Scrum fundamentals certification questions and answers pdf

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Questions are based on SBOK® Guide Third edition.


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  2. Number of questions: SFC™ (20 Multiple Choice Questions), SMC® (30 Multiple Choice Questions)

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In this blog, we are going to cover the Professional Scrum Master Certification Questions and Answers (PSM-I)  that give you a first-hand idea of the type of sample exam questions and answers that may appear in the final certification exam.

Scrum plays a crucial role in establishing a hypothesis, challenges, and solutions for a good project approach. It benefits the small teams handling a project with changing deliverables and regular interaction with end-users or clients.

A Scrum Master is a highly skilled professional who is responsible for leading a team during a project with the best practices of agile project management methodologies.  Scrum Master is a person who ensures that the Scrum team follows the processes that they agreed and takes the responsibility to remove obstacles and distractions towards reaching a goal. In short, Scrum Master leads the teams and becomes a median between the product owner and the scrum team. Not only IT industry has adapted the agile methodologies, but Scrum Master jobs are available in every industry around the globe.

The Professional Scrum Master certification credential showcases your employees that you have the experience and skills to lead an agile team successfully and serves as a differentiator showing potential employers that you have the edge over your counterparts. This certification equips you with the right skills needed to contribute to organizational change and fulfilling the business’s goals. It also proves that you have an agile mindset, that is advantageous to your organization.

If you are preparing for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Exam, then check your readiness by attending to these questions & answers for Professional Scrum Master Certification.

Question 1: The three pillars of empiricism are:

A. Planning, Inspection, Adaptation.
B. Transparency, Eliminating Waste, Kaizen.
C. Planning, Demonstration, Retrospective.
D. Inspection, Transparency, Adaptation.
E. Respect For People, Kaizen, Eliminating Waste.

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: Scrum is founded on empirical process control theory or empiricism. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known.  Three pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control: transparency, inspections and adaption.

Question 2: What is the role of Management in Scrum?

A. Continually monitor staffing levels of the Scrum Team.
B. Identify and remove people that are not working hard enough.
C. Monitor the progress of the Developers on the Scrum Team.
D. Support the Product Owner with insights and information into high-value product and system capabilities. Support the Scrum Master to cause organizational change that fosters empiricism, self-management, bottom-up intelligence, and intelligent product delivery.

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: Management has no active role in the actual product development through Scrum. However, management external to the Scrum team is relevant in setting the vision and strategy to guide the overall direction organization.

Question 3: Upon what type of process control is Scrum based?

A. Empirical
B. Complex
C. Hybrid
D. Defined

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: Scrum is founded on empirical process control theory or empiricism. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed.

Question 4: Which of the following are discussed in the sprint review meeting? (Select all that apply).

A. Development team discusses what went well during the Sprint, problems it ran into and how they were resolved.
B. Development Team demonstrates the work done in the Sprint
C. Product Owner explains which items are “Done” and which items are not “Done”
D. Review of the deliverable product

Correct Answer: A. B & C

Explanation:  Sprint review in an informal meet to demonstrate the work done and elicit feedback. During Sprint Review, the team also discusses what went well during the sprint, and the problems and their solutions that they might have encountered. It is also an opportunity for the PO to review the available budget.

Question 5: What is the recommended size for a Scrum Team?

A. Minimum of 7.
B. 9
C. Typically, 10 or fewer people
D. 7 plus or minus 2

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: A scrum team is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work within a Sprint, typically 10 or fewer people. Generally smaller teams communicate better and are more productive.

Read: Scrum Master Certification Day 3 Q/A

Question 6: When is a Sprint over?

A. When the Product Owner says it is done.
B. When all Product Backlog items meet their definition of “Done”.
C. When all the tasks are completed.
D. When the time-box expires.

Correct Answer: D

Explanation: Sprints are fixed length events of one month or less to create consistency. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous sprint.

Question 7: Which two things should the Scrum Team do during the first Sprint?

A. Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality
B. Develop a plan for the rest of the release
C. Deliver an Increment of useful and valuable products.
D. Determine the complete architecture and infrastructure for the product.
E. Create the complete Product Backlog to be developed in subsequent Sprints.

Correct Answer: A & C

Explanation: The heart of Scrum is a Sprint, which is one month or less during which a done, usable, valuable product increment is created. This applies to every Sprint.

Read: Scrum Master Certification Day 4 Q/A

Question 8: Scrum is composed of? (Select 3)

A. Roles
B. Artifacts
C. Events
D. Sprint

Correct Answer: A, B & C

Explanation: Scrum consists of roles, events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together.

Download The Complete Certified Scrum Master Questions & Answers

When you have tested your knowledge by answering these Scrum Master exam questions & answers, I hope you have a clear stand in terms of your Professional Scrum Master (PSM) exam preparation.

Note: K21Academy also offers a Scrum Master Exam Questions  Prep Guide where learners get to practice questions to test their Scrum Master exam preparation before the actual exam.

To download the complete Certified Scrum Master Exam Questions guide click here. 

Related References

  • CSM and PSM Certification: Everything You Need to Know
  • Scrum Master Roles & Responsibilities
  • Introduction To Agile Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) 
  • Agile Methodology and DevOps | DevOps and Agile Relationship
  • Scrum Master vs Product Owner: Which Role is Suitable For You
  • Scrum Roles, Artifacts & Events: Scrum Framework
  • Introduction To Sprint in Scrum & Its Uses

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How many questions are in Scrum Fundamentals?

It's bit tricky to answer all 80 questions in 60 minutes. I think prior experience of working in good agile scrum environment would be good to understand and relate how things work in real life. Reading Scrum guide multiple time is a must. Understand the Scrum concept well and don't take the exam lightly.

What are the fundamentals of Scrum?

Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. The definition of Scrum consists of roles, events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together. Scrum defines three roles, the Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team Member.

What is Scrum fundamental certificate?

'Scrum Fundamentals Certified' course is tailored to help anyone interested to know more about Scrum; learn about key concepts in Scrum as defined in the SBOK® Guide; and to get a basic understanding of how Scrum framework works in delivering successful projects.

Does Scrum Fundamentals certification expire?

A SCRUMstudy™ certificate should be renewed within three calendar years of its issue date.


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