Emotional support dog for anxiety and depression

Psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) are dogs that are specially trained to work with people who have certain kinds of mental illnesses or learning disabilities. These dogs can help their owners perform tasks that they otherwise might not be able to do or help them to live a more independent lifestyle.

Types of Service Animals

PSDs are trained animals that aren’t to be confused with other types of service animals.

‌Emotional support animals.Emotional support animals (ESAs) are pets or animals that can provide you with emotional support during difficult times. Unlike PSDs, ESAs don’t need any special training. They can be any kind of domestic animal, not just a dog. However, dogs and cats are the most common choices when it comes to emotional support animals.

ESAs aren’t trained to do specific tasks in the way that service dogs are. They can simply offer you comfort and help you relax during stressful situations.

Service animals. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) says that service animals are dogs that are trained to work with people who have disabilities. Each dog is individually trained to help people with tasks that they might not otherwise be able to do. Service dogs can help guide people with vision, mobility, or physical difficulties.

Psychiatric service dogs. PSDs are trained to work with people who have certain mental health issues rather than physical disabilities. These dogs have the same rights as service dogs do, meaning they can go with you in places where pets usually aren’t allowed. PSDs also can travel with you on planes without any additional cost.

Psychiatric service dogs can be any breed of dog or any size, as long as the dog is able to accompany the owner to public places. Psychiatric service dog training can be done by you, as the owner, but usually, these dogs are individually trained by organizations. 

Who Can Get Psychiatric Service Dogs?

Psychiatric service dog training focuses on helping people with certain mental illnesses, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic attacks
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Agoraphobia
  • Social phobias

The ADA states that anyone with a diagnosed disability can get a service dog. The disability may be physical or mental, and it must impact your life to the point where major activities are limited. Mental illnesses – like anxiety, depression, or PTSD – can be a disability if they put limitations on your life. Some examples might be if you can’t work or leave your home due to the illness.

To qualify for a PSD, your mental illness has to prevent you from living your life independently. If you have a mental illness, but it doesn’t limit your daily life, you wouldn’t be able to get a psychiatric service dog. You also must be able to show that you can give the dog commands, care for it, and give it a stable and loving home.

PSDs for Anxiety. Anxiety is the most common mental illness around the world, and a psychiatric service dog can help you manage it.

A psychiatric service dog for anxiety can:

  • Pick up on signs and symptoms of anxiety attacks before they start
  • Distract you during an anxiety attack so that you can calm down 
  • Apply physical pressure with its body to help calm you down
  • Warn others to give you space
  • Get your medication during an anxiety attack
  • Give you a sense of safety with their presence
  • Alert others for help if they sense that you’re in danger

Tasks and Training

Psychiatric service dogs are highly trained to perform tasks that help their owners.

‌Physical tasks. Your PSD can perform physical tasks like waking you up in the morning, or even at night if they sense that you’re having bad dreams or nightmares. They may also be able to get you water or medication if you’re unable to get them for yourself. Your psychiatric service dog may even remind you to take your medication at a specific time.

Emotional support. These dogs are also trained to support you emotionally. In social situations, your dog can help you create personal space so that social situations aren’t so overwhelming. PSDs help calm you down during emotional situations so that you can carry on. Your dog can also alert others to help you if they sense that you’re under extreme distress.

While psychiatric service dogs can be any breed, it’s important that these dogs are well-behaved and good-tempered. They shouldn’t be too aggressive or easily stressed, since they will help guide you when you are around others. These dogs should like to be touched, as they will often be around you.

Along with this, a PSD must be able to adapt to new environments and situations. These dogs are trained to keep calm in loud areas, crowded places, and environments with lots of stimuli. The calmer they are, the more they can help you.

Can you get a dog for anxiety and depression?

Service dogs can help people with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To be recognized as a service dog under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), the tasks a dog has been trained for must be tied to a person's disability.

Do emotional support dogs help with anxiety?

Additionally, the presence of ESAs can be calming and help boost confidence, particularly when a person has an attachment to the animal. ESAs may also help lessen panic attacks and promote social interaction and connection. These benefits can help reduce current anxiety and prevent anxiety in the future.

What breed of dog is best for anxiety and depression?

Here are seven of the best breeds for anxiety and depression..
Poodles. According to Stanley Coren's book The Intelligence of Dogs, poodles are the second most intelligent dogs after border collies. ... .
Golden Labradors. ... .
Chihuahuas. ... .
Yorkshire Terriers. ... .
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. ... .
Pugs. ... .
Great Danes..

Can you get a service dog for depression anxiety and ADHD?

Can you have a service dog for ADHD? Absolutely, yes. Service dogs and emotional support animals are trained to assist in the activities of daily living for those who have one or more mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression.