Scrap yards near me that take catalytic converters

Where can I sell my catalytic converter for the most money?

Looking to sell your catalytic converter but don’t know where to start? The Team at iScrap App is here to help. Suppose you’ve got a used, broken, or otherwise scrap catalytic converter on your hands. In that case, you should know they’ve recently become a highly demanded recyclable asset, and not for the reason you’d think. 

Catalytic converters are crucial to the functioning of your car, as they “convert toxins into less harmful byproducts,” so it’s essential to have one that works. Without a good cat, you risk inhaling harmful vapors and your vehicle emitting them. Many folks don’t expect that catalytic converters aren’t on the market for their original function – there’s a vast market of buyers who will pay a lot for your cat due to its scrap metal value! With new emission laws going into place, the demand is increasing. They contain platinum, palladium, rhodium, ceramic/metal foil, and sometimes even metal shields made of steel. 

The most common problem folks run into is that recycling catalytic converters for scrap metal is a relatively new practice for many scrap yards and gearheads, so it’s common for buyers and sellers of scrap catalytic converters to undervalue the part. You could sell to local auto shops, but you risk getting a low value for your catalytic converter if you use this option because auto shops are usually focused on profit for functional parts.

On the other hand, it’s a great option to sell to a scrap yard, where the employees aren’t as concerned with the functioning of the auto parts you bring in and will often pay you a more reasonable price than auto shops because they see the value of the materials they can pull from catalytic converters. In short, scrap yards are your best bet for selling your catalytic converter because they will focus on the value of the metals in your cat, not your cat as an auto part.

Things to Know Before Selling Your Catalytic Converter

When it comes to selling catalytic converters, there are a few things you need to know about the parts themselves and the market for them. The most important thing to know is that some buyers are not reliable and may underestimate the value of your catalytic converter. Often, this occurs because the person buying your catalytic converter is either new to the industry and doesn’t know the value of the precious metals they can find in cats or because they’re ripping you off in an assumption that you don’t see what you’re doing.

Getting a low quote for a catalytic converter is shared among inexperienced scrap yard workers and mechanics who tend to focus on the value of the part, not necessarily the metal. Read on for a few tips on preparing to sell your catalytic converter and how to make the most money doing it!

Know Your Stuff:

If you’re going to sell your catalytic converter, it’s essential to know the year, make, and model of the vehicle it came from. This information will help you get a more accurate quote and provide your scrap yard buyer with the information they need to give you a fair price. Don’t tell them what year, make or model it is until they tell you – this will help you figure out if they “know their stuff.” You should also know the serial number of your catalytic converter, which will make identifying the part much easier for everyone. Some steel wool can help you uncover the numbers if it’s hard to see.

Aftermarket or Original?

When you’re making money on catalytic converters, you should know that you’re more likely to get a higher payout for catalytic converters that were put into the vehicle when it was manufactured. You can usually tell if a catalytic converter was put on aftermarket if there is a “shiny silver shield wrapped around” it, which often has an arrow that serves to show the mechanic “which way the airflow is going through the exhaust system” so that they can install it correctly.

Suggested Reading: Aftermarket or OEM Catalytic Converter?

Don’t Take The Honeycomb Out:

For amateur scrappers, it’s often their first instinct to remove the mesh “honeycomb” screen that sits inside the catalytic converter. Don’t make this mistake – that’s where most precious metals can be found! This screen can also help the scrap yard identify the kind of vehicle your cat came from if that information isn’t readily available. 

Cut The Exhaust Pipes Off:

When you’re getting ready to sell your catalytic converter to a scrap yard, you can make it easier for them to see what they’re dealing with by cutting off the exhaust pipes that stick out either end of the part. They will cut these pipes off regardless, so taking on the job yourself can make you some more money by taking that labor off their plate. This also helps them better assess the part and will yield a more accurate quote! 

When selling catalytic converters, consider the information above, and be careful with choosing a buyer. You might think that the buyer chooses you, but the reality is that some folks will undervalue your catalytic converter when you could be making more money on it. Be sure to call around to several auto parts shops and scrap yards and compare estimates! If someone “lowballs you,” it’s probably because they don’t know the actual value of the part.

Best Practices for Selling Your Catalytic Converter

When it comes to selling catalytic converters, there’s a lot to know and a lot to do, as is evident by the length of this article! While you could visit many scrap yards in your area to collect and compare quotes, you can save yourself time and energy and get a reliable price for your catalytic converter by using 

Send them a photo of your catalytic converter from overhead and any serial numbers you’ve found. Send your photos to the Team at and get a quote within one business day! If you agree with the selection and want to sell it to their Team, you can ship your catalytic converter straight to them.

Overall, the essential part of selling catalytic converters is investing time and energy in finding a reliable buyer who won’t undervalue the parts you bring. Be wary of anyone who gives you the sense they’re an amateur, and make sure to compare quotes with multiple scrap yards before making a decision. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on making money on catalytic converters. Happy selling!

Other Valuable Resources 

  • 4 Ways To Prepare Your Catalytic Converters for Scrap
  • How Do I Sell My Scrap Catalytic Converter?
  • How Scrap Catalytic Converter Prices Are Determined

Ready To Scrap Your Car?


How much scrap is a catalytic converter worth?

Q: What is the average scrap value of a catalytic converter? The average scrap value of a catalytic converter is between $300 and $1,500. This component is one of the most expensive parts of a vehicle because of the precious metals used in manufacturing it.

Who pays the most for catalytic converters?

In short, scrap yards are your best bet for selling your catalytic converter because they will focus on the value of the metals in your cat, not your cat as an auto part.

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What catalytic converters are worth the most for scrap? According to 2021 data, the cars with the most expensive catalytic converters are: Ferrari F430 (4,500 $ per catalytic converter) Lamborghini Aventador (3,700 $ per catalytic converter)

Where is the best place to sell your catalytic converter?

Where Is The Best Place To Sell A Catalytic Converter? An obvious answer is – a scrap yard.


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