How to upload unlisted video on youtube

Many YouTube videos are meant for sharing, but not everyone wants other people to see the videos that they upload. There could be several reasons for this, whether you’ve created a video meant only for family and friends or you want to keep a business video private.

Fortunately, you have the option to upload a private video to YouTube so that no one else can see it. This is easy to do, with only a few steps that you need to take to get it done.

YouTube has three privacy levels for videos. These are public, unlisted, and private videos.

Public videos can be seen and searched by anyone.

Unlisted videos can be viewed by people who have the link but won’t come up in a YouTube search.

Private videos are completely private, with access given through email invites.

What sorts of videos might you want to keep private? There are several reasons you might set a YouTube video to private so no one else can see it.

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It might be a resume video that you want to show employers but not the general public, or perhaps a presentation video for work. You might have videos that you want to use internally within your company or that you want to share with content collaborators.

All these videos could be better kept private or don’t need to be shared with anyone else.

If you want to upload a private video to YouTube, here are the instructions that you will need to follow in 2022.

Step 1: Make Sure You’re Logged In

It may seem obvious, but check that you’re signed into the Gmail account that is connected to your YouTube channel first.

Step 2: Go to YouTube Studio

When on YouTube, click on the profile icon in the top right corner of your browser. From the list, select “YouTube Studio.”

Step 3: Click Upload Video

Click on the video upload button above the News section – it’s the one with the arrow pointing upward.

You can then choose a video file to upload, either by dragging and dropping it or choosing “select files.”

Step 4: Fill in the Details

You will be asked to add some information about your video, including the title and description.

Step 5: Set to Private

In the “Visibility” section, you can choose “Private” to make your video visible only to those you allow access to.

Alternatively, you can make your video unlisted if you want it to be visible to anyone with the link but not searchable. Once your video is uploaded, it will be whichever privacy level you have chosen.

Step 6: Share Your Private Video

Your private video can’t be viewed by random people, but it can be viewed by those you give permission. Unless you want to keep your video to yourself, the next step is to share your video with the people who you want to see it.

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On your YouTube channel, click “Content” to view your videos. Select the video that you want to share, then in the Visibility section under Private, click on “Share Privately.” This will give you a box to enter the email address of the person you want to share your video with.

Input the email addresses of each person you want to invite to view the video. You can check the box “notify via email” if you want them to receive an email that tells them they have been granted access to your video.

When you have put all of the email addresses that you wish to into the list, click “Done.” The people you have given access to need to sign in to their Google accounts if they want to be able to view your video.

How to Change Privacy Settings on a YouTube Video

What if you set a video to be private on YouTube but later want to make it more visible? If you want to change the visibility settings, it’s simple to do.

Just go to the Content section of your channel to find the video that you want to change. In the Visibility section for the video, you can change it from Private to either Unlisted or Public, depending on who you want to be able to see the video.

Listing a video privately on YouTube is easy to do and can give you a number of advantages. Just follow the steps above, and you can get your video listed privately so only you and those you give access to are able to view it.

Click the box that says “Select files to upload” and select your video from where you have it saved on your device.

When you start uploading you will get a screen like this. Wait for it to complete uploading. Also, confirm that it is “Unlisted” in the bottom right. Then click “Done.”

Can you make an unlisted video public on YouTube?

Click the Edit button to access the video's settings. Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you'll see the option to mark you video as “unlisted”, “public”, or “private”.

Can anyone see an unlisted YouTube video?

As a reminder, Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Unlisted videos won't appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page and shouldn't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds an Unlisted video to a Public playlist. However, they are not Private.


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