Low cost spay and neuter for rabbits

Why Neuter? Rabbits must be neutered for reasons of overpopulation, health, behavior, happiness, and companionship. Neutering not only helps curb overpopulation of domestic rabbits, it dramatically decreases the chance of reproductive cancers, makes litter box training easier, and reduces chewing and territorial behavior, such as spraying. Please see the article: 5 Reasons to Neuter Your Bunny

When is it safe to neuter? Most female rabbits can be spayed at 4-6 months of age, though some veterinarians prefer to wait until they are over 6 months, if there is no chance of pregnancy. Male rabbits can be neutered as soon as their testicles descend, at about 10-14 weeks of age. Some veterinarians feel more comfortable waiting until males are a minimum of 4 months of age. Older rabbits can also be neutered if they are in good health. Since females are prone to developing reproductive organ cancers, there is even more reason to spay an older intact female, to remove any cancer that may have already developed. You will want to have your older rabbit examined and a blood test done prior to neuter, and we do recommend that neutering of older rabbits be done by a specialist with a high success rate.

Pre Operation: Your rabbit should NOT be fasted prior to the operation. Instead, try to get your rabbit to eat something as close to the time of operation as possible, and bring along some of your bunny’s food in case there’s a wait. To minimize stress, do not leave your rabbit at the neuter clinic or veterinary hospital any more in advance of the operation than is absolutely necessary. Rabbits should be transported in a hard plastic carrier with liner such as artificial lambswool to keep them from sliding around and soiling themselves as they wait for surgery or are transported back home. When transporting, be aware that rabbits overheat easily–never leave a rabbit in a closed vehicle.

How much should you expect to pay? Costs vary between $125 for a low-cost neuter to $1,500 for a spay done by an exotic specialist.

Veterinarian information is provided to give you the information you need to further investigate who offers spay/neuter services for rabbits and is not an endorsement.

Link to full-service rabbit veterinarians.

Clinics for low-cost neuters (NOTE there are very few safe options at this time. Please research ANY low-cost clinic yourself, before taking your rabbit there):

Amazing Small Animal Practice
14800 S Western Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 908-0510

Pet Orphans of Southern California
7720 Gloria Ave.
Van Nuys, CA 91406
(818) 901-0190

Financial aid:
At this time, there is limited financial aid available for rabbit neuters.
Residents of Los Angeles City can get a voucher for $50 off or, if low-income, $125.
Vouchers are available through www.laanimalservices.com. Do thorough research before
taking your rabbit to any veterinarian on a City or County list as they do not have the resources
to thoroughly check out the veterinarian's survival rates.

      • Actors & Others: (818) 755-6045

Please note: Rabbits should never be fasted (have food or water removed) before surgery. If you contact a clinic and are told to fast your rabbit, do not take your bunny there! Be aware that there are clinics that claim to “do rabbits” but they tend to have a high mortality rate. Rabbits are delicate and you must follow post-operative instructions.

by Dianne Cook, Licensed Veterinary Technician

As pet parents, we all want our fur babies to live forever. Though we have yet to stumble upon that fountain of youth, there are some steps we can take to help ensure our furry family members live well into their golden years. One of the ways we can do this is by having our rabbits spayed or neutered. For decades, veterinarians have been educating us about the benefits of spaying or neutering cats and dogs, but rabbit parents are often left wondering if these procedures are appropriate, or even safe, for their little ones. While no surgical procedure goes without risks, it is important to do your due diligence and learn all you can about these elective surgeries and how they can help give your little one the longest, happiest, healthiest life possible.

Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Rabbit?

Spaying or neutering your rabbit can significantly adds to their life expectancy and benefits their general health and wellbeing. The most obvious perk of these routine surgeries is eliminating the risk of reproductive cancers (mammary, uterine, ovarian, testicular) that are dishearteningly common in unaltered rabbits. Studies have shown that intact female rabbits have as high of a 65% chance of developing uterine adenocarcinoma by the age of 4 years which is an extremely high risk for neoplasia in any species.  Spayed or neutered rabbits also tend to be more friendly and affectionate toward their pet parents (as well as other pets in the home) and are generally easier to litter box train. Another huge benefit is curbing, or reducing, unwanted behaviors. While your intact rabbit may find dousing you with urine to be the highest form of flattery, most pet parents are not overly receptive to this particular expression of love. Spaying and neutering often eliminates your bunny’s deeply engrained desire to propagate by altering their hormonal response, which is a giant step to improving unwanted behaviors. Additionally, without the desire to constantly procreate, altered bunnies tend to be much easier to introduce (Bond) to one another and are free to live in coed colonies without the risk of contributing to the pet population.

What Age is Best for Having My Rabbit Spayed or Neutered?

When possible, it is preferable to spay or neuter your little one before health concerns or problem behaviors arise. The best way to ensure this is to have the surgeries completed when your bunny is still young. Technically, once a female reaches sexual maturity or a male’s testicles have descended (usually between 3 and 6 months of age), they can safely undergo their respective procedures. Depending on your rabbit’s size, breed, and current health, however, your veterinarian may feel it best to wait until your rabbit is a little bit older. This is yet another reason why routine visits with an exotics savvy veterinarian are so important.

But what about older bunnies? Just like humans, as animals age, anesthesia can become inherently riskier. Though opinions vary, most exotics veterinarians agree the benefits of the surgery often exceed the risks, even in older adult rabbits. It is important to remember, though, that older rabbits will need more extensive pre-surgical screening and may take longer to recover. If your rabbit has already reached their senior years (5 – 6+ years old), make sure to have a serious heart-to-heart with your veterinarian about whether the procedure is safe for your particular rabbit, and whether or not the surgery will still provide the intended benefits (increased longevity, decreased aggression/spraying/humping, etc).

Is it Safe to Have My Rabbit Spayed or Neutered?

Any time a veterinarian performs a surgery, regardless of species and procedure, the goal is always a quick and efficient operation, smooth recovery, little-to-no post-operative complications, and a healthy patient. The unfortunate reality is that all anesthetic procedures include risks, and occasionally patients are lost, even during routine surgeries. This should be a rare occurrence, however, as a knowledgeable veterinarian and their highly skilled team will have plans in place to safeguard against risks and efficiently address complications should they arise. Before scheduling the surgery, make sure your veterinarian is well-versed in rabbit surgery and post-operative care, understands the risks and benefits of the procedures themselves, and answers your questions (below) to your satisfaction. To find a rabbit-savvy vet near you, check out the following resources: //rabbit.org/vet-listings/ or //aemv.org/.

What Questions Should I Ask?

  • How long have you been seeing exotics animals, specifically rabbits?
  • How many rabbits do you see in your office annually?
  • On average, how many spays/neuters do you perform on rabbits each year?
  • What is your success rate?
  • Have you ever lost a rabbit during surgery? If so, what was the cause?
  • Should my rabbit fast before surgery?
  • The answer to this should be an emphatic “no” because rabbits are unable to vomit or regurgitate, there is no need to withhold food or water before surgery. Doing so could cause your bunny to go into gastrointestinal stasis making the entire situation much riskier.
  • What are your anesthetic protocols?
  • What precautions and supportive measures do you have in place before, during, and after surgery?
  • Can you please describe the surgery?
  • What is your typical post-operative plan? Do you provide pain control medications or antibiotics? Do you suggest feeding a recovery diet (like Critical Care) after surgery?

How Are Spay/Neuter Procedures Performed on Rabbits?

Both spay and neuter surgeries will require your rabbit to be fully anesthetized. Anesthetized animals’ vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate/effort, blood pressure, temperature, and others) should be monitored closely by trained personnel throughout the entire procedure. A spay (ovariohysterectomy) is the procedure performed on females. For a veterinarian to properly and safely spay a rabbit, the hair is shaved from her abdomen, her skin is disinfected, and an incision is made through her abdominal wall. Blood vessels are tied off and her uterus and ovaries are removed before she receives several layers of sutures to close her up. To neuter (orchiectomy) a male is often a quicker procedure and therefore requires less time under anesthesia. After the hair has been removed from around your rabbit’s scrotum and the skin has been adequately disinfected, an incision is either made directly into the scrotum, or just before it, and the testes are tied-off and removed. The resulting incision can either be closed by the veterinarian or be left open to close on its own. It is important to remember that a male can store semen (sperm) in his body for up to 3 weeks after being neutered, so it is imperative to keep him away from any intact females during this time to avoid an unexpected litter.

Post-Operative Considerations

Most rabbits do very well after surgery and heal without incident, but it is incredibly important to watch them closely, monitor their incisions and make sure they are eating. As prey species, rabbits are hardwired to hide any signs of illness or pain, so it is your job as a dedicated pet parent to provide them with a safe, comfortable environment and carefully watch them as they heal. Watch for any signs, regardless of how subtle, that may indicate your kiddo needs additional support (decreased appetite, decreased water intake, abnormal fecal output, behavior changes, etc). Though each rabbit is different, many males will come home hungry and ready for a snack. Because females undergo a more extensive procedure, they may want to be left alone and do not cherish the thought of being handled or moved around for several days. Other than making sure your little lady has access to plenty of fresh grass-hay and fresh water, and administering her daily prescriptions or suggested supplemental diet, it is usually best to respect her wishes of solitude. If you notice your recently altered bunny licking, chewing, or scratching at their incision, reach out to your veterinarian for suggestions on how to limit the behavior so the surgical site does not break open. Pain medication is essential so make sure they are receiving the full amount of what your prescribed by your veterinarian.

It is also important to remember that spaying and neutering may not be an instantaneous fix, especially if the procedure is being done to address problem behaviors. Hormone levels can take a while to stabilize, so less than desirable behavior patterns may continue for several weeks to a couple of months after the procedure. If your furry friend was altered well after reaching sexual maturity, some dominant behaviors (hair pulling, humping, circling, etc.) may have become engrained so it is important to discuss especially worrisome concerns with your veterinarian prior to the surgery and establish appropriate expectations.

While spaying or neutering your rabbit is not the key to eternal life (most regrettably), it has been proven to significantly increase overall health and longevity. These surgeries also often have the added benefit of making your rabbit a more affectionate companion and reducing problem behaviors. Though every surgical procedure comes with a certain level of risk, as a dedicated and knowledgeable pet parent, you can help decrease the risks by choosing a rabbit-savvy veterinary team that can answer all your questions and has a high surgical success rate. The decision to have surgery performed certainly isn’t easy, and should never be taken lightly, but by knowing what to expect and advocating for your fur baby, you can help ensure your bunny experiences a smooth procedure and quick, comfortable recovery.

Learn More

Rabbit Life Stages

What Are the Best Vegetables and Leafy Greens for Rabbits

Curbside Veterinary Care for Small Mammals

Ten Life Lessons You Can Learn from Your Rabbit

How much does it cost to neuter a rabbit?

You can spay a female rabbit as early as four months and costs for this process vary widely, with some being as little as $75 or as much as several hundred dollars. According to the Rabbit House Society, the average cost to spay or neuter your rabbit is $250.

How much does it cost to neuter a rabbit in my area?

How much should you expect to pay? Costs vary between $125 for a low-cost neuter to $1,500 for a spay done by an exotic specialist.

Do rabbits need to be spayed or neutered?

Spaying and neutering your pet rabbit is as important as having your cat or dog spayed or neutered. Rabbits can normally have surgery once they have reached 4-6 months of age. This may depend on the breed of rabbit and its size.

What happens if you don't spay or neuter rabbits?

Unneutered males (bucks) frequently spray urine. Unspayed females have repeated false pregnancies which are very stressful for the bunny and makes them pull out their fur to make a nest. Unspayed females may growl at, scratch and bite their owners. Both sexes if unneutered will attack other rabbits for no apparent ...


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