Never argue with an idiot they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

This famous quote by Mark Twain sets the mood and serves as inspiration for this post today.

Let me explain as good as I can why I think you shouldn’t argue with certain people. Those certain people are idiots/fools and ideological possessed people. Let’s get started.

Who said never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience?

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, was first uttered by the famous lecturer, publisher, and American writer, Mark Twain.

It conveys that stupid people will not necessarily argue with respect, empirical evidence, nor will they reason objectively, or through logic.

Thus, they try to drag you down into an emotional fight that’s based on feelings rather than logic. And when you’re out of your element, they can beat you through experience, which they have considering they’re constantly debating with other people through their emotions instead of through thoughtful arguments.

Reasons why you shouldn't argue with idiots and ideological possessed people

The following list are reasons I’ve compiled why you shouldn’t argue with idiots and ideological possessed people, in my opinion:

  • Unable to comprehend opinions other than their own

    Idiots are … Well, not that smart. This makes them unable to grasp opinions other than their own.

    They often believe that their opinion is the only possible truth out there. Living life through this very narrow and unjust point of view makes for a very unjust sense of realism.

  • Unwilling to try to comprehend other people’s opinions

    Some people are intolerant of other people’s opinions just because of the very reason that they are different from their own.

    These are the worst kind of people, and it’s totally meaningless to argue with them because they are frequently ill willed and are simply unwilling to try to comprehend different opinions and different point of views.

  • Unable to grasp different point of views.

    Smart people are able to grasp that each individual is unique and, thus, will have different thoughts and ideas.

    They realize that different point of views are necessary in order to improve and live a balanced life. They try to and are regularly able to see life through multiple different lenses, through different point of views if you will.

    Idiots and ideological possessed people do not possess these traits. Thus, they are unable to grasp different point of views. This leads to a very narrow and often unjust vision. With very little openness towards different ideas and experiences. Thus, they develop a rigid way of thinking, unable to change their own ways.

  • Overconfident and too assured of their own opinion

    Smart people know how much they don’t know. Dumb people believe, against better judgment, that they know everything. This phenomenon is also commonly referred to as the Dunning-Kruger effect in psychology.

    No matter how intelligent and competent one might be, being overconfident is never a good thing. It’s always beneficial and even advised to have a healthy amount of self skepticism and introspection to keep both feet firmly on the ground.

  • Parroting someone else’s ideas and thoughts

    Idiots, and especially ideological possessed people, typically parrot someone else’s ideas and thoughts without understanding them properly or even thinking carefully and critically for themselves.

    This means that their thoughts and ideas are not even their own. And that those ideas and thoughts that they deem their own are nothing more than simple copies of the ideas of the person or instance that put them there.

  • They won’t change

    No matter how much you argue with them, they won’t change. They won’t change the way they think or act, even when objectively proven wrong.

    Changing your own behavior and thinking habits requires reflection and critical thought. These are higher executive functions, which the less equipped people often don’t have, or to a lesser degree.

My advice for dealing with idiots and ideological possessed people

My advice is simple, don’t argue or even interact with idiots and ideological possessed people.

It’s of no use. You can not and will not change them or their particular behavior.

Important to note is that if you can’t solve a problem, you should just let it be and put as little attention and energy into it as possible. In this case, the idiotic people who you can’t change with reason or facts.

This can be hard and challenging at times. Because we often like to object with facts and reason if we know that we are right. If we have critically studied the topic and thus, are competent at it. However, there are some arguments that we just can’t win, even if we are right.

I would say that there is no winning involved when dealing with idiots and ideological possessed people.


Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not automatically make them an idiot or an ideological possessed person.

However, some common traits of such people include failure to entertain different point of views, unwillingness to try to understand a different opinion than their own and being intolerant of different opinions.

Why You Should Never argue with an idiot?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” This famous quote by Mark Twain sets the mood and serves as inspiration for this post today.

What is Mark Twain most famous quote?

"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.".
"An uneasy conscience is a hair in the mouth.".
"When in doubt‚ tell the truth.".
"If you tell truth you don't have to remember anything.".

How do you argue with an idiot?

Here are the 6 most important things that I've learned:.
1) Ask questions instead of scoring points. ... .
2) Use verbal mirroring. ... .
3) Be willing to give ground. ... .
4) Don't interrupt. ... .
5) Make clear arguments. ... .
6) Don't expect people to change their minds straight away..

Why should you never argue?

Arguing achieves a predictable outcome: it solidifies each person's stance. Which, of course, is the exact opposite of what you're trying to achieve with the argument in the first place. It also wastes time and deteriorates relationships. There's only one solution: stop arguing.

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