Can my dog eat a boiled egg

Dogs can definitely eat eggs; if fact, they are something of a nutritional powerhouse. Not only are eggs packed with animal protein, but they contain all the essential amino acids your dog needs. Eggs are highly digestible and loaded with vitamins and minerals as well.

Key info on eggs

Eggs can be obtained from any number of poultry species but you’re most likely to feed your dog chicken eggs. One medium egg contains about 70 calories whereas a jumbo egg may contain up to 90 calories each. A single large egg contains about 5g fat, 6g protein, and less than 1g carbohydrates. 

The benefits/drawbacks of eggs

Eggs have lots of benefits, and, in moderation, not many drawbacks if your dog likes and tolerates them. 

Eggs are considered to be a kind of gold standard of protein, because they contain all of the essential amino acids necessary to be a“complete proteins,” and in a form that’s easily used by the body. Eggs are jam-packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and nutrients—eggs are also rich in vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

The health benefits of eggs are numerous, including improved skin and coat. Because they’re highly digestible, they are great for pups who are not feeling well or recovering from stomach upset.

The protein in eggs can complement your dog’s daily diet, or act as a high-value treat without adding any unnecessary carbohydrates. As healthy as eggs are, they should not be the main source of protein in your dog’s diet. They should be a healthy, occasional addition to a balanced, fresh diet.

The main drawback of eggs is that they can contribute to weight gain and nutritional imbalance if overfed. Be mindful of your dog’s total caloric intake and ensure “extras” make up no more than 10% of their daily allotment. Some dogs may be allergic to eggs. 

A hard-boiled egg is A-OK

How to feed eggs/how much to feed

There are plenty of ways to incorporate eggs into your dog’s diet, though they should always be cooked. You can serve your dog eggs pretty much any way you like them—scrambled, hard boiled, or poached—just make sure you’re not cooking them in butter or oil, or adding salt or other seasonings.  

Feed eggs on their own or use as a protein-packed topper for your dog’s food. As with introducing any new food, start off slowly, gradually working up to larger amounts.

The amount of egg you can feed your dog depends on their size. Large dogs can safely consume up to one whole egg in a day while smaller dogs should be limited to one small egg per week, and no more than ¼ of an egg per day.

Make sure to factor in the extra calories you’re feeding—remember one egg is about 70 calories—and don’t exceed your dog’s daily caloric allowance.

If possible, feed your dog farm-fresh, organic eggs. 

Another way that some dog owners feed eggs is to feed the shells. While we avoid shells in our eggs at all costs, eggshells can be a rich source of calcium for your dog. And that membrane that you peel off a boiled egg? It’s also a nutrient rich food for dogs, containing glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen, which can help with joints (one study showed that feeding dogs egg membranes can help alleviate arthritis). Some caveats here: if you’re feeding a complete and balanced diet of fresh food, you don’t need extra calcium so you should avoid adding eggshells to your dog’s diet. If you’re cooking at home or your vet has otherwise indicated that a calcium supplement is a good idea, dry out eggshells, grind them and sprinkle a very small amount (a half teaspoon for a medium or large dog, and even less for smaller dogs) on your adult dog’s food (avoid eggshells for puppies). 

Dogs can have eggs. In fact, they are a wonderful source of protein. And protein is essential for dogs. “Eggs are considered a gold standard because they’re almost the closest you can get to 100 percent complete, as far as protein goes,” Purina Senior Nutritionist Jan Dempsey explains.

Are eggs good for dogs?

Yes. Eggs are good for dogs to eat. Of course, they are rich in protein, but aside from that eggs are also a good source of linoleic acid and fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A. All of these are wonderful for a dog’s skin and coat,” says Dempsey. Explore dog food products with eggs.

Are raw eggs bad for dogs?

Dogs should never eat raw or undercooked eggs. Raw eggs aren’t safe at all. “They can be a source of Salmonella. Even very clean eggs can have it inside. And as eggs start to go bad, they can grow other bacteria,” explains Dempsey. Some foods can lose nutrients while they are cooked, but the protein in eggs isn’t. Cooking really helps make them more digestible. So however they are prepared–boiled, scrambled, sunny side up–cooked is best for your dog.

Are egg shells nutritious for dogs?

“Egg shells contain calcium and phosphorus,” says Dempsey. “But there are easier ways to supplement those minerals.” Instead of grinding up egg shells, talk to your veterinarian. She will know if your dog needs something added to his complete and balanced diet.

Is the cholesterol in eggs bad for dogs?

You don’t need to worry about cholesterol and your dog. “Cholesterol doesn’t have the same effect in dogs as it is does in humans,” Dempsey explains. “And dogs don’t get to the same cholesterol-related diseases as  humans.” That means you don’t need to feed egg whites only. If your dog is taking in too much egg, you will see weight gain due to too many additional calories long before any other issues arise.

Can dogs eat an egg a day?

Dogs can eat a little bit of egg each day, but it’s important to feed eggs like you would any treat. “Eggs are about 70 calories each, so how much you feed depends on your dog’s size. Keep the 10 Percent Treat Rule in mind. The egg you feed should only make up 10 percent of your dog’s total daily calories. That way he has his complete and balanced meals and no extra calories,” explains Dempsey. And it will help eggs remain a surprise your dog looks forward to receiving. 

How much boiled egg can a dog eat?

Large dogs can safely consume up to one whole egg in a day while smaller dogs should be limited to one small egg per week, and no more than ¼ of an egg per day. Make sure to factor in the extra calories you're feeding—remember one egg is about 70 calories—and don't exceed your dog's daily caloric allowance.

Can dogs eat the yolk of a hard boiled egg?

Dogs can eat cooked egg yolks, but it should be done in moderation. Egg yolks are very energy-dense (i.e. high calorie) and rich in fat, including cholesterol.

Can I give my dog a hard boiled egg with Shell?

In fact, a boiled egg is a great meal for a dog. Shell included. However, always be sure to break the egg up a little first to ensure it's not a choking hazard. Egg shells are actually filled with calcium so they can be a great source of additional nutrients for your dog.


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