Another way to say i believe in an essay


Common Words Unique Words Synonyms Related Words Idioms Antonyms

To bring about as a result; to effect; to make.

To make a solemn promise. See also oath.

To consider or weigh an idea:

To give credence to; believe:

To keep from departing or getting away:

To become aware of; perceive:

To think about in order to understand or decide; ponder

Approval; deference; respect. See also full faith and credit. Belief; faith; trust. The ability to borrow money, the amount made available as a loan, or the ability to purchase goods and services without immediate payment, based on the creditor’s faith in one’s ability and intention to repay the loan or to pay for the goods and services in the future. A reduction in an amount owed or an addition to one’s net worth or revenue. A form of security offered to a seller that provides for payment by a bank or financial institution upon certain conditions being met, including delivery of goods within specified time and whatever other conditions are applicable to the transaction. See also letter of credit.

To put up with (something unpleasant):

To propose a theory about.

Assume means to fulfill the obligations of someone else's position by taking over his job.

To have sympathy or tolerance:

To opine is to share your thoughts or opinion.

Regard is to think of someone or something in a particular way.

To declare in a positive way; assert

(Knitting) To bring stitches closer together.

To imagine; to believe; to receive as true.

To act as one appointed to decide the winners of:

To form a judgment or estimate of (something) without actual knowledge or enough facts for certainty; conjecture; surmise

Antonyms for Believe

To refuse to believe or accept; reject:

Suspect is defined as to think something is likely or believe someone has done something wrong or is guilty of something.

To assert that something is not true.

To have no confidence in; doubt or suspect:

(Archaic) To have or express as an opinion.

To regard in an appraising way

Find another word for believe. In this page you can discover 74 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for believe, like: have faith, be confident, accept, conclude, be convinced, affirm, think, be certain, trust, postulate and have no doubt.

This is a guest post by Sam Pealing. Make sure to visit his website for more academic English help!

I admire international students. Seriously. If you’re a non-native English speaker doing a degree or doctorate in English, then I take my hat off to you.

I get a lot of questions about writing essays, and I’ve taught hundreds of students how to write effective essays (which get good grades). One of the most common mistakes that I see is a lack of opinion.

Most of the time, students describe a situation, but they don’t give their opinion or stance. This can really damage your grade because lecturers are always looking for ‘critical thinking’. If you don’t give your opinion in your essays, your lecturers can’t see your critical thinking.

To put it simply: If you don’t put your opinion or stance in an essay, then you’ll probably lose marks.

In this article, you’ll learn 10 effective phrases that you can use to give your opinion in your essay. I’ve also created a free lesson pack which will help you to practice the phrases in this article. CLICK HERE to download it.

Introducing the Phrases

If you’re looking for a quick fix for your essay, these phrases should help you to start putting your own opinions in your essays.

But, before you rush over to your essays to start putting these phrases in, there’s something you need to know.

If you’re writing an academic essay, you will need to support your opinions with strong evidence. This is especially true if you are using some of the stronger phrases.

This evidence can be a journal article, a lecture, a textbook, or something else which is a trustworthy source of information.

In a more informal essay, like one in an IELTS or TOEFL language test, you don’t need to support your answers with strong evidence. Your experiences or opinions will be enough.

Quick note: I know! You’re ready to see the phrases.

This won’t take long and it’s really important.

1. For these phrases to be really effective, you’ll need to review your grammar. Shayna has some great videos on her Espresso English Youtube channel.

I recommend these:

  • Subject/Verb agreement
  • Formal and Informal English
  • Correcting Grammar Mistakes

2. If you want to know the structure of a good essay paragraph, check my post here.

Another way to say i believe in an essay

Informal English Phrases

These phrases are suitable for language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. In an academic essay, these phrases will probably be too informal because they are too personal.

“In my opinion, + [your sentence]”

  • In my opinion, a good education is more important than a good car.

“I believe that + [your sentence]”

  • I believe that schools should encourage students to walk or cycle to school rather than drive.

“In my mind, + [your sentence]”

  • In my mind, no-one should have to pay for medical care.”

More Formal Academic Phrases With ‘That’

These phrases are more suitable for academic essays. If you are unsure whether you should use an informal phrase or an academic phrase, use an academic one. If you think your writing might be informal, read this post to learn more.

The patterns here are quite straightforward. Just add your sentence after ‘that’.

“It would seem that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you support your opinion with evidence.

  • It would seem that children learn best when they are feeling comfortable.”

“It could be argued that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you want to challenge an existing opinion.

  • It could be argued that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in this situation.”

“This suggests that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you don’t want to fully commit to an opinion. You’re giving yourself some distance.

  • The evidence suggests that people who speak more than one language have more job opportunities.”

“This proves that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you are confident with your opinion. This phrase is quite strong*

  • This proves that the best way to lose weight is through a controlled diet and a good exercise program.”

“This supports the idea that + [your sentence]”

Use this one when you are supporting an opinion that you have already made.

  • This new research supports the idea that successful English learners look for opportunities to use English.”

Another way to say i believe in an essay

Other Ways to Express Opinion

“Although [idea you disagree with], [idea you agree with]”

Use this when you want make your opinion seem balanced.

  • Although reports suggest that cigarettes could help people to lose weight, there are too many serious health problems associated with smoking.”

Note: The ‘although’ pattern is very effective because it shows two sides of the argument. In the example, I support the idea that smoking is bad for your health –BUT- I recognise that it could have some benefits.

Structure your ‘although’ sentence like this: Although, [weaker argument you disagree with], [stronger argument you agree with].

Using Adverbs, Adjectives and Nouns

You can use adjectives to show your opinion.

  • “This research was poorly conducted with a lack of control.”

The adjective and nouns in the example are negative. You can get some good ideas from this video on Extreme Adjectives. Note: try not to use any emotional adjectives.

Make Your Own Phrases!

Of course, these phrases aren’t the only ones that you can use! You can find more –or– you can create your own by combining different patterns.

Here’s an example of #7, #9 and #10 used together.

“Although it is difficult for older adults to learn a second language, an important study by Smith (2014) proved that the elderly can successfully learn new languages.”

What Should You Do Now?

So now you should have a better idea of how to include more opinions in your essays. But that’s not all; there are probably some new words here that you don’t know.

So here’s what you should do:

  1. Choose three of the opinion expressions and phrases that you want to try.
  2. Practice writing sentences using them (if you don’t have a topic, try this: should students do homework? You can see examples of this in the lesson pack)
  3. Get the Lesson Pack for this lesson (which contains the vocabulary and the phrases from this lesson) CLICK HERE to download it.

Another way to say i believe in an essay
About Sam Pealing

Sam Pealing is an English language coach who specialises in two important areas: 1. helping you to get great grades at university, and 2. helping you to become an effective and confident English user. If you’re feeling frustrated or confused with English, Sam has created the perfect email course for you! You can join his course here –or- you can read more by him on English For Study.

What to say instead of I believe in an essay?

Informal English Phrases.
“In my opinion, + [your sentence]”.
“I believe that + [your sentence]”.
“In my mind, + [your sentence]”.
“It would seem that + [your sentence]”.
“It could be argued that + [your sentence]”.
“This suggests that + [your sentence]”.
“This proves that + [your sentence]”.

What is another way of saying I believe?

What is another word for I believe?.

Can I use I believe in an essay?

Even though you're writing your argument from a single opinion, don't use first person language—"I think," "I feel," "I believe,"—to present your claims. Doing so is repetitive, since by writing the essay you're already telling the audience what you feel, and using first person language weakens your writing voice.

How do you write I believe in professional way?

For instance, instead of saying I believe I'm a good fit, here are some synonyms to use in your cover letter: I'm confident. I am capable. I'm skilled.