Pearly penile papules removal cost canada

What are Pearly Penile Papules?

This is a benign and harmless condition affecting up to 10-30% of young males in some studies and is only significant because they cause a lot of anxiety to the young men and often their partners.

They are not caused by infection, disease or poor hygiene and are not sexually transmitted nor can they be transmitted to others. They are considered to be a variant of normal.

Characteristically, they are clusters of small rounded or elongated skin coloured papules (bumps) distributed in rows along the corona of the glans (head) of the penis. They do not normally go away on their own although their appearance may reduce with age.

How can I treat/remove them?

Treatment is not necessary but, because they cause a lot of stress we do remove them quite simply and painlessly. In our clinics, we find the best and safest removal method is with the Erbium YAG laser which removes them quickly and completely without any scarring, and there is no pain afterwards.

Will it be painful to remove PPP?

The removal process is simple, a topical anaesthetic cream is applied for 30 minutes to numb the area and then the laser is used to vaporise and remove the papules. The removal procedure is quick, usually around 10 minutes. After removal, you will simply apply an ointment for a week until they are healed.

Normal sexual activity can be resumed once the area has fully healed.

Pearly Penis Papules removal, Sydney, NSW/

For more information on our range of cosmetic treatments and services, please contact our Randwick Surgery on 02 9399 6444 or our Narellan Surgery on 02 4627 2000 or contact us online.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Surgery and all health regulated services may carry some risks which you can discuss with our doctor.


CMAJSeptember 15, 2009 181 (6-7) 397; DOI: //

A 23-year-old man was referred to us with a 4-year history of flesh-coloured, spiny papules around the coronal rim of his glans penis (Figure 1). The papules were 1–2 mm in diameter. The patient felt stigmatized by their appearance. A diagnosis of pearly penile papules (also known as PPP) was made.

Pearly penile papules commonly develop after puberty. The prevalence of this condition is estimated to be 14%–48%, and the incidence is higher among black people and uncircumcised men. 1,2 Many terms have been used to describe pearly penile papules, including Tyson glands, hirsutoid papillomas, papilla in the corona glandis, hirsutis papillary corona of the penis, corona capilliti and pink pearly papules.

The papules are smooth, measure 1–4 mm in diameter and are asymptomatic. Commonly, they occur in a single or double row on the corona of the glans. Structurally, they are related to acral angiofibromas. Pearly penile papules need to be differentiated from condylomata accuminata and lichen nitidus. Compared with condylomata accuminata, pearly penile papules are more uniform, are localized strictly at the glans penis or the sulcus coronarius and do not have a cauliflower-like surface. Lichen nitidus papules are flesh-coloured and flat-topped and they tend to occur on the shaft of the penis.

When diagnosis is uncertain, a biopsy may be performed to rule out other conditions. 1 Several modes of therapy are used for treating pearly penile papules, including cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, podophyllin, curettage and carbon dioxide laser ablation. Ablation using intermittent- or continous-mode carbon dioxide laser is reported to have the best outcome cosmetically. Treatment should be reserved for patients who are highly distressed by the appearance of this very common and benign entity. 2


  1. 1.

    Hogewoning JA, Bleeker MC, van den Brule AJ, et al. Pearly penile papules: Still no reason for uneasiness. J Am Acad Dermatol 2003;49:50–4.

  2. 2.

    Agrawal SK, Bhattacharya SN, Singh N. Pearly penile papules: a review. Int J Dermatol 2004;43:199–201.

By: Medically reviewed by Suzanne Falck, M.D., FACP — Written by Aaron Kandola Source: Medical News Today Website: //

Pearly penile papules are small pink-white growths that develop around the head of the penis. Any male can develop pearly penile papules, but they are not considered harmful.

This article will discuss what pearly penile papules are, how to identify them, and whether they can be removed or prevented.
What are pearly penile papules?
Any male can develop pearly penile papules, which resemble small pimples and develop around the head of the penis.

The medical term used to describe pearly penile papules is Hirsutoid papillomas. They typically develop around the head of the penis.

Their size and color can vary across individuals. They typically appear pink-white and measure between 1 to 4 millimeters in diameter, resembling small pimples.

Pearly penile papules often cluster in rings or rows, commonly around the circumference of the base of the penis’ head. The technical name for this area is the corona of the glans penis.

Pearly penile papules are often mistaken for symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection, such as genital warts. However, genital warts are typically larger, are shaped more like cauliflowers, and can develop in areas other than the penis, such as the scrotum or anus.

Pearly penile papules do not cause any other symptoms to develop with them.

Once a man has developed pearly penile papules, they typically remain for life. The growths can fade with age, but they do not tend to change shape, color, or spread further over time.

Given the similarity in their appearance to some other conditions, such as genital warts, any men that experience other symptoms alongside the growths should seek medical attention.

Other conditions that resemble pearly penile papules include:

genital warts
Fordyce spots
molluscum contagiousum

For example, growths that begin to itch or cause any discomfort may indicate the presence of an underlying condition that a doctor should examine.


Doctors do not know what causes pearly penile papules. They are considered a normal occurrence, and between 8 and 43 percent of men have them.

They are not a sexually transmitted infection. Unlike sexually transmitted infections, they are not caused by infection or disease and are not contagious. They are also not considered harmful.

Although the cause of pearly penile papules is unknown, they appear to be more common in black men and those who have not been circumcised.


How much does it cost to get rid of pearly penile papules?

How much is pearly penile papules treatment? Treatment is $1650 and generally only 1 is required.

Can a dermatologist remove PPP?

However, treatment of pearly penile papules can be performed by a dermatologist if desired by the patient. Dr. Graber, Dr. Meyer and Cindy Sershen-NP of the Dermatology Institute of Boston have safely and effectively removed pearly penile papules on many patients.

Can a dermatologist remove penile papules?

Treatment of Penile Papules Your dermatologist may be able to use cryotherapy to freeze the growths off. Without treatment, your penile papules can grow smaller with time and may even go away on their own.

Can you cut off pearly penile papules?

Management and Treatment Some people, however, are extremely embarrassed or concerned about the bumps. In these cases, providers have used cryotherapy, laser therapy or excision (cutting) to remove pearly penile papules. There are no recommended home treatments for pearly penile papules.


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