What is 1 oz equal to in ml

To convert ounces to milliliters (oz to mL), you may use the oz to mL converter above. Alternatively, to find out how many milliliters there are in "x" ounces, you may use the ounces to milliliters conversion table.

Below, you will find information of how to find out how many milliliters there are in "x" ounces, including the formulas and example conversions.

The tables and the converter are based on the US fluid ounces and milliliters.

How many mL in an ounce?

1 Ounce (oz) is equal to 29.5735296 milliliters (mL). To convert ounces to mL, multiply the ounce value by 29.5735296.

For example, to convert 16 oz to mL, multiply 29.5735296 by 16, that makes 473.176473 mL in 16 oz.

ounces to mL formula

mL = ounce * 29.5735296

1 UK fluid ounce is equal to 28.4130625 mL. To convert UK fluid ounces to mL, please visit UK fluid oz to mL.

Common conversions from (US fluid) oz to mL:

  • 2 oz = 59.1470591 mL
  • 8 oz = 236.588237 mL
  • 12 oz = 354.882355 mL
  • 20 oz = 591.470591 mL
  • 32 oz = 946.352946 mL
  • 64 oz = 1892.70589 mL

How to convert milliliters to ounces (oz)?

1 Milliliter (mL) is equal to 0.03381402265 ounce (oz). To convert milliliters to oz, multiply the milliliter value by 0.03381402265 or divide by 29.5735296.

For example, to convert 100 mL to oz, divide 100 by 29.5735296, that makes 3.3814 oz in 100 mL.

mL to ounce formula

ounce = mL * 0.03381402265

ounce = mL / 29.5735296

What is a Fluid Ounce?

Fluid ounce is an Imperial and United States Customary measurement systems volume unit. 1 US fluid ounce = 29.5735296 mL. 1 UK fluid ounce = 28.4130625 mL. The symbol is "fl oz".

There are two types of fluid ounces, US Customary fluid ounce and the Imperial fluid ounce. Depending on what types of fluid ounces are converted, the answer to the question of how many ml in an ounce might be different. If you are converting from US fluid ounces to ml, then there are 29.5735296 ml in an ounce. If the conversion is between Imperial fluid ounces and the milliliters, then there are 28.4130625 ml in an Imperial ounce.

The list of conversion factors from fluid oz to mL:

  • 1 US fluid ounce = 29.5735296 mL
  • 1 Imperial fluid ounce = 28.4130625 mL

To convert between US and UK fluid ounces, please visit fluid ounces conversion.

To convert from UK and US fluid ounces to mL, please visit all volume units conversion.

Converting 1 oz to ml should be easy, but it’s really not that simple. That’s because “oz” refers to the English measurement ounce, and that’s a term that can actually mean different things in different contexts. It’s part of the weirdness and unwieldy nature of English measurements that has caused most of the world to convert to the metric system. A liter is 1,000 ml. That’s simple enough to understand. But you need 437.5 grains to make an ounce, and 16 ounces to make a pound. So if you’re going to market or want to convert 1 oz to ml, most people around the world may not have an accurate idea of what you’re talking about. So with this web page, you’ll know the milliliter (ml) equivalent of 1 fl oz.

1 OZ to ML Converter

How much is 1 oz in ml? Here you will find the converter program to changer your units from oz to ml (ounces to milliliters). It’s easy enough to use. Enter 1 (which is the amount you have in fluid ounces) in the field marked OZ.

Then pick the proper volume unit. You have 3 options here:

  • the US customary fluid ounce,
  • the US fluid ounce for food and nutrition labeling, and
  • the UK (Imperial) version.

The converter will automatically process the 1 oz to ml conversion and you’ll get the desired milliliter equivalent appearing on the ML field. It’s that simple.

Click the “Reset” button if you want to do another conversion. You may have a different amount of fluid in fluid ounces that you want to convert to milliliters (fl oz to ml conversion).

If you’re in a hurry and you want the answer right now, then here they are:

  • If you’re using US customary fluid ounces, your 1 fl oz is equal to 29.57 ml when rounded off.
  • If you’re putting this on a food label, you have to say that your 1 fl oz is the equivalent of 30 ml.
  • If you’re using UK or imperial ounces, then 1 oz equals 28.41 ml rounded off.

Fluid ounces abbreviations: “fl oz”, “fl. oz.”, “oz. fl.”.

1 OZ to ML – Unit Definition

What is an Ounce? For this web page, we’re talking about fluid ounces (fl oz). We’re not talking about ounces that are used to measure solids like metals. A fluid ounce is just to measure the volume of a liquid.

So what are those different fluid ounce versions all about? The problem is that you first need to know what kind of fluid ounce you’re using. If you’re a US citizen, then you’re probably using the US customary fluid ounce (US fl oz).

If you’re in the US or putting in the milliliter equivalent in a food or nutrition label, there’s a different ml equivalent. If you’re using UK or imperial fluid ounces (UK fl oz), you again have a slightly different ml equivalent.

What is a Milliliter? This one is simpler. Once you know how much liquid there is in a liter, you only need to divide it by the conversion factor which equals 1,000. That results in 1 milliliter. That’s what “milli-” means—1/1000. When you have 1,000 ml, that’s actually 1 liter.

1 OZ to ML Conversion Chart

If you don’t want to use converter, here is quick handy chart you can use in case you need to memorize conversion factors. In case you want even easier solution feel free to bookmark this page.

QuantityUS Customary Fl ozUK (Imperial) Fl ozUS Nutrition labeling
1 fl oz 29.57 ml 28.41 ml 30 ml

1 OZ to ML

So how did we get our results? How do you get the same results using your own calculator? It’s really easy. All you need to do is to first determine the type of fluid ounce (fl oz) measurement you have. Each type of fluid ounce (fl oz) has its own equivalent of ml. So you only need to multiply by the ml equivalent.

Thus, you start by entering the amount of fluid ounce you have. Here, we’re assuming you have 1 ounces so we can use that as an example. But the same formulas apply regardless of the number of fluid ounces you have.

1 US FL OZ to ML

Most of the time if you’re an American, you’re using the standard or customary US fluid ounce (fl oz). This means that 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) is exactly 29.5735295625 milliliters (ml). So multiply 1 by 29.5735295625 and you get 29.57 ml rounded off.

1 US FL OZ to ML for Food (Nutrition) Labeling

The rule for US fluid ounces (US fl oz), however, changes when you’re putting the equivalent ml on a food label. This time, 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) is equal to 30 ml. So you just multiply 1 by 30, and you get 30 ml. Sure, there’s a difference, but for most purposes, that’s inconsequential.

1 UK (Imperial) FL OZ to ML

Now the UK citizens have their own idea of what a fluid ounce is. For them, it’s the equivalent of 28.4130625 ml. So you have to multiply 1 by 28.4130625 and you’ll get 28.41 ml.

Convert 1 OZ to ML

So, why do you need to convert 1 oz to ml? There are several good reasons for that. One is that you can present the amount more accurate for those who use the metric system rather than the English system. Not everyone understands the idea of ounces, pints, and gallons.

The second reason is that you can then make sure that everyone is on the right page. When you use fluid ounce, there may some confusion as to what you mean. Are you using the customary US fluid once (US fl oz), the version for food labels, or the UK/Imperial ounce? Once you’ve converted the figure to ml, it becomes clear. A milliliter is a milliliter regardless of where your reader is based.

Most popular OZ to ML (ounces to milliliters) conversions:

  • 4 OZ to ML – 4 OZ in ML
  • 8 OZ to ML – 8 OZ in ML
  • 16 OZ to ML – 16 OZ in ML
  • 200 OZ to ML – 200 OZ in ML

How Many ML is 1 OZ?

Basically it’s somewhere between 28.41 to 30 ml. For most situations, the difference may not mean all that much. But it may be a different story for a chemistry experiment or a very exact food recipe.

In any case, 1 fl oz in ml is:

  • 29.57 ml if you’re talking about US customary fluid ounce (US fl oz).
  • 30 ml when you want to put this equivalent on a food label.
  • 28.41 ml if the data is from a UK publication (Imperial UK fl oz).

You can always round off the figures if you want to make it more practical. So in the US a 1-ounce gasoline amount is really 29.57 ml. If it’s milk, put it at 30 ml. If you’re in the UK, it really is 28.41 ml. In case you may need to perform another oz to ml conversion, don’t forget to bookmark this page.


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1 OZ to ML


Converting 1 oz to ml should be easy, but it’s really not that simple. That’s because “oz” refers to the English measurement ounce, and that’s a term that can actually mean different things in different contexts.


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Is 1 oz the same as 30ml?

oz) use 1 fl. oz. = 30 mL to convert.

Is 10ml the same as 1 oz?

Answer: 10ml is equal to 1/3 of an ounce (oz) or 0.33814 oz.

How do you convert oz into ml?

Volume in milliliters = (volume in fluid ounces) x (29.57 milliliters/1 fluid ounce.)

Is 1ml the same as 1 ounce?

1 milliliter is equal to 0.03381402 ounces, which is the conversion factor from milliliter to ounces.


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