Average workers comp settlement for ulnar nerve surgery

Arm Injuries

33 year-old male was severely injured when the wooden scaffolding platform of an oil rig site on which he was laboring gave way, causing him to fall into the belt of the well’s pump motor.  This caused his arm to be wrenched and a near severance of his right thumb.  The wooden scaffolding boards did not meet federal regulations, and their dilapidated condition contributed to plaintiff’s serious injuries.  Witnesses testified that the wooden scaffolding was hazardous and a hazard to workers.  Even though the owner of the rig site seemed originally to be surprised of the work site’s dangerous condition, former employee witnesses were clear to point out that numerous warnings of such conditions and the immediate need for repair or construction were made.  Immediately following the incident, this worker’s hand and thumb were placed in ice and he was transported via ambulance to the nearest emergency room, and then airlifted to a triage center in Louisville, Kentucky.  As soon as he arrived at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, he was prepared for surgery on his thumb in an attempt to save his right thumb.  The surgery consisted of extensive debridement of the skin, artery, veins, bones and nerves; fusion of interphalangeal joint; ORIF for comminuted P1 fracture with K-wire; fluoroscopy evaluation; microscopic repair of the ulnar digital artery; repair of complex skin lacerations and application of thumb spica splint.  Surgical notes indicate that the articular surface on the interphalangeal joint was severely crushed and the joint could not be reconstructed.  Also, his digital nerves were avulsed from proximal portion deep in the palm and were not able to be repaired.  Post-op and after discharge from the hospital, he followed up with a doctor in Louisville and it was noted that plaintiff continued to complain of pain at the interphalangeal joint of the right long finger as well as the thumb.  Bone stimulation was then initiated on his thumb and physical therapy and one-handed duty were continued.  Due to necrotic tissue on his thumb, he underwent a debridement and removal of a portion of the joint capsule close to the bone as well as removal of a small free bone fragment.  At a later follow up appointment, the doctor performed light fluoroscopy evaluation, which showed clear pseudo-motion and nonunion of the proximal phalanx.  He also underwent an ORIF procedure where an Acutrak screw was placed in his thumb in an attempt to correct his P1 nonunion.  Medical experts confirmed that he suffered from circulation problems in his thumb, causing it to turn blue in cool temperatures.  He was ultimately placed on permanent restrictions of no handling more than 15 pounds of materials at a “frequent” rate, no handling more than 5 pounds of materials at a “continual or constant” rate.  He continues to have problems with his right hand and thumb that adversely affect his fine motor coordination and movements, and continues to have circulation problems.  After our firms’ efforts, this personal injury case settled for $532,020.33.  This case represented a 3rd party action originally from a work injury case which had been previously settled.

48 year old man injured his right arm, right hand and right index finger from repetitive trauma at work.  He first underwent conservative treatment, but ultimately had to have surgery.  His doctor performed a release of his A1 pulley or “trigger finger” of his right index finger; right carpal tunnel release; right cubital tunnel release; lateral epicondylectomy and debridement of his right extensor carpi radialis brevis.  Our client still suffers with persistent pain, discomfort and inability to extend his right elbow completely, even after a significant therapy regimen.  This case settled for $53,201.59 representing 17.5% PPD to the petitioner’s right arm; 15% PPD to the petitioner’s right hand; 20% PPD to his right index finger and $71.24 for unpaid TTD.

42 year old woman sustained injuries to both of her arms from repetitive lifting at work.  When she presented to our office, her entire case was disputed.  Through litigation, including the deposition of the treating physician, we were able to convince the insurance carrier to reverse its denial.  She first went through an entire regimen of conservative treatment including medications, therapies, bracing and injections.  After those failed, surgery was authorized.  She first underwent a right endoscopic carpal tunnel release; right cubital tunnel release; right medical epicondylar debridement and received a long arm splint.  Her next surgery was a left endoscopic carpal tunnel release; left cubital tunnel release; left medical epicondylar debridement and repair of the flexor pronator and received a long arm splint.  She had also undergone a cubital tunnel release and debridement of her medial epicondylar of her elbow and treated with medications, therapies, gentle massaging and time off work.  She still has pain in her arms/hands after her return to work.  This case settled for $56,000.00 representing 15% PPD of each hand and 16% PPD of each elbow.

54 year old man injured his elbows and wrists from repetitive movement at work.  He presented to our office with a completely disputed claim.  Through his treating physician we were able to establish a causal connection between his work duties and elbow conditions.  The respondent continued to dispute his bilateral carpal tunnel and that portion of his case was settled on a disputed basis.  He was first diagnosed with compression neuropathies and the symptoms progressively worsened.  An EMG was ordered which showed bilateral cubital and carpal tunnel and releases of both were recommended and performed.  He returned to his regular work activities of driving a tractor-trailer and delivering using his arms and wrists, but experiences fatigue in his upper extremities.  This case settled for $75,726.87 equaling to approximately 118.63 weeks at a PPD rate of $629.52 or 20% of the right arm, 17.5% of the left arm, 7.5% of the right hand and 5% of the left hand.  The settlement also includes medically-related mileage of $1,050.06.

31 year old woman reported injuries to both her hands and her right shoulder from repetitive motions at her workplace. She was initially diagnosed with carpal and cubital tunnel syndromes and was assigned to return to work in three weeks. She returned to the doctor and was also diagnosed with AC joint pain and EMG/NCS tests were scheduled and performed. She received a Cortisone shot, underwent shoulder surgery and right carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel releases, as well as a medial epicondylectomy. After some time, she went through the same procedures on her left side as well. The case settled for $75,932.54 representing the sum of 15% and 12.5% PPD for her hands; 17.5% PPD for each arm; and 12.5% body as a whole, related to her shoulder. The defendant denied the shoulder condition initially, but through the petitioner’s treating physician, we established a causal connection.

62 year old woman suffered injuries to her right arm and leg from moving boxes and tripping over them at her workplace.  She underwent an open repair for a full thickness tear of her supraspinatus, decompression and excision of her distal clavicle.  She was left with permanent limitations in her right lower leg and shoulder.  This case settled for $22,000.00 representing 15% loss of use of the right arm and 16.5% loss of the use of the right leg at her modest rate.

59 year old male injured both arms and hands through repetitive duties at his workplace.  Initially, therapeutic exercises were recommended and he was provided with counterforce braces.  He next received an injection to his right lateral epicondyle and later to his right radiocapitellar joint.  After being denied surgery once, his doctor renewed his request, discussing in detail that our client had nocturnal symptoms, his physical symptoms were positive across the board, he was weak, had been splinted and he had positive EMGs.  We urged for surgery as all appropriate conservative treatment at that time had failed.  Surgery was then finally authorized and our client underwent an endoscopic carpal tunnel release and a right cubital tunnel release.  This case was settled for $57,011.44 representing 15% permanent partial disability to each hand and 15% permanent partial disability to each arm.

33 year old woman injured her right hand and arm from repetitive movements in the course of work. She was diagnosed with De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis and tennis elbow. She underwent carpal tunnel surgery, a right-sided De Quervain’s tenosynovitis release and reconstructive surgery of the right elbow. She immediately returned to work, participated in physical therapy and was prescribed NSAID. This case settled for $40,775.41 representing 17.5% permanent partial disability of the hand and 20% permanent partial disability of the arm.

52 year-old male injured his left shoulder, arm, and hip when tripping and falling over an electrical conduit pipe while pulling a hose in the course of his employment. His doctor initially diagnosed a contusion of the left hip and a crushing injury of the left shoulder. Doctor prescribed pain medication, put his left arm in a sling, and ordered hip x-rays and an MRI of his shoulder. The MRI showed a high-grade partial articular-sided tear involving the subscapularis tendon with moderate atrophy of the superior muscle belly of the subscapularis. A second physician diagnosed a traumatic left rotator cuff tear, left shoulder subacrominal bursitis and biceps tendonitis. After a corticosteroid injection the client returned to light duty work with restrictions allowing light lifting and restricting all repetitive motions. Unfortunately, the injection did not work and surgery was recommended. The post-operative diagnoses were a left shoulder subscapularis tear, a left bicep tear, and left subacromial bursitis. He completed (46) physical therapy sessions and was then released to full work duties. While working light-duty, he was paid $159.44 in temporary partial disability weekly benefits (five weeks) and when working full-duty, he received $252.51 over 16 5/7 weeks in TPD benefits. The arbitrator handling our client’s case had made several recent favorable decisions which we shared with the adjuster to increase our client’s PPD award. In the end, the case was settled for an additional $35,000 for indemnity representing 14% permanent partial disability of his body as a whole together with payment of all work time missed and all related medical charges.

40 year-old male operating a semi tractor/trailer was run off the road by another driver, injuring his right hip/leg and right arm. Our client sustained a recurrent disk herniation at L5-S1 and central disk herniation with compression of the exiting L5 nerve root at L4-5. He was given two transformational epidural steroid injections and underwent a selective nerve root block. After the root block, his doctor opined that the intra-articular fracture was healed and he was released to full duty work regarding his right hip. A few weeks later he continued with left leg pain at the L5 and S1 distribution. His doctor confirmed that conservative treatment had failed and he recommended a lumbar microdiscectomy. Our client continued to complain of right upper arm pain radiating down across his elbow, leading to loss of sleep and difficulty with overhead activities. An MRI showed an abnormal signal within the substance of the anterioinferior labrum with a small paralabral cyst which was considered to be most compatible with a nondisplaced labral tear or Perthes-type lesion of the anteriorinferior labrum. The doctor ordered an injection, physical therapy and work restrictions. After his discectomy, he received two more injections, a right C6 selective nerve root block, physical therapy, and was released to modified work duty. This worker’s significant neck and right arm pain continued. He then underwent a two level cervical fusion for C5-6 and C6-7 superior foraminal stenosis and neck pain, and right and left dermatomal arm pain. He continues even now with troubles doing every day house chores and certain other activities. He was unable to return to his job as a semi truck driver because of his inability to lift or move heavy products. This case was finally settled for $200,000.00, representing 46.75% permanent partial disability of his body as a whole for his neck, back, arm and hip injuries, nearly $20,000.00 in underpaid TTD for two years, and $25,000.00 for unpaid and future medical expenses. The respondent’s initial offer for resolution was approximately $58,000.00 in total based on a dispute by employer whether our client ever got hurt at work and merely had a preexisting condition troubling him. A much more equitable resolution for the client was obtained, together with direction on how best for our client to resume his needed medical care.

35 year-old freight loader injured his right elbow and arm while pulling on a heavy dock plate in the course of his employment. His physician opined that he exacerbated pre-existing medial epicondylitis. Our client was prescribed anti-inflammatories, completed (6) physical therapy sessions and wore a counter force brace. Subsequently, he returned to work. Unfortunately, our client reinjured his right arm and elbow when he slipped and fell on snow while cleaning out a truck, landing on his right elbow. His physician diagnosed a severe, right elbow contusion and right medial epicondylitis. After conservative treatment, his doctor recommended and performed a right medial epicondylectomy. Our client remained off work for 8 6/7 weeks for his treatment, during which time he was paid $593.94 weekly in temporary total disability benefits. Following his surgery, our client completed (11) physical therapy sessions and was released to full work duty. His employer disputed the nature and extent of his disability. Our firm settled his case for $27,321.47, representing 20% permanent partial disability of his right arm. – WA.

47 year-old certified nurse assistant suffered injuries to her right arm and shoulder at work when a patient she was lifting grabbed her arm as he fell. Initially she was prescribed pain medication and instructed to rest. After Kenalog injections and strong muscle relaxers failed to relieve her pain, our client sought a second medical opinion. Her new physician ordered an MRI and diagnosed a partial articular-sided tear of her supraspinatus tendon. Following further conservative treatment consisting of Depo-Medrol injections and physical therapy, her physician recommended surgical repair of her shoulder. Upon surgical exploration, the surgeon diagnosed impingement of the right shoulder, a complete tear of the subscapularis tendon and an almost complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon. Thereafter, she completed additional physical therapy sessions. Our client remained off work for 35 weeks for her treatment, during which time she was paid $328.90 weekly in temporary total disability benefits. Her employer fully disputed the nature and extent of her disability, past medical benefits and temporary total disability benefits. In the end our firm secured a $23,353.48 settlement for our client, which represented 31.25% permanent partial disability of her right arm at her modest rate. – CD.

39 year-old male injured his right arm and shoulder when lifting a piece of metal in the course of his employment as a metal fabricator. An MRI showed that our client tore his right shoulder rotator cuff. His doctor recommended surgical intervention and performed a right shoulder arthroscopy, subcutaneous tendon repair and subacromial decompression. Our client completed physical therapy for his right shoulder as his doctor advised. During his recovery, he remained off work for 45 weeks, during which time he was paid $485.34 weekly in temporary total disability benefits. Fortunately, our client made a near full recovery as his job required rigorous use of his right arm. His employer fully disputed the nature and extent of his disability and his temporary total disability benefits. Ultimately, we settled his case for $29,905.72, representing 13.9% loss of his body less a $485.34 temporary total disability overpayment. – JR.

38 year-old man was injured working as a case picker in a distribution facility. He sustained injuries to his right arm and hand. Doctors diagnosed him with right carpal tunnel syndrome and right lateral epicondylitis. His injuries required conservative treatment followed by two surgeries causing him to miss work for 11 months. During this time he received temporary total disability benefitss and his employer agreed to pay his medical expenses. After healing he returned to work and our firm secured a settlement for $38,764.38, representing 19% permanent partial disability in his right hand and 22.5% in the right arm, past medical benefits, and past temporary total disability. – SG.

20 year-old tire repairman injured his right shoulder at work. A doctor initially placed him on light duty work restrictions. However, an MRI revealed a SLAP lesion and a possible torn rotator cuff causing the doctor to prescribe anti-inflammatories and steroid injections to ease the pain. Our client remained off work for nearly 39 weeks and the employer paid his medical expenses. Our firm obtained a $29,153.26 settlement for the repairman for 30% permanent partial disability in his right arm, a complete resolution of all medical benefit issues, his medically related mileage, and our client’s lost time as a result of his shoulder injury. – JM.

75 year-old was injured when she fell during the course of her employment. The fall resulted in injuries to her left hand, wrist, and arm, and upon further medical examination, a doctor recommended she undergo surgery to repair a fractured left distal radius malunion and another surgery in the nature of a cubital tunnel release. Our firm attained a settlement for $36,920.78. $29,059.52 of the settlement was for 47.5% loss of use of her left arm and $7,183.32 represented a payment for her future medical needs as part of a Medicare Set-Aside account and medically related mileage. – AZ.

57 year-old gentleman sustained an injury at work while unloading drywall. He suffered a right shoulder rotator cuff tear.Due to the extent of his injury, he underwent right shoulder arthroscopy with acromioplasty, right rotator cuff repair, and arthroscopy with debridement of the humeral head. A doctor also diagnosed him with mild carpal tunnel syndrome in his left hand. He was temporarily totally disabled for roughly 12 weeks and received $336.60 per week during this time. His employer challenged whether there was a casual connection between his injuries and his work duties as well as the nature and extent of his injuries. Also, the client’s employer disputed compensating our client for his temporary total disability and his medical expenses. Our firm secured a $30,000.00 settlement representing 32% permanent partial disability in his right arm, 4% in his left arm, $3,237.50 in temporary total disability for his disarticulated shoulder, $880.40 for disputed temporary total disability and medically-related mileage. – LH.

40 year-old woman incurred injuries to her right shoulder and both elbows and arms on four separate injury dates at work. The first injury to her right arm included lacerations extending to the medial aspect of her upper right arm, across her elbow and down her forearm. A doctor diagnosed her with right medial epicondylitis from repetitive work-related traumas to her right arm. She later reinjured this arm when moving heavy product. Another diagnosis revealed that she suffered from right medial epicondylitis, right radiocapitellar synovitis and right shoulder bursitis. She experienced continual pain and other work injuries, finally being diagnosed with bilateral cubital tunnel syndrome and a minimal left medial epicondylitis. She underwent a right cubital tunnel release with submuscular transposition for cubital tunnel syndrome and a right medial epicondylar debridement. Later, the same procedure was repeated on her left side. Her employer disputed whether she suffered injuries to the degree alleged and whether she should be compensated for them at all. Our firm secured a settlement for $46,500.00, representing 24.5% permanent disability in each arm, together with unpaid medical expenses. – KD.

48 year-old woman sustained injuries to her left and right hands, left thumb, left elbow and neck during the course of her employment as a case picker. Her doctor diagnosed her with bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome and a disc herniation at C4-5. Thereafter, she underwent a left thumb trapeziectomy, a left ulnar nerve transposition and a neck fusion at C4-5. Her employer challenged the nature and extent of her permanent partial disability and the reasonableness and necessity of her medical expenses. Our firm obtained a settlement for $158,239.02 representing 30% permanent partial disability of body, 20% in her right hand, 17.5% in her left hand, 25% in her left arm and 65% in her left thumb. – SR.

46 year-old county highway worker suffered repetitive work injuries to his dominant right arm and both hands, after 6 ½ years working in the construction business using heavy equipment such as a road grater, backhoe, chainsaw and hammers. When conservative treatment failed to alleviate the problems, he underwent right carpal tunnel decompression, right elbow endoscopy and a right cubital tunnel release. This highway worker had to be off work for 18 5/7 weeks to recover from his injuries, and continued after treatment to suffer from residual effects such as difficulties gripping objects, limited movement in his wrists and a sore elbow most of the time. He could no longer lift heavy objects nor play sports and/or outdoor games as he could prior to the injuries. His case was settled for $35,243.24 which represented 15% permanent partial disability in his dominate right arm; 20% in his right hand, and 15% in his left hand, all based on an average weekly wage of $532.00.

27 year-old female factory laborer sustained repetitive injuries to her right dominant shoulder and arm during the course of her employment. As a result of her injuries, the client had 4 surgical procedures. She was diagnosed with recurrent impingement, post subacromial decompression, bursectomy, acromioplasty and a partial tear of the subscapularis tendon. The client was referred to pain management after surgery, At the end of all treatment, this laborer still had pain, stiffness and limited mobility in the right arm and shoulder. The company accommodated her restrictions, providing her with sedentary work. All temporary total disability benefits were secured for the period of time she was off work, and all medical bills were paid. This case was settled for the sum of $52,984.54, representing 65% permanent partial disability in her right arm and medically related mileage.

35 year-old male truck driver was unloading freight in the rain from his trailer when he fell,landing on his left side/left arm. His doctor recommended an arthroscopic subacromial decompression to repair a supraspinatus rotator cuff full thickness tear. The surgery unfortunately failed. A second procedure approximately 9 months later was performed in the nature of a left shoulder arthroscopy/subscapularis tendon repair with suture anchor/revision supraspinatus rotator cuff tear repair. Four months later our client recovered but his strength was still reduced. Although the employer terminated this worker, he found a “lighter” duty position with another trucking firm. The client stabilized but with less than the desired results from his surgeries, limiting the type of work he can do. This case settled for the amount of $60,357.91, representing 37.5% permanent partial disability in his left arm, plus the respondent agreed to pay all reasonable and necessary medical bills.

43 year-old female suffered repetitive injuries to wrists and elbows in the course of her employment. She was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists and cubital tunnel syndrome in both elbows. She underwent bilateral endoscopic carpal tunnel releases on each wrist and cubital tunnel releases on each elbow. The case was settled after substantial negotiations with the respondent’s attorney for the amount of $75,082.62, representing 20% permanent partial disability in her right hand, 18% in her left hand, 21.75% in her left arm and 23% in her right arm, and all reasonable and necessary medical bills.

29 year old female laborer on a factory line sustained severe injuries to her right shoulder and arm during the course of her employment. She informed her employer that after nine (9) years working on the line and lifting as much as 80 pounds at a time that this was too much for her to handle and that the repetitive motion was causing her right shoulder and arm to hurt. The employer kept insisting she could handle it. While working and with co-workers present, her shoulder “popped”. She felt immediate numbness and tingling and was unable to use her right arm and shoulder. She was later diagnosed with a partial rotator cuff tear and an impingement syndrome. The client had to undergo 3 separate surgeries, the last one being for right shoulder arthroscopic revision, subacromial decompression, bursectomy and acromioplasty in an effort to heal her and regain the use of her arm and shoulder. Furthermore, the client had to undergo physical therapy and pain management to control the pain after surgery. Through the negotiations between our firm and the employer’s attorney, the client’s case was settled for the sum of $52,984.54, representing 65% permanent partial disability in her right arm, medically related mileage and medical benefits.

68 year-old female manufacturing assembly operator sustained left shoulder and left hand/wrist injuries. Petitioner was diagnosed with left shoulder impingement syndrome and left carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of repetitive motions required in her job.She was treated conservatively with physical therapy, pain medications and injections for her shoulder, and medications and splinting for her hand/wrist. A left carpal tunnel release was subsequently performed when conservative measures failed to bring relief. We secured a $20, 950.48 settlement, representing 20% permanent parital disability in her left hand and 7.5% of her left arm, unpaid temporary total disability benefits, medical benefits and medically related mileage. – RAH.

32 year-old female injured at her place of employment due to auditing work as a split case picker. She sustained injuries to her back, left shoulder, arm and other body parts. Petitioner was initially diagnosed with left shoulder strain/sprain, was placed on light duty and prescribed physical therapy. When conservative treatment failed, she was seen by an orthopedic physician. This evaluation indicated a left shoulder AC joint sprain with degenerative changes. Cortisone injections were given. Her diagnosis became left shoulder rotator cuff tendinopathy. After the injections failed to bring petitioner relief, a left shoulder arthroscopy, subacromial decompression and distal clavicle resection surgery was performed followed by physical therapy. During her treatment our client remained off work while receiving temporary total disability benefits and medical benefits recovered prior to settlement. Our frim settled her case for $28, 411.14 representing her permanent parital disability and unpaid medical charges. – TR.

31 year-old female was injured while performing repetitive assembly tasks for a manufacturing company. She sustained three separate injuries and aggravated prior injuries. Her primary injuries were progressive moderate right and left carpel tunnel syndrome, right lateral epicondylitis and right radial tunnel syndrome. Carpel tunnel release surgeries were ultimately performed on both hands and wrists. Surgery for her right elbow was denied but though our efforts with the employer and its insurance carrier, approval was ultimately given for a right posterior interosseous nerve decompression with lateral epicondylar debridement and decortication. She underwent further surgery in the nature of the decompression and interior transposition of the right ulnar nerve at the elbow for recalcitrant right cubital tunnel syndrome. Our firm ultimately settled near trial for $40,000.00 representing 15% permanent disability in her left hand, 25% in her right hand and 30% in her left arm together with the disputed medical bills and temporary total disability benefits. – RS.

47 year-old male automotive mechanic was thrown from a bobcat injuring his right arm, shoulder and back. He was diagnosed with impingement tendinitis with a full thickness tear of the interior supraspinatus tendon, AC joint Type III hypertrophy and multi-level nerve root irritation at C5-6 and C6-7. He underwent a sub-acromial decompression of the right shoulder with partial disticlavical resection, rotator cuff repair and physical therapy thereafter. Unfortunately, his limitations continued following cortisone injections. Given the continuing pain and numbness in his fingers and limited overhead reaching, a second surgical procedure in the nature of the right shoulder arthroscopy and open repair of the right rotator cuff were performed. He was unable to return to his prior place of employment following these surgeries because of his permanent restrictions and limited use of his right arm and shoulder, right hand and fingers. We secured a settlement for $82,500.00, representing 5% permanent partial disability of his body and 60% in his right arm, $20,000.00 in medical benefits, medically related mileage, future vocational rehabilitation and future temporary total disability benefits. – JM.

Our client suffered severe arm damage after a drill injury. Petitioner suffered an ulnar nerve lesion, ulnar nerve cubital tunnel syndrome and right elbow medial epicondylitis. Petitioner subsequently underwent three surgeries. Petitioner is now forced to operate under permanent restrictions including, no climbing, drilling with frequent rest breaks and only light tasks to be performed overhead. We secured a settlement for $125,000.00 representing 75% permanent partial disability in his right arm and 16.23% of his body. – MS.

56 year-old man was diagnosed with left shoulder strain and a rotator cuff tear after a work injury. He was initially prescribed physical therapy and medication. After this conservative care failed, he underwent a distal clavicle excision of the left shoulder with acromioplasty and rotator cuff repair due to his left shoulder pain, impingement, weakness and loss of range of motion. Our client then received additional physical therapy. Months later, complications developed and it was possibly thought he sustained a re-rupture of the left rotator cuff. An MRI and second opinion were recommended, and following same, our clients second doctor performed an arthroscopic extensive debridement of the glenohumeral joint including the anterior, superior and posterior glenoid labrum and a bicep tenotomy, arthroscopic subacromial decompression, arthroscopic distal clavicle resection and open bicep tenodesis. After his second surgery, our client restarted physical therapy and was later placed in a work hardening program. We secured our client a $23,289.90 settlement, representing 40% permanent partial disability in his arm and medical benefits. This settlement was reached despite the insurance company’s offer of only $6,000.00 and after our client was rebuked by his employer when trying to return to work. – KS.

55 year-old woman was injured during the course of work while lifting a heavy and awkward item. She sustained injuries to her right arm and after an MRI was diagnosed with a partial thickness bursal surface supraspinatus tendon tear with moderate fatty atrophy of the supreapinatus muscle belly, Type II acromion with moderate to borderline severe AC joint degenerative arthritis, small joint and bursal effusions and a 6mm interosseous ganglion lesser tuberosity of the humerus deep to the subscapularis insertion. Our client was prescribed physical therapy. A second doctor’s opinion confirmed the need for a surgery and a right shoulder arthroscopic decompression and subscapularis repair utilizing a Arthrex corkscrew metal anchor were performed. Months later our client still had pain and a radiologist performed an arthrogram of the right shoulder, finding some degenerative changes at the AC joint along with contrast that had leaked into the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa through a defect in the rotator interval. Our client continued physical therapy and her right arm improved. Our law firm obtained a compromised settlement for $18,075.40 representing 33.3% permanent partial disability in her right arm and reasonable and necessary medical expenses. – DF.

42 year-old man suffered a torn left rotator cuff while lifting a heavy case during the course of work at a distribution facility. His initial doctor examination confirmed a compromised range of motion and decreased strength in his left shoulder, adversely affecting his ability to work. He was referred for physical therapy and after conservative treatment failed, he was referred for a second opinion. Our client’s second doctor reviewed an MRI and opined that there was a left shoulder rotator tendinopathy/partial tear. The doctor first recommended additional therapy, but after little improvement, he recommended surgery. Our client then underwent a left shoulder arthroscopy surgery with SLAP lesion repair, arthroscopic subacromial decompression and a pain pump catheter insertion. His post-operative therapy included aggressive strengthening exercises which within several months allowed our client to gain back his strength. Our Firm secured a settlement for $20,776.50, representing 33.69% permanent partial disability in his left arm, medical expenses and unpaid temporary total disability. His employer’s insurance company offered only $500.00 then later $1,000.00 in compensation prior to settlement. – RD.

37 year-old man injured his left elbow and hand due to repetitive box cutting executions over time on the job. Left cubital tunnel syndrome and left carpal tunnel syndrome were diagnosed. He underwent a left endoscopic carpal tunnel release, left cubital tunnel release with anterior submuscular transposition, Musculotendon Z-plasty slide reconstruction, debridement of left medial epicondyle and application of a long arm splint. Our firm secured a settlement for $34,929.27 representing 20% permanent partial disability of his left hand and 20% in his left arm and medical benefits. The employer originally refused to pay for any of the medical expenses relating to this case. – RKJ.

46 year-old woman was injured during the course of her work as a case picker. She sustained repetitive, traumatic injuries to her wrists and elbows after years of lifting, stacking and pulling heavy objects. She was diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndromes, and her doctor recommended surgery. Our client underwent left cubital tunnel and carpal tunnel releases, z-plasty slide reconstruction, anconeus epitrochlea tenotomy and application of a long arm splint. She was off work for 19 weeks for her injuries, surgeries and recovery. Our firm was able to secure a settlement for $75,082.62 representing 20% permanent partial disability in her right hand, 18% in her left hand, 21.75% in her left arm and 23% in her right arm plus medical benefits and medically related mileage. – ML.

60 year-old woman was injured during the course of work as a split case picker due to repetitive traumatic injuries to her hands, elbows and arms. She was diagnosed with bilateral cubital tunnel and carpal tunnel syndromes. She initially underwent physical therapy treatments and wore braces, however, this conservative treatment did not alleviate her injuries. Surgeries were thereafter performed in the nature of bilateral cubital tunnel and bilateral carpal tunnel releases. We secured temporary total disability benefits during her time off work as well as payment of her medical expenses, and all of which were repeatedly denied by the employer’s insurance claimer. After 12 weeks off work, she was eventually able to return to full work duties. Our firm secured a $92,500.00 settlement on the eve of trial following the insurance company lawyers’ initial “fair” offer of $87,581.71. The settlement represented 17.5% permanent partial disability in her left hand, 20% in her right hand, 22.5% in her left arm, and 22% in her right arm. – KW.

67 year-old man was injured during the course of work while lifting heavy inventory. He sustained a rotator cuff tear to his left shoulder. Our client underwent an arthroscopic surgery in the nature of middle glenoid humeral ligament tear repair, severe partial bursal sac rotator cuff tear repair and SLAP lesion repair with suture anchor, a subacromial arthroscopic decompression and acromioplasty on his left shoulder for what was eventually diagnosed as left shoulder stiffness, subacromial impingement, a rotator cuff tear on the bursal side, SLAP lesion and a middle glenoid humeral ligament tear. We assisted in securing all temporary total disability benefits for his 25 weeks off work and that all medical treatment was timely provided and paid. Our firm settled the case for $33,817.38, representing 35% permanent partial disability in his left arm and $2,283.84 for future medical needs, even though the insurance company only initially offered $13,514.38. – HW.

40 year-old woman was injured when she tripped and fell over a roller at work. She sustained lacerations extending from the medial aspect of her upper right arm, across her elbow and down her forearm. In addition, she was diagnosed with right medial epicondylitis from her repetitive injuries at work. At first conservative treatment consisting of cortizone injections and occupational therapy were used to treat her arms, but she felt no relief. Thereafter, her physician further diagnosed a SLAP 1 lesion tear in her upper right arm. Our client underwent a bilateral cubital tunnel releases with submuscular transposition, z-plasty slide lengthening reconstruction for an anterior submuscular transposition for her right cubital tunnel syndrome and right medial epicondylar debridement. She was then given long arm splints and prescribed physical therapy. We obtained a $46,500.00 settlement representing 24.5% permanent partial disability in each arm, temporary total disability benefits and all medical benefits – KD/P.

50 year-old woman injured herself during the course of her work from the repetitive activities of lifting inventory and reaching for high boxes. Her work placed strain on her arms, elbows, wrists, hands, neck and other body parts After examination by a physician, she was diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, left shoulder impingement and told she needed a cervical fusion procedure on her neck. After neck surgery and other extensive medical treatments, our client was still in a considerable amount of pain in her neck and shoulder. Her employer disputed the nature and extent and cause of her injuries. Our firm was able to settle her case for $50,000.00, representing 17.5% permanent partial disability in her left arm, 15% in her left hand and 13% of her body, and temporary total disability benefits. – RR.

A 32-year-old man was injured during the course of work when he hit his left arm against the side of a moving truck. He was diagnosed with a left shoulder posterior labral tear with a paralabral cyst. He underwent an arthroscopic SLAP repair and a posterior labral repair. He was able to recover and return to his job. He was paid temporary total disability benefits while he remaine off work for his treatment We settled his casefor $35,973.79, representing 30% permanent partial disability in his left arm and medical bills. – BN.

49-year-old man was injured when he stopped at a stop light and was rear-ended by a semi-truck driver during the course of his work. He suffered injuries to his cervical spine and right shoulder as a result of the collision. Based on MRI results, he was diagnosed with a right shoulder rotator cuff tear, impingement syndrome and AC arthrosis. Due to his continued pain, he underwent arthroscopic surgical procedures including rotator cuff repair, subacromial decompression and distal clavicle excision on his shoulder. Much was debated in this case, including the nature and extent of his injuries, whether the injury arose out of his employment and liability for medical expenses. We secured a settlement for $53,854.26, representing 5% permanent partial disability of his body and 33.3% in his right arm along with medical benefits. –LWS.

26 year-old nurse was injured while lifting a patient at work. She sustained injuries to her neck, upper back, left shoulder, arm and hand. She was diagnosed with left shoulder anterior inferior glenohumeral ligament avulsion with resultant laxity. She underwent a Bankart repair and inferior capsular shift operation. Her post-operative diagnosis was left shoulder dislocation with glenohumeral instability and capsular avulsion. An MRI showed that the surgery failed. She therefore underwent an arthroscopic subacromial decompression, distal clavicle resection and a repair of a rotator cuff tear repair. This post-operative diagnosis was a torn rotator cuff in her left shoulder along with acromioclavicular joint arthritis. Her employer disputed the causation of the injury, along with the nature and extent of her disability and denied any responsibility for treatment or temporary total disability disability benefits. Ultimately, our firm secured a settlement of $18,293.90 representing 31.5% permanent partial disability in her left arm, roughly 32 weeks of temporary total disability benefits for being off work and medical benefits. – JB.


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Is ulnar nerve damage a disability?

If the ulnar nerve remains compressed, serious disability may result. The only way to relieve these symptoms is to avoid the work that exacerbates or aggravates the condition, such as jobs that require you to keep your elbows bent for a long period.

How long are you off work for ulnar nerve surgery?

The sutures are removed after ten to fourteen days. You can normally resume light everyday activities soon after surgery and you should be able to return to work within one or two weeks, depending on the nature of your job.

What is the success rate of ulnar nerve surgery?

In the current study, we found that 88.5% of patients had satisfactory outcomes while the other 11.5% had not. There were 25 patients showing postoperative ulnar nerve instability during >2 years' follow-up.

What are the symptoms of ulnar nerve damage?

Abnormal sensations in the little finger and part of the ring finger, usually on the palm side..
Weakness, loss of coordination of the fingers..
Claw-like deformity of the hand and wrist..
Pain, numbness, decreased sensation, tingling, or burning sensation in the areas controlled by the nerve..


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