Nerdy glasses 7 days to die

There are a few different 'glasses'. They are amazing and powerful items

They enable you to invest points above your 'natural' level. If you have Int 5, but can invest up to Int 7, you can put on the glasses and invest in the perk to gain motorcycle construction without needing to put the two points into Int. You lose the points when you take off the glasses, but that's 2 points you can spend elsewhere (like inside the tree rather than the attribute)!

Nerdy Glasses - +2 Intelligence

Lucky Goggles - Improved scavenging bonus

Ski Visor - +2 Agility (more stamina)

Shades - +2 Perception

This is the GiveSelf spawn command to give yourself Nerdy Glasses in 7 Days to Die.

Copy the command below by clicking the "Copy" button and paste it into your 7 Days to Die game or server admin console to obtain. You can open the console by pressing usually one of these keys (F1, F2, *).

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5 set 2019, ore 18:11

in which containers do nerdy glasses spawn?

title says it all

In any container with the following loot groups...
<lootgroup name="clothes">
<lootgroup name="sportingGoods" count="1">

From the XML, these are the container groups.
<!-- cntNightstandClosed and dressers, wooden desk: pistol, ammo, magazines, books -->
<!-- laundry basket (Helper) -->
<!-- washing machine, clothes in good condition -->
<!-- metal desk -->
<!-- lockers -->
<!-- trash compactor, trash deluxe! -->
<!-- EntityLootContainerRegular, rare random drop off regular zombies -->
<!-- EntityLootContainerStrong, rare random drop off strong zombies -->

All the info is in the xml if you look.

Data di pubblicazione: 5 set 2019, ore 18:11

Messaggi: 3

I play with 3 other friends, it's day 55 still no nerdy glasses from loot or trader(better barter lvl 4).

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level 1

Washers, dryers, nightstands, dressers, luggage, clothing bags in closets and Savage Country boxes. Available at very low loot levels, so better barter and lucky looter are not going to help.

level 1

I think looting garment bags, clothing-related storage, and laundry equipment is your best bet.

level 1

I found them in a trader, costed 3000 moneys or something, but it was worth it early game.

level 1

To add to this, how do you find glasses later game? I am close to day 100 and cannot find ski goggles.

level 2

And I keep sraping all googles and glasses. Way to many

level 2

Found mine in a high school locker. RNG.

level 1

Any loot that gives clothing is a good bet for getting glasses. If you find a laundromat you are almost guaranteed a pair or two of glasses

level 1

Look in the mirror four eyes! tee hee

Nerdy Glasses Basic Information Protection Properties Characteristic Properties Scrapping/Forging Properties Obtaining
Group Clothing
Category Apparel
Type Glasses
Gear Slot Glasses
Cold Resist 0
Heat Resist 0
Waterproof 0
Base Price
Sell: 200
Buy: 3000
Max Stack 1
Scrappable Yes
Scraps into Iron
Meltable Yes
Material Iron
Combustible No
Obtainable Through Looting, Trading


"Wearing these nerdy glasses might not help your sex appeal but you get better at crafting and gain extra XP."

Nerdy Glasses are a type of Clothing that don't provide the player protection. They do, however, provide one attribute point to Intellect. In addition, they increase the player's experience gain by 10% and reduce crafting times by 10%.

Quality and Durability[]

  • Apparel items do not have a Quality or Durability stat. They do not take damage and never need to be repaired.

Modifier Slots[]

The Nerdy Glasses has one Cosmetic Slot for dyes.

What do nerdy glasses do in 7 days to die?

Nerdy Glasses are a type of Clothing that don't provide the player protection. They do, however, provide one attribute point to Intellect. In addition, they increase the player's experience gain by 10% and reduce crafting times by 10%.

What glasses are nerdy?

Nerd glasses are basically oversized reading glasses. Also, nerd glasses are seen as an eyeglass style for bookworms, librarians, and nerds.


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