The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime characters

  • Christopher Boone

    Christopher Boone is the 15- (and 3 months, 2 days) year-old protagonist of the novel. Christopher suffers from an unnamed disability, somewhere on the autism spectrum, most likely Asperger's syndrome.

  • Ed Boone

    Ed Boone is Christopher's father who takes on the challenge of raising Christopher alone when his wife runs off with another man. He owns a modest business, a heating maintenance and boiler repair company, with only one employee.

  • Judy Boone

    Judy Boone is Christopher's mother who had an affair with a neighbor and abandoned her disabled son because she could not cope with his needs. Mrs. Boone tends to be more emotional and more easily frustrated than her ex-husband, experiencing a wider spectrum of feelings from fierce love and pride in Christopher to despair she will never be able to touch him or take care of him.

  • Roger Shears

    Roger Shears is the Boones' neighbor who has an affair with Mrs. Boone and whisks her off to start a new life in London.

  • Mrs Alexander

    Mrs. Alexander is a neighbor of the Boones, who accidentally reveals to Christopher his mother had an affair with Mr. Shears.

  • Eileen Shears

    Eileen Shears is the Boones' neighbor, whose dog, Wellington, is murdered with a garden fork. The nature of her previous relationship with Mr. Boone is unclear.

  • Siobhan

    Siobhan has been one of Christopher's teachers at his special school for eight years, and he describes her as having long blond hair and green plastic glasses.

The Curious Incident Study Guide
Literary Elements


The story is set in England, primarily in Swindon - a town between Bristol and London - and in London itself. The events occur in 1998.

Character List
Main Characters

Christopher John Francis Boone - The book's narrator, Christopher is fifteen years old, gifted in mathematics, and has Asperger's Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism. He lives at 36 Randolph Street with his father.

Ed Boone – head of Crenshaw High School’s gifted magnet program

Judy Boone – Christopher's mother, who Ed told Christopher died two years ago when she actually moved to London with her lover, Roger Shears.

Siobhan – Christopher's main teacher since he was twelve.

Eileen Shears – A neighbor of Christopher and ex-wife of Roger Shears. Lives at 41 Randolph Street.

Roger Shears – Former husband of Eileen Shears, a banker who moved to London with Christopher's mother.

Mrs. Alexander – Another neighbor of Christopher's who, she is an older woman who tries to befriend Christopher.

Wellington – A large poodle with black fur owned by Eileen Shears, found dead at the start of the novel.

Toby – Christopher's pet rat.

Minor Characters

Mr. Jeavons – The psychologist at Christopher's school.

Edward Paulson – A fellow student at Christopher's school.

Mr. Paulson – Edward's father, who died from gliding accident.

Steve – A student who comes to Christopher's school on Thursdays, needs help to eat his food.

Unnamed Policeman – Called to the scene of Wellington's death, is hit by Christopher when he touches him.

Kate – The officer accompanying the policeman that Christopher hit.

Police Sergeant – Asks Christopher for information when he's taken into custody.

Uncle Terry – Ed Boone's brother, he works at bakery factory and lives in Sunderland.

Grandma Burton – Lives in a nursing home and suffers from senile dementia.

Inspector – Gives Christopher a caution for hitting the policeman.

Rhodri – Ed Boone's employee.

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Does Christopher Boone have autism?

Its main character, and the narrator of the book, is Christopher Boone, a 15 year old with autism. Mark Haddon, the author of The Curious Incident, never lets Christopher stray from his unique interpretation of the world around him, which is what allows the readers to feel they are within his mind.

Who is Mr Jeavons in the curious incident?

Jeavons. A middle-aged man and the psychologist at Christopher's school.

Who dog died in the curious incident?

One day, Christopher discovers that his neighbor Mrs. Shears' dog Wellington has been fatally speared with a garden fork. As Christopher mourns over Wellington's body, Mrs. Shears calls the police.

What is the name of Christopher's rat?

Toby the Rat is Christopher's closest friend and companion that gets taken everywhere with him throughout The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The production's animal wrangler, Cara Kilduff, tells us what life is like for rodent and wrangler on the road.


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