Weird early signs of pregnancy before missed period

Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? Do you feel stuck in the dreaded uncertainty of post-ovulation limbo, analyzing your body for unusual early pregnancy signs? Lucky for you, there are quite a few early pregnancy symptoms to keep tabs on during the guessing game!

Many pregnancy symptoms mirror PMS (boo!!!), but there SEVERAL very early pregnancy signs on this list that aren’t generally associated with being premenstrual and can be a good indicator of a possible pregnancy.

Unusual and weird pregnancy symptoms

Some of the pregnancy symptoms listed here are fairly common and well-known, but many aren’t. There are several unusual and weird pregnancy symptoms on this list that don’t get much attention, so women often don’t realize that they can be associated with early pregnancy.

Earliest signs of pregnancy

Included on this list are very early signs of pregnancy you might see before a missed period (the very first pregnancy symptoms you might notice!), so pay special attention to these if you’re currently in the 2-week wait and struggling to get through the slow-moving days.

30 Commonly reported + weird & unusual early pregnancy signs

FYI: I’m skipping a missed period – we all know about that one, right?

#1 Implantation bleeding

If you notice pink or brown discharge around the time of your expected period (or within a week or two of suspected ovulation) and it goes away but your period doesn’t show up, it could be a sign of implantation bleeding – one of the earliest signs of pregnancy!

Implantation bleeding can happen after the fertilized egg burrows into the soft uterine lining. The uterus contains lots of blood vessels, and it’s not uncommon for some of them to burst during implantation and release small amounts of blood.

Implantation bleeding typically lasts anywhere from a few hours to a day or two, and it can occur several times in early pregnancy. Unlike a period, the flow is light and brief, and not enough to fill up a sanitary pad. The color is different, too – implantation bleeding is lighter (pinkish) or darker than menstrual bleeding.

(If you happen to see a flow of bright red blood at any point during the 2-week wait, it’s likely not implantation bleeding.)

#2 Cramps

Cramping is a common PMS symptom that needs no explaining, but it can also be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy that you might see even before a missed period. The difference between the two is that cramping in early pregnancy is on the mild side and doesn’t get worse over the next few days as you’d expect with a period. Basically, you would know about it, but you wouldn’t be in pain.

Cramping in early pregnancy is usually an indication of implantation and ongoing changes in the uterus, and it’s one of the most common early signs of pregnancy that women report.

#3 Odd pains and sensations

Odd pains and sensations are among some the earliest signs of pregnancy to be on the lookout for before your expected period.

You may feel tugging, stretching, or pinching around your lower abdomen or your sides in very early pregnancy. Sudden stabbing pains around the abdomen aren’t uncommon either. Add to that lower back pain and headaches, though headaches usually don’t start until later in the first trimester.

Some women also report having unexplainably sore arms or legs right before a positive test, as well as joint pains, tingling skin, or other sudden odd signs of discomfort.

#4 Changes in your skin complexion

When your hormones are changing, so is your skin. Makes sense, right? There is a chance you’ll start glowing on DAY 1 when you are pregnant, but you can also break out with massive flipping zits, like, overnight.

Unfortunately, at this point it’s impossible to predict whether any changes in your skin are some of the earliest signs of pregnancy or just an impending period. This pregnancy symptom isn’t very reliable unless you’re seeing some totally bizarre changes.

#5 Nausea, food aversions, and cravings

One of the most common early pregnancy symptoms (affecting up to about 80% of women!) are sudden nausea (AKA morning sickness) and food aversions. Like the lovely smell of morning coffee turning your stomach, the cereal being to cereal-y, the bread looking all gross. How about a banana? Forget the banana, it’s too yellow. Or too sweet, too salty, too sour, too spicy, too bland, you get the idea. We’re still talking about a banana here.

Between you and me, I’m not sure who coined the term morning sickness because it turned out to be a poor choice of words. Pregnancy nausea can strike at any time of the day, and it’s more of an all-day, all-night type of thing that can make you want to crawl up a wall and across the ceiling.

Even though morning sickness typically shows up around pregnancy weeks 6-8 (with pregnancy being counted from the first day of your last menstrual period), some women start feeling queasy much, MUCH earlier than that. Nausea in pregnancy appears to be related to the levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which the body starts producing once the embryo implants into the uterine wall, so it’s technically not impossible to start seeing this pregnancy symptom as early as around your missed period.

Another related early sign of conception? Sudden food cravings.

(While sudden nausea, food aversions, and food cravings are not unusual early pregnancy symptoms, keep in mind that changes in appetite are ALSO potential symptoms of PMS.)

#6 Changes in your breasts

One of the most telling and earliest signs of pregnancy are breast pain and breast sensitivity.

Your breasts may feel sore, sensitive, and tender to the touch just before a period as well. That’s nothing new, right? The difference between sore breasts before period VS. sore breasts in pregnancy is, “If you touch my boobs one more time, or even just look at my boobs, hell’s fury will rain down.”

Changes in breasts associated with pregnancy can start becoming blatantly obvious as early as 1 week after conception. That’s about a week before your period is due, which makes breast sensitivity another very early sign of pregnancy you might notice well before a missed period.

Besides breast soreness, your breasts can feel fuller, heavy, and even itchy in early pregnancy. Also, the veins on your breasts may become more pronounced. Your nipples, too, may become uber sensitive, and your areolas (the darker area of the breast surrounding the nipple) may suddenly appear enlarged and darker when you are pregnant.

Also, among the weird pregnancy symptoms is the appearance of Montgomery tubercles which are tiny little bumps around the areolas. While Montgomery tubercles are not necessarily indicative of pregnancy, if you’ve never had them before and they literally just showed up overnight, there is a chance you could be pregnant.

#7 Increased frequency of urination

Do you feel like you’ve been spending a lot more time peeing these days? It may not be your imagination – you might just be pregnant!

Hormonal changes in pregnancy increase the blood flow to your kidneys. With all this extra blood to filter, the kidneys produce up to 25% more urine, starting soon after conception.

(FYI: Frequent trips to the bathroom can also indicate a urinary or bladder infection.)

#8 Constipation and gassiness

Constipation is an awful but relatively common side effect of pregnancy. During pregnancy, higher levels of the hormone progesterone relax the muscles in your body, ultimately slowing down the digestive system as well. This can lead to sluggish digestion, difficulty passing stools, and painful trapped gas. Just ugh. Taking prenatal vitamins that contain iron can make things even worse.

Related: 5 Secrets to Choosing the Best Prenatal Vitamins

Contrary to popular belief, unless you have iron deficiency anemia, taking a prenatal multivitamin without iron is harmless in early pregnancy (find more popular prenatal vitamin myths here).

#9 Diarrhea

Unlike constipation, some women report having the runs instead in early pregnancy.

While being one of the more unusual early pregnancy symptoms, a sudden onset of diarrhea in early pregnancy is possible. It can be caused by shifting hormones, changes in diet, or simply due to increased stress levels.

#10 Bloating

Are your pants a little too tight around your waist? Do you feel all balloon-y-ish? Bloating is a common PMS symptom, but the surge of progesterone that happens after you conceive can ALSO cause bloating.

For most pregnant women, swelling and bloating doesn’t become a reality until later on in pregnancy, but some women win the lottery for this one almost from the get-go.

#11 Yeast infection

Vaginal itching, redness and irritation, cottage-cheese-like discharge… never a good time to see – UNTIL maybe when you’re trying to conceive???

Though this symptom is considered one of the more uncommon early pregnancy symptoms (yeast infections are generally more common in the second trimester), it is very possible to experience a yeast infection right around your missed period. (Just ask me. Like clockwork, 4 weeks pregnant, boom!) The reason? Shifting hormones.

You may never have a yeast infection during pregnancy. In fact, I hope you don’t! But, if you’re used to NEVER, EVER having yeast infections and one suddenly creeps up on you right around your missed period, be on the lookout. That’s all I’m saying.

#12 Moodiness

Did you lose your cool at the store over unripe green bananas when you obviously NEEDED yellow? Are TV commercials suddenly capable of triggering a torrent of tears? Do you find your partner’s morning or evening routine (or pretty much anything your partner does) to be super niggly all of a sudden? Congrats, you may be pregnant!

Mood swings are a hit in the first trimester, and the second, and the third, and of course it’s those darn hormones again!

#13 Extra attention

OK, this one may be one of the super weird early pregnancy symptoms, but bear with me… Even though this pregnancy symptom is a little on the woo-woo side, it deserves a spot on this list. (If you’ve googled “strange early pregnancy symptoms” before you landed on this page, this one is for you.)

IF you’re suddenly drawing much more attention than what your norm is and nothing about your appearance has changed…

IF strangers strike up conversations, smile, and immediately acknowledge you in a crowd and you catch them looking repeatedly and this is all very sudden and new to you…

… may be expecting.

I know, what’s that about?!

I remember vividly how odd this experience was each time I was pregnant. Here I was, fetching a few last-minute dinner staples, red-cheeked, climbing down the rabbit hole in the produce aisle. Is there a hole in my jeans creeping up my butt? What’s happening?! 

On that note… Have you ever looked at a female friend or acquaintance of yours and noticed something very different about her? Not anything glaringly obvious, but rather very subtle? Did you think, whoa, she looks DIFFERENT today…? If I could count on my fingers all the times I had uncovered yet-to-be-revealed pregnancies, whoopsies, I’ve busted quite a few.

There might be something about that pregnancy glow…?

#14 Vaginal discharge

Seeing an increase in vaginal discharge is super common in pregnancy, even early on. There is even a name for it – leucorrhea. It’s caused by an increase in hormone levels, particularly estrogen.

BTW, you might want to get used to this one… Abundant vaginal discharge usually sticks around throughout the entire pregnancy. Just when you thought you may bid farewell to them panty liners for a while… Ha!

Healthy vaginal discharge is not yeasty or itchy, is not yellow or green in color, and does not have a foul odor. Just so we’re clear…

#15 Exhaustion

Sleepiness and exhaustion are among the earliest signs of pregnancy that are very common, and while we’re at it, throw drained mentally on top. Super fun! 😉

#16 Vivid/strange dreams

Honestly, this is probably my favorite weird pregnancy symptom. A perk, if you will. I LOVED going to bed when I was pregnant!

Pregnancy dreams can be very different from your average dreams, and they’re not uncommon even very soon after conception. It’s hard to explain, but you can dream up some totally bizarre and very interesting (even steamy! Whoa!) stories in pregnancy, and they’ll feel very real, and you’ll remember them the next morning to the tiniest detail. I’m sitting here chuckling right now…

#17 Excessive sweating and feeling hot

Even though it’s more common to notice temperature changes later in pregnancy, it’s possible to start having hot flashes soon after conception.

And it makes sense. Well, sort of… Following ovulation, your basal body temperature can be slightly higher than normal and will remain that way if you are pregnant. Plus, surging hormones increase blood flow to your skin, making you feel warmer (and looking a little flushed).

#18 Strange metallic taste

Well let me see here. It’s like sucking on a subway handrail. And it doesn’t go away after you brush your teeth.

This pregnancy symptom which is most noticeable in the first trimester and improves later in pregnancy even has a name – dysgeusia (pronounced dis-gu-zia), and it’s caused by – make a guess – yep, changing hormone levels.

Which explains why there were times I’ve had this happen when I definitely, certainly, 100% wasn’t pregnant. In all fairness though, the first time I wanted to scrub my mouth with pure bleach WAS during my first pregnancy. Yech!

You’ll know if you experience this weird pregnancy symptom. Trust me on that.

#19 Gagging when brushing teeth

Every time you brush your teeth, attempt to brush your teeth, see a toothbrush or just walk by the bathroom, your gag reflex can kick into overdrive when you are pregnant.

Having your gag reflex easily triggered is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and a dead giveaway for many women.

#20 Watch how pets (and children) act around you

Are they acting weird around you and YOU only? You could be pregnant!

Call it one of the totally strange early pregnancy symptoms, but it’s legit! Cats and dogs tend to act more protective, loving, or just flat out bizarre around pregnant women. This is yet another early pregnancy sign to look for as early as before your missed period.

The same goes for kids. Small children may get more emotional and clingy, and rub, kiss, or point to your stomach. Older, verbal kids might catch you off guard with odd comments about your appearance or a new baby. If you don’t have any kids of your own but spend time with some, it is very possible that they won’t want to leave your side now. If you’re pregnant, that is…

#21 Hypersalivation

If, out of nowhere, you start dropping spittle and slobber like Calamity Jane, you might want to check the calendar to see where you are in the 2-week wait. Just sayin’.

Excess saliva isn’t uncommon in early pregnancy, especially in conjunction with nausea and vomiting. The cause of this pregnancy symptom is unknown, but I think it’s safe to blame hormones.

#22 Dry mouth

Alternatively, you can experience the OPPOSITE of excess saliva – a dry mouth. This might be one of the more uncommon early pregnancy symptoms, but totally possible.

You see how weird pregnancy symptoms can be? Sometimes they are polar opposites of one another!

#23 Your cervix is S-H-C-W

That would be:

  • Soft
  • High
  • Closed
  • Wet

Yes, your cervix. The passage between your uterus and vagina.

I can see some of the more squeamish gals scrambling to skip over to #24 right now, but please don’t, not just yet… This could be your VERY first sign of pregnancy that you could see well before your missed period!

A soft, high, closed and wet cervix post-ovulation is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, especially together with implantation bleeding.

The cervix can move up and down after ovulation, so a single occurrence of a soft high-positioned cervix isn’t necessarily indicative of pregnancy. BUT, if your cervix consistently feels soft and squishy (like your lips) as opposed to firm (like your nose) over the course of the days leading up to your expected period, and it’s so far up you can barely reach it, you could be pregnant!

#24 You just know

Sometimes you just have a gut feeling…

#25 Runny/stuffy nose

It’s not all that uncommon for pregnant women to constantly feel like getting the common cold (stuffed up or runny nose, even a scratchy throat), and you can spot this pregnancy symptom as early as in the first month of pregnancy.

Runny/stuffed nose in pregnancy is presumed to happen due to hormonal changes leading to fluid retention (NOT due to lowered immunity), though the exact mechanism isn’t well understood.

#26 You have a *superhuman* sense of smell

Do things smell different all of a sudden? Are you smelling stuff you didn’t even know had a smell?? Did you just smell your neighbor come home next door??? You could be pregnant!

Scientists believe that the hormone estrogen is responsible for a pregnant woman’s heightened sense of smell.

Now, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to be pregnant to notice changes in the way things smell (sometimes an impending period will do that, too), just as the way things smell doesn’t need to immediately change for you when you are pregnant. All I’m saying is, if you start smelling water molecules around 12 days past ovulation, it might be a good time to take a home pregnancy test.

#27 Feeling dizzy and lightheaded

Feeling like hopping out of a roller coaster cart after merely getting up from the sofa? That’s dizziness for you. Dizziness can be caused by lots of things, and it may or may not be related to pregnancy.

When it is, this pregnancy symptom usually doesn’t show up until about week 6 (roughly two weeks after your missed period), but some women report being dizzy from day 1 when pregnant. Dizziness in pregnancy can be caused by blood pressure changes, rising hormones, dehydration, or low blood sugar levels.

#28 Strong-smelling urine. No wait, mild and sweet.

Here we go with more totally weird pregnancy symptoms that you may experience before a missed period. Many women find that the smell of their urine changes in pregnancy, even very early on, but here’s the kicker: they can’t agree on what the pregnancy urine should smell like.

Some women say that one of their very first signs of pregnancy was that their urine started smelling very strongly of ammonia. Yet, others will swear that their urine smelled unusually mild and sweet throughout the entire pregnancy. Go figure…

(For what it’s worth, camp #2 here. Both times.)

So here’s the silver lining: your pee might suddenly start smelling different when you’re pregnant. Just different. After all, pregnancy can change the way you smell things, right?

#29 Bleeding gums + nosebleeds

If, out of nowhere, your teeth and gums get very sensitive around the time of your missed period or in the days leading up to your expected period, it could be another early sign of pregnancy. Your gums may even start bleeding.

Likewise, you may not have had a nosebleed in years, but you might see one if you’re pregnant, starting soon after conception.

The blood volume increases in pregnancy which puts more pressure on the blood vessels, which in turn causes them to rupture more easily. The blood vessels around the nose are especially fragile, so go ahead and throw a pack of tissues in your purse just in case.

#30 Changes in libido

Oftentimes, pregnant women notice instant changes in their libido.

This obviously happens due to hormonal changes, but it’s impossible to guess whether you’ll see an increase or decrease, or even no immediate change in your sex drive when you’re pregnant.

There you have it!

The 30 earliest common, unusual, and weird pregnancy symptoms

#1 Implantation bleeding
#2 Cramps
#3 Odd pains and sensations
#4 Changes in your skin complexion
#5 Nausea, food aversions & cravings
#6 Changes in your breasts
#7 Increased frequency of urination
#8 Constipation and gassiness
#9 Diarrhea
#10 Bloating

#11 Yeast infection
#12 Moodiness
#13 Drawing attention
#14 Abundant vaginal discharge
#15 Exhaustion
#16 Vivid/strange dreams
#17 Excessive sweating and feeling hot
#18 Strange metallic taste
#19 Gagging when brushing teeth
#20 Pets (and children) may react differently

#21 Excess saliva
#22 Dry mouth
#23 High, soft, closed, wet cervix
#24 A gut feeling
#25 Runny/stuffy nose
#26 A strong sense of smell
#27 Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
#28 Urine odor
#29 Gum sensitivity
#30 Changes in libido

How soon will a pregnancy test read positive?

It is possible to get a positive pregnancy test as early as 7 days past ovulation (dpo) if a high sensitivity home pregnancy test is used (able to detect levels of hCG as low as 10 mIU/mL or lower), but it’s not very common. Most women don’t get a positive pregnancy test until around 10-14 days past ovulation (dpo) or even later. About a week after a missed period, any home pregnancy test is generally accurate (though, bizarrely, some pregnant women never get a positive home pregnancy test).

Be aware that if you test too early, you may have a negative pregnancy test even if you are indeed pregnant because your hCG levels might just be too low to be registered on the test. If you’re not familiar with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) production in pregnancy, it’s worth learning about how the hCG hormone rises in early pregnancy (take a look here). This can help you avoid testing way too early and ending up with false negatives.

If you take a home pregnancy test early on and it turns out negative but you are experiencing some of the earliest pregnancy symptoms on this list, be sure to take another test a couple or a few days later, using your first morning urine.

Whether you’re keeping your fingers crossed for a big fat positive or praying that it’s just a late period, I’m hoping you see the results you wish for!!!


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