When can you brush after wisdom tooth extraction

The way you care for yourself after wisdom teeth removal can make all the difference in your recovery. Here’s a list of what to do (and what not to do) to get you back on your feet after you get your wisdom teeth out.


  • Take it easy. You will need plenty of rest after your surgery, so plan on keeping your activity to a minimum. You will likely need someone to drive you home after the procedure, and it’s also a good idea to have a friend or relative stay with you for the first 24 hours.
  • Eat soft foods. Your mouth will not be able to tolerate anything more than soft foods after surgery. Yogurt, applesauce, pudding and Jell-O are all good options for the first day.
  • Manage your pain. Your doctor or oral surgeon will have your companion fill your prescription medication while you’re in surgery, so you can stay on top of the pain right away. Over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol and ibuprofen are also helpful for pain management. To reduce swelling and bruising, and relieve pain at the same time, hold an ice pack against your mouth.


  • Drink certain beverages. Alcoholic, caffeinated or hot drinks are a no-no for the first 24 hours. Opt for plenty of water instead. And avoid using a straw, as the sucking motion may loosen a blood clot from the socket.
  • Spit. You may have some bleeding for the first day, which is normal. It’s important that you try to avoid spitting, which can dislodge a blood clot in the socket. Your doctor or oral surgeon will supply you with gauze to absorb any excess blood. Wear it (and change it) often for the first 24 hours.
  • Brush your teeth. You can disrupt your stitches if you brush your teeth, use mouthwash or rinse your mouth the first day. After 24 hours, you can gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush your teeth, but take special care to avoid the stitched area.
  • Use tobacco. Tobacco products can prohibit healing and increase the risk of complications. Avoid smoking for as long as possible, but at least for the first 24 hours. And chewing tobacco should be avoided for at least a week.

Want to learn more about wisdom teeth removal? Contact the Montefiore Department of Dentistry.
For more information about any of the services we offer, please contact Drs. Kraut, Rogoff, Newsome and Kakanantadilok. Our office is located in the Bronx and can be reached at 888-700-6623. We look forward to meeting you.

Wisdom tooth removal blog post


Tooth extraction is typically recommended as a last resort when a tooth is too damaged to be saved. The exception would be wisdom teeth which are sometimes extracted even if they are not impacted.

There are two main types of extractions used in dentistry. Simple extractions are performed when a dentist can reach the tooth with forceps and pull them out, while surgical extractions are needed if the tooth is stuck beneath gum tissues. Regardless of the type of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to recover from tooth extraction. Dentists typically recommend waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after having a tooth pulled.

Tooth extraction aftercare

The following are some of the things that patients can do to make their recovery go more smoothly after an extraction:

Oral hygiene

Patients typically are injected with a local anesthetic when a tooth is being pulled, so they do not feel pain as the dental professional works. It is normal to experience some pain and discomfort afterward as the anesthetic effects wear off. The discomfort caused by the procedure can last up to two weeks, so dentists often prescribe painkillers to help manage them.

Keeping your mouth clean after having a tooth extracted is crucial to reducing the risk of complications like an infection. The extracted tooth’s socket will be sore for a few days, so dentists recommend avoiding oral hygiene products like toothpaste and mouthwash during that time. Instead, rinse with a saltwater mixture after meals to clean and disinfect your mouth. Do not spit out the saltwater or anything else you put in your mouth since that can lead to the blood clot that develops inside the socket becoming dislodged.

Patients should also avoid brushing with a toothbrush during this period since that can irritate the extraction site. They can start brushing with toothpaste once a few days have passed. Patients should still try to avoid brushing around the extraction site.

Soft and liquid foods

Patients should stick to liquid and soft foods for the first week after getting a tooth extracted. Soft foods and liquids are less likely to dislodge the clot that forms in the socket or to irritate the area. Patients should also avoid hot or spicy foods that can aggravate the extraction site.

Patients can usually start eating regular food once a week has passed, but they should still avoid foods with small bits that can get stuck inside the tooth’s socket. Most of the discomfort caused by the procedure should be gone at that point. New tissues will form and fill up the extracted tooth's socket over the next few months.

Take control of your oral health

An extraction might be what you need to prevent a severe health issue like an infection that spreads to other parts of your body. Contact our New Windsor dental clinic to set up a consultation appointment.

Request an appointment here: //advanceddentalofnewwindsor.com or call Advanced Dental at (845) 228-8048 for an appointment in our New Windsor office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Tooth Extraction in New Windsor, NY.

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How do I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

You should brush your teeth using slow circular motions. Keep in mind: You shouldn't spit the toothpaste out for the first five days following your wisdom teeth removal because this could cause the blood clots to loosen. Instead, you should allow the toothpaste to drool out of your mouth.

When can I start brushing with toothpaste after tooth extraction?

Regardless of the type of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to recover from tooth extraction. Dentists typically recommend waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after having a tooth pulled.

Can I brush my mouth with toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal?

Keep the mouth clean Brushing can be started on the first post-operative day. For the first 5 postoperative days, do not spit the toothpaste out. To remove the toothpaste let it drool out of your mouth. Spitting may result in a dry socket.

When can I brush normally after extraction?

Avoid rinsing the mouth, brushing near the extraction site, and eating foods that require chewing for at least 24 hours. Patients usually can resume tooth brushing and flossing on day 2 of recovery, but should refrain from brushing on the extraction site for the first three days to ensure your clot stays in place.


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