Battery for 2022 mazda 3 key fob

If the Mazda 3 key fob battery starts to go dead, you might not be able to unlock the doors with the key fob. It’s easy to replace the battery yourself and save some money at the dealership.

What kind of battery goes in a Mazda 3 key fob?

Depending on the model year of your Mazda 3, you’ll need a CR2025 (2004-2008 and 2014-2018) or CR1620 (2010-2013) battery. They cost about $1 each and can be found at most stores selling batteries.

Battery for 2022 mazda 3 key fob

Where Can I Find a Mazda 3 Key Fob Battery, and How Much Will it Cost?

You can find CR2025 coin batteries at most stores that carry batteries, including grocery stores, department stores, and drug stores. The cost varies, depending on the brand—the price averages around $2 to $5 for a single battery.

The CR1620 battery costs about $1 each, and can be found at most stores selling batteries.

Steps for Replacing a Mazda 3 Key Fob Battery

If you have to press the buttons more than once on your vehicle’s key fob, or the doors won’t lock or unlock correctly, the battery in your key fob might be going dead. Some vehicles might have a warning light on the dashboard to warn you about a dead key battery.

Changing the Mazda 3 Key Fob Battery

Before you start changing the battery in the Mazda’s key fob, make sure you have a small flathead screwdriver, a new CR2025 battery, and your key fob. We recommend wrapping the flathead screwdriver with some tape to prevent scratches.

Battery for 2022 mazda 3 key fob

You’ll have one of three types of key fobs: A smart key fob, a flip key fob, or a rectangular key fob.

Opening the Key Fob Case

These steps are the same for any of the three Mazda key fobs.

  • Step 1: Press the button for the auxiliary key. You’ll find it on the back of the key fob.
  • Step 2: Remove the metal auxiliary key.
  • Step 3: Stick the head of the flathead screwdriver into one of the slots on either side of the key fob. Gently twist the screwdriver. Repeat the step for the other side. The slot for the rectangular key fob is on the bottom near the key ring.
  • Step 4: You should now be able to take the case apart. Set the case aside.
  • Step 5: Remove the battery cap.

Replacing the Key Fob Battery – Smart Fob (2014-2018 Mazda Models)

You will need the CR2025 battery for the smart key fob for model years 2014 through 2018.

  • Step 1: Remove the battery.
  • Step 2: Slide the new battery in, ensuring it is face-up for proper polarity.
  • Step 3: Reinstall the battery cap.
  • Step 4: Snap the two pieces of the key fob cover together.
  • Step 5: Reinsert the metal key into its place.
  • Step 6: Test the key fob to ensure that it locks and unlocks the doors.

Replacing the Key Fob Battery – Flip Fob (2010-2013 Mazda Models)

You will need one CR1620 battery for the flip key fob for model years 2010 through 2013. You’ll also need a 3.00mm or smaller precision screwdriver, a toothpick, or another thin tool (thin metal cake testers also work).

  • Step 1: Find the square compartment containing the battery once the key fob halves are separated.
  • Step 2: Place the precision screwdriver in the bottom-right corner of the battery compartment. You’ll see a small triangle that points to this corner.
  • Step 3: Press down on the tool and pry the battery out with a rocking motion.
  • Step 4: Place the CR1620 battery in the compartment, face down. Click it into place.
  • Step 5: Snap the key fob together.
  • Step 6: Test the key fob to ensure that it locks and unlocks the doors.

Replacing the Key Fob Battery – Rectangular Fob (2004-2008 Mazda Models)

  • Step 1: Press down on the top of the battery near the red dot with a screwdriver or your fingernail until it pops out.
  • Step 2: Place the CR2025 battery in the key fob, making sure it’s face-up for correct polarity. To do so, slide the battery toward the red dot, then press the bottom into place.
  • Step 3: Snap the two sides of the key fob together.
  • Step 4: Test the key fob to ensure the doors lock and unlock.

Battery for 2022 mazda 3 key fob
Cheryl B

Cheryl and her husband owned a repair shop from 1994 until he retired in 2007. She also worked as a paralegal and writer since 2004. She uses her management skills, automotive experience, and paralegal experience to write for several publications.

What type of battery goes in Mazda 3 key fob?

A replacement battery (CR2025 battery) Your Mazda key fob. Small flat-head screwdriver.

What battery does Mazda key fob use?

A replacement battery on hand (CR2025 battery) Your Mazda key fob. A small flat head screwdriver with the head wrapped in tape to prevent scratches.

How do you open a Mazda 2022 key?

Opening Your Mazda Key Fob Press the auxiliary key button on the back of the key fob in order to remove the metal auxiliary key. Once the metal key is removed, you'll notice a slot on either side of the key fob case. Use the tape-wrapped flathead screwdriver to gently pry open the case, one side at a time.

Can I use a CR2032 in a key fob?

Most car keys take CR2032 and CR2025 3-Volt batteries, but that doesn't mean they fit every key fob. Different cars take different batteries. You can find the exact type in the owner's manual. If the owner's manual is not handy, you can always check your current key fob.