Who is the new head of household on big brother

Things are getting tense in the Big Brother house as the Leftovers alliance has seemingly crumbled.

For weeks, the Leftovers, a.k.a. Matthew "Turner" Turner, Monte Taylor, Kyle Capener, Joseph Abdin, Brittany Hoopes and Michael Bruner, have been scheming to oust the other Houseguests.

They have enjoyed much success, managing to get Ameerah Jones, Nicole Layog, Daniel Durston, Indy Santos and Jasmine Davis evicted.

But following the double eviction in Week 7, and the appointment of a new Head of Household, things have taken a turn and it looks as if the alliance is no more, with the new nominations suggesting a member of the Leftovers will be leaving this week.

The Leftovers alliance appears to have crumbled on "Big Brother" 2022. CBS

Newsweek has everything you need to know about the latest Head of Household results and nominations on Big Brother 2022.

Who Is Head of Household on Big Brother 2022 Week 8?

Turner has been appointed as the Head of Household for Week 8 of Big Brother 2022.

As they were both Heads of Household last week when the house was split into two teams, Michael and Terrance Higgins were ineligible to compete in this week's competition.

The players who were eligible for the challenge took part in a battle in which they had to assemble a tower of 21 micro cans with tweezers. Whoever did it the quickest won, with Turner ultimately coming out on top.

For the Week 8 Head of Household competition, "Big Brother" contestants had to stack mini cans with tweezers. Turner has been appointed as the Head of Household for Week 8. CBS

Who Has Been Nominated on Big Brother 2022 Week 8?

Last week on Big Brother the house was split into two teams, Brochella and Dyre Fest, and two separate but simultaneous games were played throughout the week.

During the Week 7 eviction process Jasmine was ousted from the Brochella side, which didn't come as a surprise to viewers as she was the only one of the group not in the Leftovers alliance. Things got complicated on the Dyre Fest side of the house, however, as only two of the players, Joseph and Turner, were part of the Leftovers.

After learning that he was still up for eviction following the Power of Veto competition, Joseph went to the Diary Room, but while he was in there, the other four Houseguests on the Dyre Fest side formed their own alliance without him, called The Afterparty. This was especially surprising from Turner, who was part of the Leftovers alliance with Joseph.

Joseph was ultimately evicted alongside Jasmine and the two sides of the house came back together as one.

Now, as the new Head of Household, Turner has found himself caught in the middle of his two alliances, the Leftovers and The Afterparty.

His new Afterparty allies, Terrance and Alyssa Snider, were happy that Turner had won Head of Household and were counting on him keeping them safe, while the Leftovers were thinking they would have the same support.

Turner ultimately put Taylor and Brittany up for nomination, blaming his decision on "Big Brother" evictee Joseph Abdin. CBS

At the nomination ceremony, Turner shocked the Leftovers by nominating Taylor and Brittany. He blamed his decision on the previously evicted Joseph, telling Brittany and Taylor that Joseph had spilled about a "final three" alliance deal he had with them that excluded Turner, leading to him putting them up for eviction.

So Brittany and Taylor are currently for up for nomination, but as Big Brother fans know, all could change after the Power of Competition as whoever wins will have the power to change the nominations should they wish to.

Big Brother continues on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on CBS.

Big Brother Spoilers: HoH wins stuns house

Big Brother Spoilers: HoH wins stuns house

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo Courtesy: CBS.

By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

For the third time this season, Michael, the attorney from Minnesota, is the Head of Household.

The current record for most Head of Household wins in a single season sits at five with Cadu Parga (Big Brother Brazil), Demetres Giannitsos (Big Brother Canada) and Dane Rupert (Big Brother Canada) all tied for the title.

Michael’s combined PoV and HoH wins is now eight which ties him in second place overall with Paul Abrahamian, Jackson Michie and Cody Calafiore. Janelle Pierzina has the current record for the most combined wins in a single season with nine.

Monte and Turner talked about Michael’s win in the kitchen afterwards.

“That is exactly what I thought was going to happen,” laughed Turner.

“I thought maybe I could be the quickest to get the pieces back but then I started working on the base and I thought I was right with him. Then, I started trying to find the pieces and I looked over and he was done,” said Monte.

Both Monte and Turner are sure that Alyssa and Terrance will be nominated by Michael.

Monte then spoke with Terrance in one of the bedrooms.

“It was over before it started. Next week he is vulnerable but he isn’t. He gets to play in the veto. He can just coast,” laughed Terrance.

“The thing is he has to win every single veto. He will slip once,” replied Monte.

Embroiled in controversy due to his contentious comments in the house, Kyle was unanimously evicted by his fellow houseguests.

“It was a very tough week but I am feeling so grateful to have this experience with all these amazing people. They shared so much love and compassion for someone who is as flawed as I am. I just feel so grateful to have had this experience and have it with these houseguests,” said Kyle to host Julie Chen Moonves.

After her chat with Kyle, Chen Moonves revealed that next week will be a double eviction episode.

Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.

To catch up on the recent episodes click here.

Big Brother Spoilers: Forgiving houseguest reaches out: ‘We need to change how we move in life’

Who won last Head of Household on Big Brother?

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Courtesy CBS.

Who won the second part of HoH on Big Brother?

Turner won last night's endurance competition and apparently Monte won the second part held this afternoon. Turner and Monte, who have a final two pact, will now battle it out on finale night for that final HoH and the power to decide who is coming with them to face the jury and who will be joining the jury.

Who does monte nominate?

New Head of Household Monte has nominated Brittany and Alyssa for eviction. Monte began his individual HoH meetings being mostly open and honest about who is putting up and why. He began with Alyssa.

Who won power of veto on big brother?

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

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