Average temperature in fort lauderdale in january

The weather in Fort Lauderdale in the month of january comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics for all the month, but also navigating through the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Fort Lauderdale in january

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Fort Lauderdale in january.

The climate of Fort Lauderdale in january is perfect

In january in Fort Lauderdale, the climate is rather dry (with 45mm of rainfall over 3 days). The weather is better from the previous month since in december it receives an average of 58mm of rainfall over 3 days.

The climate nice around this city this month. Temperatures are up to 23°C. The seasonal minimum is 20°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in january in Fort Lauderdale is 21°C. Note that seasonal normals in contrast with those observed in Fort Lauderdale in the month of january with a maximum record of 28°C in 2019 and a minimum record of 4°C in 2010.

Day length in Fort Lauderdale in january is 10:41. The sun rises at 07:10 and sets at 17:51.

With good weather conditions, the month of january is a good month to go in this locality.

Seasonal average climate and temperature of Fort Lauderdale in january

Check below seasonal norms These datas are generated from the weather statements of the last years of january.

December January February
Outside temperature
Average temperature 23°C 21°C 23°C
Highest temperature 25°C 23°C 24°C
Lowest temperature 22°C 20°C 21°C
Highest record temperature 29°C
Lowest record temperature 4°C
Number of days at +18°C 30 day(s)
29 day(s)
27 day(s)
Sea temperature
Average sea temperature 24.4°C 23.5°C 23.4°C
Lowest sea temperature 23.2°C 22.2°C 21.8°C
Highest sea temperature 25.6°C 24.7°C 24.9°C
Wind speed 22km/h 23km/h 23km/h
Wind temperature 21°C 19°C 21°C
Precipitation (rainfall)
Rainfall 58mm 45mm 45mm
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
3 day(s)
2 day(s)
Record daily rainfall 42.6mm
Other climate data
Humidity 79% 78% 79%
Visibility 9.78km 9.82km 9.82km
Cloud cover 32% 33% 30%
UV index 6 6 6
Daily sunshine hours 8 9 11
Sunrise and sunset
Time of sunrise 07:01 07:10 06:56
Time of sunset 17:32 17:51 18:14
Length of day 10:31 10:41 11:18
Our opinion about the weather in january
Our opinion at whereandwhen.net perfect perfect perfect

How was the weather last january?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Fort Lauderdale in january 2022:


24°C to 30°C


25°C to 28°C


20°C to 25°C


20°C to 27°C


23°C to 25°C


22°C to 26°C


21°C to 27°C


23°C to 26°C


23°C to 25°C


23°C to 27°C


22°C to 24°C


21°C to 23°C


21°C to 22°C


16°C to 23°C


18°C to 25°C


21°C to 25°C


17°C to 24°C


14°C to 20°C


19°C to 23°C


22°C to 25°C


22°C to 25°C


22°C to 25°C


18°C to 24°C


15°C to 22°C


18°C to 26°C


22°C to 25°C


21°C to 23°C


22°C to 25°C


14°C to 20°C


9°C to 17°C


14°C to 20°C

Map: other cities in Florida in january

Cities near Fort Lauderdale:

Miami in january perfect weather
Boynton Beach in january good weather
West Palm Beach in january perfect weather
Biscayne National Park in january perfect weather
Big Cypress National Preserve in january perfect weather
Key Largo in january perfect weather
Everglades National Park in january perfect weather
Port Saint Lucie in january perfect weather
Islamorada in january perfect weather
Fort Pierce in january perfect weather
Marco Island in january perfect weather
Naples in january perfect weather
Florida in january: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in january.


Fort Lauderdale
perfect weather
very bad

Weather data for Fort Lauderdale in january:

Weather data for Fort Lauderdale for january are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Fort Lauderdale. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Fort Lauderdale can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Fort Lauderdale.

Weather in december in Fort Lauderdale

Weather in february in Fort Lauderdale

What's the coldest month in Fort Lauderdale?

Average Temperature in Fort Lauderdale The cool season lasts for 3.0 months, from December 7 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 78°F. The coldest month of the year in Fort Lauderdale is January, with an average low of 62°F and high of 75°F.

Is January a good time to visit Fort Lauderdale?

The best time to visit Fort Lauderdale is between December and April. Yes, anytime in that whole half of the year. The warm climate (between the high 50s and mid-80s) makes it an ideal getaway for anyone looking to escape bitter winter temperatures.

Can you swim in the ocean in Fort Lauderdale in January?

Yes! The water temperature in Fort Lauderdale in january is pleasant. Swimming in january is pleasant in Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding area. The sea temperature is 75°F on average (min/max: 72°F/77°F), allowing you to swim for a long time and enjoy water sports.

Is Fort Lauderdale Beach warm in January?

Fort Lauderdale weather January Its winter temperatures still reach the mid-twenties, while the sea's nice and warm and the sun shines for an average of seven hours each day.


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