Can seasonal allergies cause swollen lymph nodes in armpit

Can seasonal allergies cause swollen lymph nodes in armpit

Chronic Rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis and post-nasal drip symptoms include an itchy, runny nose, sneezing, itchy ears, eyes, and throat. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) usually is caused by pollen in the air. Perennial allergic rhinitis is a type of chronic rhinitis and is a year-round problem, often caused by indoor allergens, such as dust, animal dander, and pollens that may exist at the time. Treatment of chronic rhinitis and post nasal drip are dependent upon the type of rhinitis condition.

Yes, this is unusual, but possible.

Hayfever  is basically an allergic reaction where pollen triggers activity in the immune system leading to inflammation. For some people, this can also lead to swollen glands around the inflamed tissue in a similar way to what you might get with the common cold or flu. Symptoms of hayfever and colds can overlap and it will be worth considering the possibility of a viral infection as an alternative explanation. In any case, if your swollen glands persist, seek medical advice.

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“As with other reviews, a persistent but mild feeling of swollen glands had me more concerned due to the pandemic. Ten years ago my GP did various tests and and examined me for this same issue with nothing found. I later tied the transient nature of this issue to allergy season. Thank you for confirming that conclusion.”

Linda Marie



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The symptoms of seasonal allergies -- excessive mucus production, runny nose and congestion -- are caused by allergens, such as pollens or molds 1. Seasonal allergies do not directly cause swollen lymph nodes. However, seasonal allergies may cause sinus infections or ear infections, and these infections are a frequent cause of swollen lymph nodes in the neck 1. Swollen lymph nodes can be due to a number of other conditions as well. If your swollen lymph nodes persist or concern you, see your doctor.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are small lumps of tissue found in many parts of the body. They contain cells that help fight infections. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck are most commonly caused by infections in the head or neck area. Seasonal allergies do not cause lymph nodes to become swollen. However, many people with seasonal allergies develop ear or sinus infections, which can in turn produce swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Throat infections and the common cold are also frequent causes of swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Less commonly, swollen nodes occur with other types of infections, such as mononucleosis or tuberculosis, other medical conditions and even some medications. Sometimes swollen lymph nodes have no cause that can be identified.

  • Lymph nodes are small lumps of tissue found in many parts of the body.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck are most commonly caused by infections in the head or neck area.

When To See Your Doctor

Can Allergies Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?

You should seek medical attention if you have lymph nodes that are larger than the size of a kidney bean, painful or very hard 1. See your doctor if you have a lymph node that has any drainage or if it remains swollen for more than about 2 weeks. Swollen lymph nodes due to an infection should begin to get smaller as the infection improves. You should also see your doctor if you have swollen lymph nodes in another part of your body besides your neck, such as your armpits or groin.

  • You should seek medical attention if you have lymph nodes that are larger than the size of a kidney bean, painful or very hard 1.
  • See your doctor if you have a lymph node that has any drainage or if it remains swollen for more than about 2 weeks.

Allergies can cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms. But can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes, or is another issue to blame? In this article, we’ll explain what causes swollen lymph nodes, and how you can feel your best during Spring allergy season.

Common Allergy Symptoms

Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms. The classic allergy symptoms are sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. Many people also deal with itchy, watery eyes or a raised, itchy rash (hives). Allergies can be caused by seasonal triggers or household irritants, such as dust or mold.

Can Allergies Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes are a sign that your body is fighting off an infection. Can allergies cause swollen lymph nodes too? Some people might experience this, but it’s not common. Instead, you are more likely to experience the symptoms listed above. If your allergies are causing swollen glands, then you may also have an infection, such as a sinus infection. These can happen while you are dealing with allergy symptoms.

What Swollen Lymph Nodes Mean

Like we mentioned, swollen glands are usually a sign of an infection. This is because your lymph nodes swell when the lymphatic system is fighting off a pathogen. Usually, swollen glands will get better as your body heals from the infection. But if your glands are severely swollen and the pain does not subsist, then talk to your doctor.

Dealing With Swollen Glands

If you have swollen lymph nodes, then you might be in pain. Ask your doctor about an over-the-counter pain or allergy medication, which can reduce your symptoms. You can also try using a warm compress on the area. While this will not reduce swelling, it might help to relieve some of the pain. Finally, monitor your symptoms so you can share them with your doctor.

Your Local Urgent Care Can Help

You don’t have to suffer with uncomfortable symptoms! The team at San Ramon Urgent Care can quickly get to the bottom of your issues. Whether you have allergies, the common cold, or a different condition altogether, we will diagnose and treat your condition. Call us to learn more, or stop by our clinic today!

Can lymph nodes swell due to seasonal allergies?

Yes, seasonal and environmental allergies may cause lymph nodes to swell. Allergens trigger the immune system, which in turn triggers a response from the lymphatic system.

Why do I keep getting swollen lymph nodes in my armpit?

Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit can be a sign of common viral infections, such as the flu or mono. They can also occur as a result of a bacterial infection or RA. In some cases, swollen lymph nodes are a symptom of cancer. Warm compresses and OTC pain medication can ease any pain or tenderness.