My aol mail login screen name and password

User names and passwords are encrypted in your macOS keychain. They’re also encrypted in your iCloud Keychain if it’s set up on your Mac.

If you remove user names and passwords in Safari, they’re deleted from your macOS keychain. They’re also removed from your other devices if your Mac and other devices are set up for iCloud Keychain.

For security, set up your Mac to display the login window when it starts up and to require a password after sleep or a screen saver begins. Set up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch to require a passcode to unlock the screen: Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode, then tap Turn Passcode On.

Important: Safari autofills your information for anyone who uses your Mac with your user login. It also autofills your information for anyone who uses your other devices, if those devices and your Mac have iCloud Keychain set up.

Every AOL (America Online) account includes space for seven screen names, or user names: one primary plus six others. The primary name is the one you choose when you first joined AOL. The primary name is permanent — you can never change it, no matter how much you want to. However, the other six names can come and go as you please.

America Online places only a couple of limits on screen names. Screen names must be between 3 and 16 characters long and must start with a letter. After the required first letter, you can use letters, numbers, and spaces to create your online identity. Also, the assembled numbers and letters can't cross the line into what Miss Manners might call "poor taste."

Here's a quick overview of the technical rules governing AOL screen names:

  • You can have seven screen names in your account — one primary screen name and six others.
  • The primary screen name is permanent; you can't ever change it. But you can create and delete the other six screen names at your whim.
  • By default, only the primary screen name can make new screen names and adjust Parental Controls. If you want to give that ability to other screen names in your account, you can do so by making the new name a master screen name.
  • Screen names are 3 to 16 characters long, start with a letter, and contain any combination of letters, numbers, and spaces your imagination can dream up (within the bounds of good taste, that is).

Choose your primary name carefully; it's yours forever.

Now be nice!

A creative screen name is your tool for carving out a unique identity in the world of America Online. You're supposed to be creative — that's the whole point. However, a subtle line separates creative and obnoxious.

Here's a simple guideline for creating a good screen name: Make it as creative as you want, but if you blush at the idea of explaining it to your children, parents, spouse, or significant other, your screen name is probably beyond the bounds of good taste.

One final thought about choosing a screen name: Make it appropriate. A screen name for official business email looks a lot different from one for a character in the free-form-role-playing (people games) area. If you want to be BoogerDggr in the chat rooms, that's your choice, but your new email address ([email protected]) may look a little funny on a business card.

Deleting an old screen name

Even screen names reach the end of their usefulness. When that time comes for the screen names in your account, delete them and go on about your business. Just follow these steps to delete a screen name:

1. Sign on to America Online with your primary screen name or a master screen name. If you don't really care about master screen names, that's fine, too — just barrel ahead with your primary screen name.

2. After connecting, choose Settings —> Screen Names from the toolbar (or use keyword Names). The Create or Delete Screen Names dialog box appears.

3. Click the Delete a Screen Name option in the dialog box. The Delete a Screen Name dialog box pops up.

4. When America Online displays the aptly named Are You Sure? dialog box, take a deep breath and click Continue. The Delete a Screen Name dialog box appears, looking just the tiniest bit somber in its fateful duties.

5. Click the screen name you want to delete and then click Delete. Be darn sure that you want to delete this screen name before clicking the Delete button. Although you can theoretically restore deleted screen names, it's an inexact science. Translated into English, restoring a deleted screen name is up to the impish whims of the America Online computers. Maybe they'll let you restore the name, and then again, maybe they won't.

6. After doing the dirty deed, America Online issues the brief, generic obituary.

You can't delete the primary screen name. Also, any master screen name on your account can delete (and create) other screen names.

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How do I login to my AOL email account?

Steps for AOL Mail login Using your web browser, go to the AOL website. After clicking the "Mail" icon, you'll be transported to the sign-in page. Simply enter your username and password in the appropriate sections.

How do I find my AOL username and password?

If you don't remember your AOL username, go to the Sign-in Helper page, enter your recovery email address or phone number, then follow the steps to retrieve your username. Click Next. Click I forgot my password. Choose one of the password reset options.

Why can't I access my AOL Mail?

Please try again," you may be using the wrong password to access your account. Reset your forgotten password online using the account recovery options you have available. If you're using an older or outdated browser, such as Internet Explorer, you may need to access AOL Mail from a different browser.

How do I change my username and password on AOL?

What to Know. In a browser: Log in to AOL and click your name. Select Account Security > Change Password. Enter a new password and confirm it.


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