What does the i mean in lgbtqia

Unsure what some LGBTQ-related terms mean?

This Pride Month, you can become a stronger ally for the queer community by taking time to educate yourself.

Here is a list of commonly used terms based, in part, on this comprehensive glossary from the Human Rights Campaign:

What does LGBTQIA stand for?

The LGBTQIA acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual. 

What does queer mean?

Being queer can mean different things to different people. It's often used as an umbrella term describing someone who is part of the larger LGBTQ community.

Queer encompasses many identities and orientations.

Someone who identifies as queer may also identify as a lesbian or as transgender, or they may not choose a more specific identity at all. On the other hand, not all LGBTQ people identify as queer. 

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What does it mean to be an ally?

An "ally" is someone who supports people within the LGBTQ community. This may be a person who is straight and cisgender, meaning their gender identity matches the sexual anatomy they were born with.)

The word can also describe people within the queer community who support each other. 

The Human Rights Commission has a list of five ways to be a good ally and support LGBTQ individuals in your life as well as resources to help supporters when someone in their life comes out to them.

What does it mean to be transgender?

Transgender people have a gender identity or expression that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth.

Gender is different than sex. A person's sex is biological. Gender is something society created.

When children, teens or adults feel their assigned gender does not match how they feel about themselves, they may choose to express themselves through a different gender identity. 

Some choose to "transition" to the other gender. A social transition might begin with a person asking to be called another name or a person asking others to use different  when referring to them.

A legal transition would including changing their legal name and getting new government documents, such as a driver's license. A medical transition may involve hormone therapy or gender affirming surgeries. 

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What does it mean to be nonbinary?

Society has constructed a gender binary: Newborns are either a boy or a girl. They grow up to become either a man or a woman.

Some people may not feel that being assigned just one of those gender identities fully represents who they are. 

According to transequality.org, "Some people have a gender that blends elements of being a man or a woman, or a gender that is different than either male or female. Some people don't identify with any gender. Some people's gender changes over time."

What is intersex?

Intersex people are born with a mix of female and male biology. They have anatomy that "doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male," according to the Intersex Society of North America. There's a wide range of opinions on what exactly should count as intersex.

Typically, a person born appearing to have female genitalia externally but have male sexual anatomy internally, and vice versa, would be an example of intersex anatomy. A person could also be born with genitals that appear to be a cross between typical male and female types, and some intersex people have a mix of XY chromosomes. 

"Hermaphrodite," an antiquated word meant to describe someone who is both fully male and fully female, is a mythological term which the Intersex Society says is stigmatizing and misleading.

Today, more doctors and people are beginning to support postponing unnecessary surgeries until intersex people are old enough to decide what gender they identify with and whether they want treatments. 

What is pansexuality?

Pansexuality is when a person is attracted to others regardless of gender or sex.

A misconception of this identity is that it means a pansexual person is attracted to anyone and everyone. Generally, gender and sex are not determining factors in a pansexual person's romantic attraction to others. However, people who identify with pansexuality may have different interpretations of what the term means to them and their identity. 

What does asexual mean?

In general, an asexual person is someone who does not experience sexual attraction.

We all know people we're not sexually attracted to at all. For asexual people, that's everyone. This doesn't mean they can't or don't want to have romantic relationships, although some asexual people choose not to and may also identify as aromantic. 

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What is Pride Month?

Use of the word "Pride" to describe festivities and events held in support of gay rights was popularized during a surge in the American gay rights movement around 1970. Today, "Pride" is often used by members of the LGBTQ community to communicate their stance against discrimination and to encourage each other to be proud of their identities. 

Why is June Pride Month?

Pride Month is every June to commemorate the Stonewall Riot, which occurred in June 1969. The six-day riot and violent protests were sparked by a police raid in a gay club, Stonewall Inn, in New York City. Though it wasn't the beginning of the gay rights movement in the United States, historians often credit it as being a catalyst for gay rights activism. 

If you want to read more about the Stonewall Riot, the book Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution by historian David Carter details the 1969 uprising, including several first-hand accounts.

When are other LGBTQ+ pride days?

  • Pansexual Pride Day: Dec. 8
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance: Nov. 20
  • Bisexual Pride Day: Sept. 23
  • Intersex Awareness Day: Oct. 26
  • Asexuality Awareness Week: October-November, dates vary
  • National Coming Out Day: Oct. 11
  • Harvey Milk Day: May 22
  • LGBTQ History Month, October

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