Is cheese ok for dogs to eat

(Picture Credit: igorr1/Getty Images)

Can dogs eat cheese? You may be asking this if you’d like to share a tasty treat with your pooch, or maybe your dog accidentally ate some cheese off the floor. Humans can eat cheese, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?

There isn’t a short yes or no answer as to whether dogs can eat cheese. Dogs may be fine after eating a little bit, but many can be lactose intolerant, and too much cheese can lead to health issues in dogs.

As always, you must ask your vet before sharing any human foods with your dog, including cheese. Here’s what you should know about feeding your dog cheese.

When Is Cheese Okay For Dogs To Eat?

(Picture Credit: Sonja Rachbauer/Getty Images)

Cheese has a few nutritional benefits that can give a health boost to your dog. It contains calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and zinc. These are beneficial vitamins that are essential for your dog’s health.

Cheese also contains fat and sodium, which can add some benefits to your dog’s health. But too much fat and sodium can cause health issues.

The type of cheese you feed your dog is also important to know. Aged cheeses like cheddar, Parmesan, and Swiss have very little lactose in them. Mozzarella cheese contains a lot of fat, so if you feed it to your dog, make sure it’s in small amounts.

Cheese can also be a good way to conceal pills for your dogs who require medicine.

Make sure to serve the cheese according to the size of your pooch, and ask your vet if your dog can handle cheese in their overall diet. Small bits of cheddar or mozzarella can be helpful training rewards for them.

Cottage cheese is also a very healthy snack for your pup in moderation. You can mix cottage cheese with some cooked rice, which is a good and simple meal if your dog has an upset stomach already.

When Is Cheese Bad For Dogs?

(Picture Credit: Maryviolet/Getty Images)

Not all dogs can handle a tasty treat like cheese. Many dogs are lactose intolerant to some degree, which means they cannot handle dairy products. While most cheese contains less lactose than some other dairy products like whole milk, dogs can still have adverse effects from cheese if they are highly lactose intolerant.

This is why you must talk to your vet before giving your dog cheese.

Make sure to stay away from cheese like blue cheese and Roquefort. Not only do these cheeses have high fat content, but when they get super ripe, they can produce roquefortine, which is potentially lethal for dogs to consume.

Also, stay away from cheese with herbs and garlic like Havarti or cream cheese. Onions and garlic are both toxic for dogs.

Observe your dog for signs of intestinal upset like vomiting or diarrhea after feeding them a small bit of cheese.

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Has your dog ever had cheese before? Did they like it? Let us know in the comments below!

The short answer is that cheese alone is non-toxic to dogs, but it depends on your dog’s individual sensitivities whether you should feed it to them. Dogs can eat cheese, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you start feeding your pup big chunks of cheddar.

Photo by kmitu/

Concerns about Cheese for Dogs

  • Cheese can be high in fat.

If your dog is overweight or needing to cut down on a few pounds, you should definitely lay off the cheese treats. Another concern is if your dog has a history of pancreatitis since high-fat foods are associated with this condition.

  • Cheese can be high in salt.

Certain cheeses (especially hard aged cheeses) contain a very high salt content, which can be dangerous and lead to sodium poisoning if dogs eat too much. Most dogs will be able to drink enough fresh water to dilute the salt they consume, but it’s good to be cautious. Common symptoms of sodium poisoning are extreme thirst, lack of energy, vomiting, watery diarrhea and loss of appetite. If your dog has these symptoms, bring them to the vet right away. Another associated risk with high-salt foods are for dogs with kidney problems.

  • Cheese could have added ingredients that are toxic to dogs.

Some common additions to cheese are garlic, onions, or chives, which are all toxic to canines. Always check the ingredients first!

  • Your dog might be lactose intolerant.

If you’re not sure whether your dog can digest cheese well, try feeding them a very small piece of cheese first. Keep a close eye on your dog for the next 24 hours for any signs of stomach upset, or negative bathroom changes. If you know your dog is lactose intolerant, then you should skip cheese altogether or try a very low-lactose option such as goat cheese.

Which Types of Cheese Can Dogs Eat?

Soft Cheese (Young Cheddar, Mozzarella, String Cheese)
Photo by ThreeArt/

All of the basic cheeses that are commonly found in the house are safe for a dog to eat in moderation. Mozzarella or most other soft cheeses have a high fat content, so if you’d like to share a slice with your pooch now and then, try to get low fat cheese instead.

Low-Sodium Cottage Cheese
Photo by StephanieFrey/

As long as your dog is eating a cottage cheese that’s low in salt, it can be an excellent, occasional addition to your dog’s diet. Cottage cheese has a good level of protein, calcium and vitamins (as long as it’s high quality). Probiotics are also found in cottage cheese, which can be helpful for calming a dog’s upset stomach. Cottage cheese also comes in a low-fat variety for dog’s who are concerned with weight.

Plain, Low-Fat Cream Cheese
Photo by Eivaisla/

You can feed your dog plain cream cheese, but only in small and infrequent amounts. Cream cheese is rich, fatty and high in calories so should be fed with care, and ideally should be of the low-fat variety. Stick to plain cream cheese instead of flavored (yes, we’re talking about that herb and garlic cream cheese) since they can have added ingredients such as garlic or onions, which are toxic to dogs.

Which Types of Cheese are Bad for Dogs?

Other than the cautions above about cheese overall (salt, fat and added ingredients) the main cheese to avoid completely is blue cheese.

Blue Cheese and Ripe ‘Moldy’ Cheeses (Roquefort, Stilton, etc.)
Photo by Volff/

When blue cheese is ripening, a mycotoxin called Roquefortine C is produced by the mold within the cheese. This substance can be very toxic dogs in and should be avoided altogether. While avoiding blue cheese is the best solution, if your dog does accidentally ingest a very small amount of blue cheese they’ll probably be fine.

If consumed, keep a close eye on your dog for the next few hours and call the vet immediately if you notice any vomiting, seizures, or diarrhea.

Final Tips for Feeding Your Dog Cheese:

  • Moderation is key. Feed cheese to your dog in small amounts, and not frequently.
  • Start small if your dog has never eaten lactose to make sure he’s not sensitive to it.  
  • Treat your dog with low salt, low fat cheeses.
  • Avoid blue cheese or similar ‘moldy’ cheeses.
  • Ask your vet beforehand if cheese is safe for your dog.

You can even share your favorite comfort food with your dog like macaroni and cheese but always practice moderation. These kinds of treats should make up a very small percentage of your dogs diet.  Learn about 10 more people foods you can feed your dog!

There you go, dogs can eat cheese. Give your a dog a cheesy treat and let us know if he/she likes it in the comments!

What cheese Can dogs not eat?

Yes, technically, your dog can eat cheese, including cheddar, mozzarella and cottage cheese. However, your dog should not consume any blue-veined cheeses, including Dutch blue, Stilton, Roquefort, Cabrales, or Gorgonzola, as it can be toxic for dogs. Because cheese is as fattening as it is tasty, moderation is key.

What kind of cheese can dogs eat?

Mozzarella and cottage cheese are lower in fat than other types of cheeses, making them a good snack for dogs. Swiss cheese is low in lactose, which is easier on your pet's digestive system. Cheddar is a common household cheese and has a relatively low level of salt, so it is safe in small doses.

How much cheese is OK for dogs?

"Your dog should get no more than a few small bites of cheese each day," Robinson says. This will depend on your dog's lactose tolerance and size, of course. She continues, "Some dogs cannot handle cheese at all. Larger dogs can handle a little more, and small dogs can handle less."

Can cheese upset a dog's stomach?

According to the ASPCA, "because pets do not possess significant amounts of lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk), milk and other dairy-based products cause them diarrhea or other digestive upset." The takeaway: Don't give your dog cheese as part of their regular meal plan or as a frequent treat.


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