How do i take care of my skin after liquid nitrogen treatment

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Skin Care

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Post-treatment Care of Cryosurgery (Liquid Nitrogen)

Cryosurgery is an excellent method of removing skin lesions. It involves the application of a very cold material (in this case, liquid nitrogen), which causes a reaction similar to frost bite.

Immediately after treatment, pain and swelling may occur for one to two hours. The treated site then darkens (brown, brown-red, or even blue) within 24 – 48 hours. If the freezing was extensive enough, a blister (or bloodblister) may develop. If blistering is severe, the area may weep for several days.

Total healing varies between one and three weeks, depending on which area of the body was treated.

Wound Care:

No special care is needed if the treated area remains dry (i.e., the skin remains intact); however, it is always a good idea to keep the skin clean with soap and water.

If a blister (or blood-blister) develops and you are concerned about it breaking (because it is located on the hands, etc.) then you can remove the fluid with a sterile needle (by popping the blister) but leave the blister-roof intact. This will permit it to heal quickly.

If the treated area weeps, apply Polysporin ointment and a Band-Aid.

For Questions or Emergency Care:
Call the office at 601-984-5160. You may need to speak with the doctor on-call.

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You have just been treated with liquid nitrogen. Please care for the areas as follows:

  1. Keep the area clean with anti-bacterial soap and water.
  2. Apply Polysporin or Vaseline twice a day to the area for 7 days. Do not use Neosporin (may cause an allergic reaction).
  3. If a blood blister forms, you may pop it with a clean needle and follow instructions for care as above.
  4. You may use a band-aid if needed.

We advise a broad-spectrum sunscreen covering both UVA and UVB. Look for one of the following ingredients: Zinc oxide, titanium oxide or Parsol 1789 (Avobenzone) with an SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before leaving home, reapply every 90 minutes.

Liquid Nitrogen (Freezing) Wound Care 

What to expect after treatment:

Immediately after the area is frozen, expect a stinging or burning sensation to last for 10 to 15 minutes.

  • A change in sensation (such as numbness) may be experienced and is usually temporary.  Taking Tylenol may relieve any residual pain you may have.
  • The skin around the area that was frozen may appear “puffy” and reddened for several days.
  • You may-experience a blister or even a blood blister over the area that was frozen.  The blister may last for a period of 1 to 2 weeks, and then slowly heal with crusting.
  • The area that was frozen may result in either an area of lighter or darker skin.  While unusual, this discoloration may occur and persist indefinitely.

The areas which were treated usually do not need to be covered.  They should be cleansed gently with hydrogen peroxide diluted in half with water, and a cotton ball.  After cleaning the area, apply Vaseline.

If a blister occurs you can thoroughly sterilize a needle with alcohol and lightly poke the side of the blister until the fluid drains, but leave the blister intact.  If the blister breaks open and oozes, continue wound care as described in the above statement, then apply Vaseline.

Should you experience any signs of infection (increased pain, swelling, drainage, or redness) notify the doctor or provider at the phone number below.

It is common that more that one treatment may be necessary to completely remove a wart or keratosis.  If the growth is not completely gone or seems to be coming back, please make a return appointment.

If you have been treated for warts you may have been given a prescription for Aldara.  If you have been treated for pre-cancers you may have been given a prescription for Carac, Solaraze or Aldara.  Start applying these medications to the treated area(s) when the blister or scab has healed, or when the peroxide stops bubbling.



How long does it take for skin to heal after liquid nitrogen?

❖ Healing takes 1-3 weeks, after which the skin may look perfectly normal or slightly lighter in color. oozing from the site, or if the site becomes thickened or raised, contact our office immediately.

What do you put on skin after liquid nitrogen?

Gently clean the area in the shower or bath with warm water and mild soap, then pat dry. Apply Vaseline or Aquaphor to the area 1-2x daily. You do not have to keep the area covered with a Band-Aid, but certainly can if you prefer.

What does skin look like after liquid nitrogen?

Some hours after liquid nitrogen treatment your skin may become slightly swollen and red; later on it may form a crust, scab, or blister. The scab will fall off by itself in one to two weeks but will heal quicker if you follow the instructions below.

What happens after cryotherapy on face?

After Cryotherapy The treated area will become red soon after your procedure. It also may blister and swell. If this happens, don't break open the blister. You may also see clear drainage on the treated area.