My throat hurts on the right side when i swallow

Throat is swollen on one side, sore throat can be caused by the following reasons:
1.1 Tonsillitis The tonsils are located at the back of the throat, whose main function is to prevent the attack of viruses and bacteria on the body. . At the same time, the tonsils also have the function of secreting natural antibodies to fight infections. In some cases, the tonsils cannot resist the attack of bacteria, the virus will swell, causing tonsillitis. Sometimes, only one side of the tonsil is inflamed, causing one-sided pharyngitis, swelling and pain on one side. The treatment of tonsillitis is usually antibiotics.
1.2 Abscesses around the tonsils Abscesses usually form after the tonsils become infected with bacteria. A peritonsillar abscess forms in the tissues near the tonsils, usually when tonsillitis becomes severe or left untreated. This condition can cause severe pain on one side of the throat, right or left half of the throat. Besides, tonsil abscess also causes fever, swollen lymph nodes and difficulty swallowing, even breathing. Therefore, patients with abscesses around the tonsils need urgent medical attention.
1.3 Tonsillitis Stone Due to the chronic process of tonsillitis, in the nooks and crannies of the tonsils there are many stones formed from food, bacteria and secretions of tonsil tissue. When having tonsil stones, patients often have symptoms of swallowing problems on one side, bad breath, sometimes spitting out a stone equivalent to 1/2 a grain of rice, light yellow in color and very foul.
1.4 Swollen lymph nodes due to inflammation Inflammation, swelling, pain in one side of the throat can also be caused by swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes (lymph nodes) play an important role in the functioning of the immune system. They function as filters, trapping foreign particles and are prone to inflammation and swelling when doing this task.
The lymph nodes closest to the throat are located on either side of the neck, when swelling or inflammation can cause a sore throat. Sometimes the lymph node is swollen and painful only on one side. Causes of swollen lymph nodes include: colds or flu, strep throat, ear infections, infectious mononucleosis caused by the EBV virus, gingivitis or tooth abscesses, cancer, HIV , infected skin lesions in the area,...
In addition to pharyngitis, symptoms of a sore throat on one side can also come from other causes such as:
2.1 Having postnasal drip syndrome Postnasal drip syndrome is a condition in which fluid flows from the sinus system through the back of the nose to the wall. back of the throat, causing throat congestion, itching, sore throat, cough. The disease is usually caused by bacterial sinusitis, viral infection or cold infection. The combined causes are: gastroesophageal reflux syndrome - esophagitis, endocrine disorders and immunodeficiency. Postnasal drip syndrome is often prolonged because of the continuous discharge, causing discomfort and a sore throat on one side in some cases.
2.2 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease includes increased stomach acid, reflux into the esophagus and pharynx. The disease is more severe at night or when the patient is lying down. When the patient lies on one side, the reflux of stomach acid can cause pain on one side of the throat. Other symptoms of the disease include sore throat, burning in the chest, hoarseness, dry cough, burning in the mouth, a feeling of tightness in the throat,... If this condition is not treated early, it can lead to real damage. esophagus and throat.
2.3 Hand, foot and mouth disease Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by a virus that causes sores on the hands, feet, and mouth. Sores can develop in the back of the mouth, and the pharynx wall and side of the throat may be more affected, causing a unilateral sore throat. It usually occurs in children under 5 years of age but can also occur in older children and adults.
2.4 Injury to the vocal cords Using the larynx too closely in activities of speaking, singing, shouting, ... can damage the vocal cords on one side, causing pain in one area of ​​the throat. In addition to a sore throat, the patient also has hoarseness.

A sore throat is an uncomfortable part of being sick. But sometimes, your whole throat doesn’t get sore. What does it mean when only one side of your throat is sore? As it turns out, there are several possible causes for this literal pain in the neck.

Tonsillitis and tonsil stones

Tonsillitis is when your tonsils are inflamed by a viral or bacterial infection. If only one of the tonsils is infected, only one side of your throat will hurt. Debris such as mucus, dead cells, and skin can also get stuck in the crevices of your tonsils. This buildup is called tonsil stones. While people don’t always know they have them, in some cases they can grow large enough to cause a sore throat and trouble swallowing. Like with tonsillitis, they can affect just one tonsil. Smaller tonsil stones can be removed at home, but larger stones and recurrent tonsillitis can be treated with tonsil removal (tonsillectomy).

An abscess

An abscess is an infection that creates an isolated collection of pus in your body. A peritonsillar abscess is one that forms behind one of your tonsils and is often related to bacterial tonsillitis. Your throat will feel much sorer on the side with the abscess. It is recommended to see a physician who can drain the abscess in the office.

Swollen lymph nodes

When you are sick, your lymph nodes help trap germs so the infection doesn’t spread. When they swell, they can make your throat feel sore. If you have an infection such as strep throat, an ear infection, a cold, the flu, an ear infection, or a tooth infection, your lymph nodes may swell. Swollen lymph nodes due to an infection may be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medication depending on the cause, while a warm compress can provide some relief.

Postnasal drip

If you have a cold or nasal congestion stemming from allergies or sinus infections with a runny nose, fluid may drain down the back of your throat. Constant drainage could irritate your throat, particularly one side. Postnasal drip can be remedied with nasal sprays, nasal irrigations, or with a humidifier at home to increase moisture in your environment. 

Acid reflux

Acid reflux is when stomach acid reverses direction out of the stomach and into the esophagus and possibly the throat and upper airway. Acid reflux can be worse when you’re lying down. So, someone with acid reflux who sleeps on one side may find the acid affecting one side of their throat. While acid reflux or GERD may be prevalent in your life, you can mitigate it by avoiding spicy foods, alcohol, and other foods that may exacerbate the condition.

An injury

If you burn yourself with hot food or scrape your throat with food that has a sharp edge, you could hurt one side of your throat.

Vocal cord lesions

If you misuse your voice or use it too much, you can injure it. This can cause a lesion to form on one side of the throat. Common treatment methods include voice therapy, rest, or phonomicrosurgery.  


All these conditions have other symptoms beyond just a sore throat. It’s important to discuss all of them with your doctor to determine the specific cause.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. To make an appointment with any of CEENTA’s ENT doctors, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.

Why does my right throat hurt when I swallow?

Strep throat, epiglottitis, and esophagitis are some possible causes of pain when swallowing. Throat infections are one of the most common causes of pain when swallowing. These include strep throat, which is an infection with Streptococcal bacteria.

Why does it hurt to swallow only on my right side?

Pain on one side of your throat after swallowing could be the result of nerve pain from glossopharyngeal neuralgia. This condition can occur on one side in the ears, back of the tongue, tonsil, or in the jaw. This is a rare condition that can cause attacks of sudden and severe pain.


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