Can you play the forest vr with non vr players

The worlds that developers have built using VR are fantastic. There's nothing like jumping into your favorite genre to experience what it would be like in real life. The only thing that would make it better is sharing these worlds with others. A shared experience builds bonds and creates a unique experience that solo playing cannot offer.

You can take control of a starship, play a collectible card game, or destroy zombies with fellow VR enthusiasts. The games on this list allow you to enjoy all that VR offers with friends and other players worldwide. Will you work together or try to beat other players?

Updated August 21, 2022, by Matthew Kevin Mitchell: There is nothing better than sharing an amazing VR experience with someone you care about, so we have updated this article to make this an even better experience for you. With VR gaming becoming increasingly popular, we have seen game developers add VR compatibility to pancake games. We have also seen full VR overhauls to games that make them worthy of this list. Five additional entries in different genres have been added to the list to provide you with even more multiplayer games to play. We have included a table below each entry which shows the type of PvP and Co-op the game offers, so you can pick the VR multiplayer game that fits you best.

15 Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Players On The Bridge Of The U.S.S. Aegis In Star Trek Bridge Crew

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a crew member on a Federation Star Fleet starship? Star Trek: Bridge Crew lets you take on the role of Captain, Helm, Tactical, or Engineer on the U.S.S. Aegis.

Your goal is to work with other crew members to explore an uncharted sector of space called The Trench to find a new home for the Vulcans. You must coordinate your actions with other real-life players to complete various missions. The game features hand tracking, lip sync, and full-body avatars.

14 Arizona Sunshine

Zombies From Arizona Sunshine

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Jaywalkers Interactive and Vertigo Games built Arizona Sunshine specifically for VR. It was one of the first primary entries on the VR platform. The game won the Best Vive Game, Best VR Game of the Year, Best HTC Vive Fps awards in 2016, and Best Virtual Reality Game in 2017.

Available with a four-player co-op, you explore a post-apocalyptic world in an immersive zombie-slaying-filled campaign. The game features twenty-five-plus different weapons with real-life handling that provide a lot of realism. You will also have to manage your equipment and consumables to stay alive!

13 BallisticNG

In-Game Screenshot From BallisticNG

Multiplayer Online PvP LAN PvP Shared/Split Screen PvP
Co-op No
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

BallisticNG is an antigravity racer featuring 52 tracks, 16 ships, and ten campaign blocks. It is a love letter to the original Wipeout game series, with the developers taking the best parts from each entry and combining them into this game.

As a result, it is one of the best antigravity racing games ever made. There are eight total game modes you can play with up to 16 other people via online and split-screen PvP.

12 Sam & Dan: Floaty Flatmates

Players Approaching A Boat In Sam & Dan Floaty Flatmates

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Sam & Dan: Floaty Flatmates drops you in the middle of a catastrophic storm flooding the world. You are stuck in one apartment building while your friend is stuck in another. Both players' goal is to work together to build a bridge to make it to a boat.

There is also a versus mode where your goal is to save yourself while trapping your enemy in their apartment building. This game is free, so if you are looking for an intro multiplayer VR game, this is an excellent place to start. The developers offer donationware DLC to support them and give you in-game rewards.

11 Cards & Tankards

Player Looking At Hand In Cards & Tankards

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op No
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Cards & Tankards is one of the best VR CCG games available now. The tavern mimics real-life card shops with lots of space for players across multiple platforms. The environment has pleasing visuals and relaxing music to listen to while playing.

Sit across the table from your friends as you play as one of three classes. There are over one hundred and twenty cards to collect. The gameplay mechanics mix Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone, so it is easy to learn if you are familiar with those games.

10 Racket: Nx

Promotional In-Game Screenshot For Racket NX

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

Racket: Nx combines racquetball, breakout, and pinball elements in a 360-degree environment. Your goal is to destroy lit-up targets by hitting a ball into them. The game offers shoulder-to-shoulder co-op mode and ranked competitive PvP matches. The game also provides built-in streaming tools to give your spectators the best seat in the house!

The game uses Waves Audio's Nx technology to provide positional audio that truly makes this an immersive experience. Racket: Nx has an original soundtrack and allows you to import your favorite music playlist to the game.

9 IronWolf VR

In-Game Screenshot From IronWolf VR

Multiplayer No
Co-op Online Co-op Shared/Split Screen Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

IronWolf VR was explicitly created for full motion controls and room-scale VR experience. All submarines and controls are authentic to their real-life counterparts and fully interactive.

The game also features 3D audio with haptics, adding to the immersion. You can play with other submarine captains online or split screen co-op modes. Your entire goal in this game is to hunt down the enemy's ships and planes.

8 Cook-Out

Player Making Food In Cook-out

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

Cook-out is an award-winning game that challenges players to prepare food for characters set in a whimsical world. Levels get increasingly challenging, and the player's progress is impeded by events like thieves stealing ingredients or jesters who hide parts of the order.

You can team up with three other players online to help run the kitchen and keep orders flowing. You will need excellent communication skills to beat each level. A new update offers customization options, so you can truly embrace your inner cook. Cook-out won the Best Cooperative Multiplayer award in 2020.

7 Propagation VR

Player Reloading A Shotgun In Propagation VR

Multiplayer None
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Propagation VR is a static wave shooter taking place during a zombie apocalypse. Each playthrough takes roughly thirty minutes to complete. You can equip each hand with different weapons containing special abilities or use your fists if you run out of ammo.

Four difficulties are available to challenge you once you get the hang of the game. The game is free, but the developers offer a two-player co-op DLC for a small cost. The game is compatible with the TactSuit X40 and X15, Tactal (face), and Tactosy for Arms bHaptics equipment.

6 Tetris Effect: Connected

In-Game Screenshot From Tetris Effect Connected

Multiplayer Online PvP Shared/Split Screen PvP
Co-op Online Co-op Shared/Split Screen Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

Tetris Effect: Connected is the best Tetris game since its release in 1984. It offers over 30 stages and ten plus game modes in VR. The developers carefully created the music, backgrounds, effects, and Tetrominos to give you a unique sensory experience.

In addition, you can play against or with other players via online and split-screen PvP or Co-op modes. It even has multiplatform

5 Gorilla Tag

In-game Screenshot From Gorilla Tag

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op No
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

Gorilla Tag is a game of tag you used to play with your friends as a kid but in a total immersion VR space. You control your gorilla strictly with your hands and arms only. Navigate the environment by pushing off surfaces and climbing them using Gorilla Tag's unique locomotion.

Once you get the hang of the controls, you will be traversing the environment like Spider-Man. Gorilla Tag offers a tag mode for up to three players and an infected mode for four or more players.

4 Beat Saber

Player Slicing Blocks In Beat Saber

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op No
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Beat Saber set the bar for the VR rhythm genre and the VR platform itself. Its popularity spawned many rhythm VR games. It has excellently crafted music and simplistic gameplay. Your entire goal is to slash different colored blocks of adrenaline while avoiding obstacles, all to the beat of the music.

The game offers a campaign mode that challenges you to get better by completing daily objectives. Compete against your friends or people worldwide using the game's online multiplayer function.

3 Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

In-Game Screenshot From Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

Multiplayer No
Co-op Shared/Split Screen Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a puzzle game where one person tries to defuse a bomb using the instructions given by other players. The unique twist is that only the bomb diffuser uses the headset while the other players read from a printed or online bomb manual.

The game is a local part co-op party game, and only one copy of the game is required. There are several preset puzzles, or you can create your custom puzzles using the Freeplay Mode.

2 Walkabout Mini Golf VR

Mini Golf Course In Walkabout Mini Golf VR

Multiplayer Online PvP
Co-op No
Cross-Platform Multiplayer Yes

Walkabout Mini Golf VR takes everything you love about playing mini golf to the next level. The game contains eight different 18-hole courses that are incredibly well-built. Walkabout Mini Golf VR uses exceptionally accurate physics, making it feel like you are putting.

Both day and night modes change the dynamic and difficulty of a course. Up to five players can compete head-to-head to determine who is the ultimate putting master! In addition, the developers host mini golf tournaments on their Discord channel to stop by.

1 Phasmophobia

In-Game Screenshot From Phasmophobia

Multiplayer No
Co-op Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer No

In Phasmophobia, you become a paranormal investigator whose goal is to use tools to determine what type of entity is haunting a location. You have the option to investigate alone or assemble a four-man team.

The game can be played in full VR mode with voice recognition, so this is truly the most authentic ghost hunting experience possible. Additionally, you can play online with other VR and non-VR players.

NEXT: Best VR Games You Can Play While Sitting

Can a VR player play with a non VR player the forest?

VR players CAN Multiplay with Non-VR players :: The Forest Co-op Discussions.

Can you Crossplay the forest VR?

No, The Forest is not cross-platform between PC and Xbox. This means you and your friends need to be playing on the same platform in order to play together. Xbox players cannot play with PC players and vice versa.

How many people can play the Forest VR?

The Forest VR (2018) This VR game by Endnight Games, Ltd. places you in a tropical forest after surviving a plane crash. You can play with up to four players, allowing you to work and fight together against cannibalistic barbarians.

Is the Forest free on VR?

Forest VR - get it for free on Steam!