What has hands but cant clap

What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle that is trending on social media including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp family groups. Check & Solve the What has hands but Can’t Clap Riddle Answer that is designed to test your thinking and Math Skills. Read the complete article to know the answer to What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle and Challenge your friends and family.

What has hands but cannot clap Riddle

Have a look at the question!

Question: “I have two hands but I cannot clap. What am I?”

What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle Answer

What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle Answer is “A clock.

What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle Answer Explanation

The Explanation to this What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle Answer is ” A clock has hands like seconds hand, minutes hand and hour’s hand but it cannot clap and so the answer is A clock.”

 Test Your Skills on What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle

There are many types of riddles like math riddles, comic riddles, brainteasers, and puzzles. Many riddles can be found on the internet but they are sure to give your brain a workout. Riddles Challenge You to Solve These Hard Riddles that are meant for Everyone. Go on! Try all of the new brain teasers that combine logic and math to test your mental mettle. Find out our new collection of easy riddles and brain teasers.

Almost Everyone loves solving brain teasers and challenging riddles right? If you think you’re already a pro at solving tricky riddles, put yourself to the test with these and try out “What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle”(Don't worry, we answer the riddle lastly with explanation)

What is What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle

Have a look at the question!

"I have two hands but I cannot clap. What am I?"

What is the answer and Explanation to What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle

The answer to the What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle is "A clock." The Explanation to this riddle is " A clock has hands like seconds hand, minutes hand and hour's hand but it cannot clap and so the answer is A clock." 

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What has hands but Cannot Clap Riddle- FAQ

1. What gets bigger when more is taken away?

A hole

2. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?


3. I’m found in socks, scarves, and mittens; and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?



Can any one of you give me the right answer for this riddle?


The answer is letter ‘f’.

1 year = 12 months (February = 1 `f`, comes only once in the spelling of all the months)

1 month = 4 weeks (first, fourth = 2 f’s, comes twice in a month)

1 week = 7 days (first, fourth, fifth = 4 f`s, comes 4 times in a week)

1 day = 24 hours (four, five, fourteen, fifteen, twenty-four= 6 f’s, comes 6 times in a day

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Riddle: “What has hands normally but can’t clap for you”

Answer: The correct answer to the riddle “What has hands but can’t clap” is A Clock.

A clock has three hands, which are an hour, minute, and second hand, and still, he cannot clap.

Who has hand but Cannot catch?

Answer: A clock has hands but cannot clap.

What has hands but Cannot hold?

The answer to I Have Hands, But Cannot Hold A Thing Riddle is Clock. A Clock has hands but cannot hold anything.

What has hands but Cannot sleep?

Ankush: A clock.

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