What is a normal a1c for someone without diabetes

The normal blood sugar (glucose) level for a healthy, non-diabetic adult is determined by when and how blood sugar levels are tested.

The below information describes what normal blood sugar levels are prior to and after meals and what the recommended HbA1c and Haemoglobin A1c levels are for those with and without diabetes. 

If you are diabetic, it is advisable to consult with your doctor in order for appropriate blood sugar level targets to be set based on your age, the severity of your condition, medications taken and overall health status.

Blood sugar level chart

Fasting blood glucose level test

  • Normal reading for nondiabetic person = 70–99 mg/dl (3.9–6 mmol/L)*
  • The recommendation for someone who is diabetic = 80–130 mg/dl (4.5–7.2 mmol/L)

* MyMed Memo: Values between 50 and 70 are often seen in healthy people.

Two hours after a meal

  • Normal reading for nondiabetic person = Below 140 mg/dl (11 mmol/L)
  • The recommendation for someone who is diabetic = Below 180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/L)

Random blood sugar level test

A blood same is taken at a random time, regardless of when the last meal was consumed.

  • A normal blood sugar reading = Below 200mg/dl (or 11.1 mmol/L)

HbA1c Test

A HbA1c test (aka Haemoglobin A1C test) doesn't require fasting and determines the average level of blood glucose over the past two to three months. Red blood cells have a lifespan of roughly three months, and a HbA1c blood test measures the amount of glucose that has bound to them during this period.

  • Normal reading for nondiabetic person = Below 5.7%
  • The recommendation for someone who is diabetic = 7% or less (personal goals, will, however be determined by a doctor taking age and other medical factors into account)

**My Med Memo – The measurement 'mmol' is the abbreviation for millimole.

What is high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia)?

If your blood sugar levels are chronically higher than normal, then this is referred to as hyperglycaemia. This is a common issue for those suffering from diabetes. The condition can also affect pregnant women who have gestational diabetes and occasionally those who are severely ill (i.e. have suffered a stroke, heart attack or severe infection).

Some of the symptoms of hyperglycaemia include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Hunger
  • Frequent urination
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Issues with concentration and/or thinking

If severe hyperglycaemia is left untreated the condition can lead to organ and tissue damage as the excess glucose present in the body can make it difficult for the organs and cells to function correctly. The disorder can also impair the immune system response in the healing of wounds and cuts.

Other severe symptoms of hyperglycaemia include:

  • Nerve damage
  • Visual issues
  • Kidney damage
  • Blood vessel damage

Mild hyperglycaemia, depending on the cause, will not typically require medical treatment. Most people with this condition can lower their blood sugar levels sufficiently through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Those with type 1 diabetes will require the administration of insulin (usually via injection), while those with type 2 diabetes will often use a combination of injectable and oral medications (anti-diabetic medications), although some may also require insulin.

What is low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia)?

Hypoglycaemia is a condition wherein blood sugar levels are too low. This condition affects a number of diabetic people when their bodies do not have enough glucose to use as energy. Hypoglycaemia is commonly the result of taking too much of the medication/s prescribed to treat diabetes, eating less than expected, exercising more than normal or skipping meals.

Some of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia include:

  • A pale face
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Skin tingling
  • Headache
  • Trembling in hands and other body parts
  • Blurry vision
  • Rapid heart rate

The key to treating low blood sugar is to eat something rich in carbohydrates such as a granola bar, fruit, fruit juice or cookies if you begin to show any of the above-mentioned symptoms. Those who have low blood sugar are often aware of this and will tend to carry something to eat on them in case of a hyperglycaemic episode.

  • Blood sugar levels
  • Blood sugar level chart
  • High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia/hypoglycemia)
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia/hypogylcemia)

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What is a normal A1C for a nondiabetic person?

Normal A1C for people without diabetes If you don't have diabetes, your A1C result should be below 5.7%. If your A1C is higher than that, then you may get a new diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes: Prediabetes: A1C between 5.7% to 6.4%

How can I lower my A1C quickly?

7 Ways to Improve Your A1C.
Exercise. Physical activity helps your body use insulin more efficiently, so it can better process the glucose in your blood. ... .
Eat Right. ... .
Take Medications as Prescribed. ... .
Manage Your Stress. ... .
Stick to a Schedule. ... .
Drink in Moderation. ... .
Monitor Your Numbers..

At what A1C level does damage start?

5 Blood vessel damage can start at A1C levels above 7%. The risk of complications significantly increases at A1Cs above 9%.

Can you have a 6.5 A1C and not be diabetic?

If your A1C level is between 5.7 and less than 6.5%, your levels have been in the prediabetes range. If you have an A1C level of 6.5% or higher, your levels were in the diabetes range.


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