skin. 

How much does it cost to get acne removed by a dermatologist?

A typical visit to the dermatologist will cost $221, and the procedures can range from $167-2509. It's important to maintain a good skincare routine to avoid these costly treatments. If your doctor prescribes you a topical treatment or oral medication, you may be worried about the high costs.

Is a dermatologist worth it for acne?

Moderate or severe acne should always be seen by a dermatologist. It's more likely to cause scarring than the milder forms, and over-the-counter medications aren't strong enough to affect it. Severe acne that suddenly develops in an older adult may actually be a symptom of a disease and should thus always be examined.

Can a dermatologist clear my acne?

If you still have acne after trying these tips, a dermatologist can help. With today's acne treatments and a dermatologist's expertise, virtually every case of acne can be cleared. A dermatologist can tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs.

Do dermatologists look at acne?

If you have acne, a dermatologist can diagnose you by looking at your breakouts. During your appointment, a dermatologist will also note what types of acne you have and where the breakouts appear on your skin. This helps your dermatologist create an effective treatment plan.