What types of animals are in the tropical rainforest

Temperatures are constantly changing each day. Have you ever for a second, given it a thought as to why? The answer is simple: tropical rainforests. The rainforest keeps a balance between the ecosystem and the environment. They are a source of oxygen and minerals and are home to various animals and birds. Rainforests are one of the most stunning places to explore, if given the chance.  Since we’re on the subject, let’s look into some of the range of animals and plants it shelters.

Tropical Rainforest Animals

Found in various layers of the jungle, some of the tropical rainforest animals include the large flying fox, king colobus, crowned eagle and several others.

Large Flying Fox

It is one of the largest species in the world known to use its eyesight to detect food sources. It lives in the canopy layer of the tropical rainforest and feeds on nectar, fruits, and flowers.

King Colobus

Native to the African primate, the king colobus is also known to the world as the western black and white colobus because of its black coloration of its body and white colored chest and whiskers. One of the main features of this animal is oval eye sockets and narrow superciliary ridges.

Crowned Eagle

It is a massive and ferocious bird found in the emergent layer of the rainforest. It feeds on mammalian prey like small ungulates, small primates, birds, and lizards. The crowned eagle is one of the powerful eagles of Africa.


Kinkajou is the type of tropical rainforest animal found in Central South American rainforest.  These are nocturnal, frugivorous, and arboreal in nature. They are hunted for many purposes.

Great Hornbill

It is one of the vulnerable and largest  species found in the tropical rainforest of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It feeds on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. Its lifetime is around 50 years in captivity.

Three Toed Sloth

A unique animal, the brown throated three toed sloth is found living in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. The name “ three-toed”  is said to be one of the seven deadly sins due to the 3 claws on each limb.  There are 4 types of the 3 toed sloths, two are said to be nestled in the Amazon forest.

Spider Monkey

The monkeys were given the name “spider” as they look like spiders and hang upside down from their tails. The long thin arms and prehensile tail enables the spider monkey to swing through and grab trees.

Keel Billed Toucan

Known as the Rainbow- billed Toucan,  Keel-billed toucan is known for its vibrant colors like orange, red, green and blue.  The birds are seen nestled in natural or woodpecker- created tree cavities.

African Grey Parrot

Native to the regions of Africa, the species are found at the edge of the dense forest and in open savanna areas. One of the fascinating things about the African grey parrot, “the Einstein’s of the bird’s world” is its ability to make sounds and talk.  These birds talk non- stop and are said to be the perfect pet.

Boa Constrictor

Despite being bitten by various snakes, there aren’t too many stories about people being bitten by the Boa constrictors.  These snakes are often used to control infestations of rats inside homes in South American. Its patterns and coloring change to enable it to camouflage, depending on the habitat the snake occupies.

South American Coati

Originated from the native American Indian words cua, which means belt and tim, meaning nose, the South American Coati comes from the family of racoons. Coati is often identified by its reddish- brown fur, long banded tail and dark elongated snout.

Poison Dart Frog

The poison dart frogs are no showoffs but are known for their shades like orange, yellow, red, blue and green. These colors do keep the predators at bay as these frogs are known to poison and kill several mice.


It is one of the biggest cat species found across Central America and south to northern Argentina and Paraguay. It is sturdier than leopard and larger than latter. It is the apex predator of the ecosystem

Western Lowland Gorilla

One of the most unique and widespread of the gorilla subspecies, the western lowland gorilla is found nestled in Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Equatorial Guinea as well as in large areas in Gabon and the Republic of Congo. The best way to recognize these gorillas is by their brown- grey coats and auburn chests. They have a huge skull and more pronounced brow ridge.

Sumatran Rhinoceros

The smallest living rhinoceroses, Sumatran rhinos are the only Asian rhinos with two horns. Their hair is long and are related to the woolly rhinos that are extinct. Born with a dense covering that chances into reddish brown as young adults  and black as they grow older, these rhinos are one of the most unique animals that are now threatened due to loss of habitat.


Every often when people come across a tapir, the first question that comes to mind, is what could this beautiful creature be? Could it be a pig or an anteater? It is a Tapir, one of the rarest and largest native land mammals of South America, and close cousins or relatives are rhinos and horses. These living fossils have been survived wave of extinctions.


If one were to look at the Okapi, the first thing that would come to mind is a Zebra. With its reddish brown and cream stripes on its hindquarters, it does seem like one. But its closest cousin is the Giraffe! Surprised right? It is the only surviving relative of the giraffe.

Tropical Rainforest Plants

There are a million kinds of plant species found in the tropical rainforest, that offer food and shelter to animals. Plants like orchids are quite rare and supply oxygen to the world ; and thrive in a humid environment.


Comes from the Greek work epi, meaning upon and phyton means plant, Epiphyte has the ability to attach themselves to vertical surfaces and capture water and a lot of their nutrients from various sources other than soil. They are not parasites despite living off other plants. Most types of epiphytes are found in tropical and cloud forests.


Offering a delightful touch to a home, Bromeliad thrives in the tropics and sun-kissed climates. The plant can be grown as a houseplant and does bring a unique texture and color to a garden. The plant does have an unusual appearance and can produce a flower or inflorescence.


One of the many questions often asked is how does one identify an orchid? The structure of the flower is one of the characteristic features of identifying them. One of the most interesting things about the flower is the female part is fused to something called column and the male part is fused to pollinarium, protected by the anther cap.

Acai Palm

The Brazilian “superfruit”, Acai berries are native to the Amazon region and are found growing in the Central and south American rainforest. The berries are deep purple in color and are similar in appearance as a grape.

Carnauba Palm

Native to Brazil, Carnauba Palm grow in the wild and gets its name from resistant wax, harvested from the leaves. It does have a high requirement of water.

Rattan Palm

The strong vine- like robust climbing plant, the rattan palm has thin stems with prickly hooks on the mid-rob of its leaves used to stay attached to trees. One of the most unique features of the plant is the cluster of flowers and fruits.

Walking Palm

If the Venus flytrap plant can eat flies, then it is safe to say that plants do have some unplantlike behavior. Despite the saying trees don’t wander around, the walking palm, found in Latin America, is one such tree that walks. It has an unusual root system, which is basically several tiny roots, a few feet off the ground, giving it the appearance of several tiny legs.

Amazon water lily

Also known as Victoria Amazonica, the Amazon waterlily creates showy circular foliage and the leaves are called lily pads that lie flat on the water surface. Found in its natural habit of the Amazon, it is often seen growing under glass in the UK.

Rubber Tree

The unusual looking varietal native of the tropics of Southeast Asia, the rubber plant is known as the Ficus elastica. It flaunts its majestic oval-shaped leaves with a rich emerald hue and gores up to 100 feet in its natural surroundings.


The evergreen shrub, little tree or thorny vine with tiny trumpet- shaped flowers, Bougainvillea grow in groups of 3 and come with tiny colorful papery bracts like purple, red, pink, orange and white.

Indian Timber Bamboo

Known to the world as the Bengal Bamboo or Indian Timber Bamboo, Bambusa Tulda is a tropical bamboo found in Indian continents, Indochina, Tibet and Yunnan. The Indian timber bamboo is a multi-purpose bamboo species that grows up to 20 m and is used in construction and scaffolding.

Vanilla Orchid

The word vanilla means flavor, which is used by the Aztecs. Found in Central and South America, the vanilla Orchid is found growing on vines, climbing up other trees. The tropical species, the orchid thrives in high temperatures and humidity. It is an epiphyte that is nestled on a host tree without getting nutrients from it.

Bucket Orchid

A genus of 42 species of epiphytic orchids, the bucket orchid is known for its complex pollination mechanism. It is found in South America and Trinidad and pollinates and collects; and stores fragrances.

Silky Oak

Not your typical flower, Silky Oak is found thriving in Australia and is a tree with a light gray, rouge, bark with spaced furrows. It can withstand all kinds of climates and soil and grows really fast.

Corpse Flower

It is the biggest flower found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. The flower is 1m in diameter. It is a rare plant that grows on vines. It creates a smell like rotting flesh, so it got the name ‘Corpse Flower’. Rafflesia arnoldii is another name of Corpse Flower.

Pitcher Plants

They are found in the areas where the soil is low in nutrients. There are many different types  of Pitcher plants. Insects fall into the plant’s tube. They produce the nectar for food. The plant gives the nutrients from bodies. The best-known pitcher plant is Nepenthes.


It is a flowering plant found in the American forest. They are pollinated by hummingbird and stand out with their bright colours. It is a very popular ornamental plant in the world. Due to the shape of the flower, it is called ‘lobster claws.


It is a tall and rainforest tree. It is living in an emergent layer. It has buttress roots. It was found in the rainforests of South America, Asia, and Africa.

What kind of animals live in tropical rainforest?

Rain Forest Animals Other rain forest mammals include sloths, tapirs, jaguars, ocelots, kinkajous, lemurs and agouti. The warm, moist environment is also an ideal habitat for reptiles and amphibians. Many types of frogs, salamanders, snakes and lizards can be found in almost every layer of the forest.

What is the main animal in the tropical rainforest?

These rainforests have rich biodiversity and nearly 40% to 75% of all species on Earth inhabit these forests. Fauna of these rainforests includes the jaguar, tapir, okapi, boa constrictor, African gray parrot, keel-billed toucan, crowned eagle, three-toed sloth, spider monkey, large flying fox, king colobus, and more.


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