Pluto in the second house synastry

by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 7, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Pluto in the 2nd House individual is one who acts from the motivation of self-interest. They are always exploring ways to control or manipulate their situation.

Pluto’s prominent placement in your 2nd House means you are methodical, practical, patient and persistent.

You’ll accumulate possessions slowly but surely, taking time to properly research any big purchases or investments you make.

With such a long-term perspective, you will likely stay with a particular job for a good number of years – career changes come later in life.

What is Pluto in the 2nd House and what does it really mean to you? Find out about this natal placement, its personality characteristics, how to use it to your advantage, and more.

What Does Pluto in the 2nd House Mean?

Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration. In your 2nd House, Pluto means you’ve had to work hard to transform your resources - money, possessions, power, energy - into more solid and lasting forms.

Pluto’s energies are also powerful in the 2nd House because this house governs your sense of personal value and self-worth.

The houses of astrology are the areas in life we are most comfortable, or uncomfortable. If Pluto is in your 2nd House, you have a subconscious desire to control and transform material resources into power.

You may have a deep and long-lasting loyalty to those close to you, but self-indulgence could be an issue. The behavior of those closest to you defines your true nature—and theirs.

Pluto symbolizes power. It is the planet of individuality as much as it is that of power. Pluto in your second house signifies your material wealth, income, assets or possessions.

When combined with Mars (action) in this position, you can be very successful in making money

Pluto aspects are hard to define, but astrologers say that Pluto is like a stealth influence that you can actually feel, rather than see.

You can’t deny that Pluto aspects affect you in some way. A person with Pluto in the second house of their chart has had this type of experience growing up.

Pluto is the planet of power and personal transformation, and in your 2nd House, your life has been one of deepening introspection, refining yourself to become the person you are meant to be.

You have dealt with chronic illness and health crises with self-mastery and discipline. When you are financially healthy, you can nurture a support system for your ongoing development.

Illumination through secret knowledge, ingenious technology, foreign cultures, a unique perspective gained by travel, or by studying profound philosophies and religions are some of the areas where you will be most passionately engaged.

Pluto’s presence in the second house has a powerful effect on a person’s money, possessions, and financial situation. Anyone with this Pluto influence will feel justified to control the money of their family members or partners.

Pluto here tends to bring out the worst in people so beware of those who seem more interested in controlling your money than you do yourself.

This placement indicates that a person will have a strong sense of right and wrong, with an innate ability to detect deception.

Such people will often be drawn to financial security and can have a good head for business and finance, becoming leaders in their field. They get along well with others, especially their siblings and close friends.

A person with this placement has strong feelings about money and owns substantial amounts of both land and personal possessions.

Pluto brings an interest in investments, money lending, banking, and insurance. The focus is on the accumulation of wealth.

Pluto in the second house takes your financial energy and turns it into building blocks for new beginnings.

This placement gives you a natural urge to build up your wealth, and if your financial goals are aligned with who you are deep down, you have an amazing opportunity for success.

Pluto’s influence here often results in taking advantage of opportunities to make money. A desire for greater financial security could lead you to do anything, even something underhanded or deceitful.

In some cases, however, this placement indicates a willingness to work hard for what you want and a progressive spirit focused toward increasing material security.

Pluto in 2nd House Woman

If you have Pluto in your 2nd House, you may be feeling the urge to make some changes in your personal life.

As a woman with Pluto in the 2nd House, you are serious about money. You don’t take it lightly, and you want to be seen as smart with money that you carefully manage.

People with this placement may get into financial trouble, but they are often obsessed with spending as little money as possible so as not to lose control of their finances.

A power struggle can also exist when making financial transactions with others, involving either a sense of withholding resources or just plain hoarding.

It may not even be about the money itself but a deeper issue related to personal control.

Pluto represents powerful primal urges, and the a woman with this placement is on a mission to satisfy them. Her intensity knows few bounds, and she is driven by a need for power and control.

She is used to getting her way, but also understands the value of compromise when necessary. We all love freedom, but this powerful woman does not respect freedom as much as she respects order.

This woman will likely have a fascination with metaphysics, astrology and numerology, and an intuitive sense of spiritual guidance.

She is almost psychic in the way she senses danger or knows when danger is lurking near. She also loves wisdom and all things wise or philosophical

A woman with Pluto in the 2nd House would make every effort to own beautifully or expensively things. She maybe gets a very thorough knowledge about antiques. She can earn wealth through land, property and even inheritances.

A woman with this placement is very possessive, and when she wants or likes something, it is not easy to make her let go of it.

Her craving for wealth and possessions can be brought to naught by her immense imagination and far-reaching vision.

These women have great creative imagination and a lot of enthusiasm. They are the embodiment of energy and vitality.

A second house Pluto woman is all kinds of stubborn, bossy, and demanding. This combination makes her a smart businessperson with extraordinary ability to draw in others to work for her and to help her out.

Usually a great negotiator, she knows how to win contracts or seals the deal to get a new home or car. The 2nd house Pluto woman is also a hypochondriac and constantly worrying about herself.

Pluto in 2nd House Man

Ambition and jealousy creep within this individual as they are extremely ambitious and materialistic with a huge thirst for power. With Pluto placed here, this person may have issues with self motivation.

Pluto in 2nd house men are likely to be extremely wealthy, and may appear arrogant or aggressive, but they do not shy away from opportunities.

They like to experience wealth materially as well as psychologically, always seeking challenges and adventures. Such people can easily become addicted to gambling, extreme sports, or other types of risky adventure.

These people know how to idealize money and make the most of their resources. If you are with them, expect a very fun and interesting journey.

Pluto in the 2nd House is related to your belief structures and your deepest personal values, especially financial value.

It is one of the most significant astrological Pluto positions and has a major impact on your personality and behavior.

A man with Pluto in the Second House wants to own land, real estate, property and other things of value. He could be a landlord or have rental properties that he manages.

A reliable car or truck would suit his nature and he may have more than one vehicle but will pay particular attention to buying the best quality car that will last a long time.

He is more concerned about the potential gain and security of owning an item than the initial cost.

When Pluto falls in your 2nd house, it affects your personality and makes you want to love luxuries even if you spend too much money in purchasing them.

People with Pluto in the Second House of their birth chart are intelligent and cunning. They are very determined people.

Whatever they do, they give their 100% towards it. They make sure that they get to achieve what they set out to achieve.

Natal Chart Placement Meaning

Pluto is the planet that rules trauma, abuse and intense or difficult experiences. Placed in 2nd House it can be considered very lucky, if you can make use of the intensity.

This placement is a sign that an individual draws cash and wealth from their own inner resources.

Pluto represents intense energy and power, but since it is placed in the 2nd House, you will be using this energy to attain more wealth. You are a truthful person and you won’t bend the truth to get what you want.

You don’t like to be limited, either by others or yourself. You want things done properly and with precision, and you’ll do just about anything to make certain that you accomplish your objective.

Pluto here reveals the dynamics of how we spend our money. With Pluto’s transformational energy impacting your financial practices, you may have a penchant for going back to the very basics of acquiring and using money.

Perhaps you will find yourself spending less on unnecessary add-ons, like a second pair of shoes or watches or make up.

The desire to keep money under control can also be seen by reevaluating what the best use for the amount of cash that is coming in is.

This placement reveals an individual who is capable of acquiring a vast amount wealth without much effort, but will rarely show it to others. They hold a bit of mystery about them, as they are not apt to share their fortune.

Pluto’s placement in your chart says a lot about what you’re going to be interested in during your life. If it’s in your 2nd House, you may find that money management and investments are important to you.

You also likely care about the types of things that tend to go with financial success, such as having nice things or keeping up appearances.

Pluto is a planet of power and volatile energy and when located naturally in the 2nd house it can signify enormous wealth for the native, but more significantly Pluto’s influence here will suggest that you have an insatiable appetite for financial success.

You may be prone to making money from risky ventures or perhaps you are just very astute at trading currencies or commodities. Pluto’s strong presence will also indicate that you have a tendency towards extravagance and overspending.

Meaning in Synastry

Pluto in 2nd House synastry is about the innate desire to transform the status quo. The Plutonian can, then, influence the stability of the relationship and shake things up a bit in order to reach his or her own goals.

This position also indicates money and resources that are inherited or gifted, given directly from loved ones.

This is a synastry aspect that indicates a powerful romantic influence on Pluto by being placed in the 2nd House.

This Pluto placement enhances your relationship with money. This is a great placement for savings, luck, and having things handed to you on a silver platter.

Simply put, Pluto is the planet of transformation and power. Your partner has the ability to make you feel almost anything, from loss to exaltation, depending on their position in your chart.

Their greatest strength is their ability to light that spark of change within you.

There will be a high need for security and resources, and there may be possessions that could attain quite impressive values.

In terms of career, your partner may be more motivated by the financial aspects as opposed to performing his or her work due to the secure nature of this placement.

They can also be very sensitive about their position in life, and have the feeling that those below them are their underlings.

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Were you born with Pluto in the 2nd House?

What does this placement say about your personality?

Please leave a comment below and let me know.

What does Pluto in the 2nd house mean?

Pluto in the 2nd House individual is one who acts from the motivation of self-interest. They are always exploring ways to control or manipulate their situation. Pluto's prominent placement in your 2nd House means you are methodical, practical, patient and persistent.

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