How to solve an equation in slope intercept form

The slope-intercept form is one way to write a linear equation (the equation of a line). The slope-intercept form is written as y = mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis). It's usually easy to graph a line using y=mx+b. Other forms of linear equations are the standard form and the point-slope form.

Equations of lines have lots of different forms. One form you're going to see quite often is called the slope intercept form and it looks like this: y=mx+b, where m stands for the slope number and b stands for the y intercept.
So, when you're doing problems where you're asked to write the equation in slope intercept form, you only need two pieces of information. The first piece of information you need is the slope number and the second piece of information you need is the y intercept. Once you have those two pieces, those two numbers, you just plug them in there and you're on your way.

  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Read the problem. Before you can move forward, you need to carefully read the problem to understand what is being asked of you.

    • Read the following problem: Your bank account increases linearly each week. If after 20 weeks of work, your bank account is at $560, while after 21 weeks of work it is at $585, find a way to express the relationship between how much money you've earned and how many weeks you've worked in slope-intercept form.

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form



  3. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


  4. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Find the y-intercept. To find the y-intercept, or the in , you'll need to find the starting point of the problem (where it intersects the [vertical axis] y-axis. This means you need to know how much money you started with in your account.

  5. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write the equation in slope-intercept form. Now that you know the slope, , is 25, (25 dollars earned per 1 week), and the intercept, , is 60, you can plug them into the equation:

  6. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Test it out. In this equation, represents the amount of money earned, and represents the amount of weeks you've worked. Try plugging a different number of weeks into the equation to see how much money you've earned after a certain amount of weeks. Try two examples:

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  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write down the equation. Let's say you're working with the equation, 4y +3x = 16; write it down.

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Isolate the y-term on one side of the equation. Just move the term over to the other side so that the y term is by itself. Remember that whenever you move a term (by adding or subtracting) to the other side of an equation, you have to flip its sign from negative to positive and vice versa. So, "3x" moved to the other side of the equation would become "-3x." The equation should now look like 4y = -3x +16 by doing this:[3]

    • 4y + 3x = 16 =
      • 4y + 3x - 3x = -3x +16 (by subtraction)
    • 4y = -3x +16 (by rewriting, simplifying the subtraction)

  3. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Divide all of the terms by the y coefficient. The y coefficient is the number in front of the y term. If there is no coefficient in front of the y term, then you're done. If there is a coefficient, however, then you should divide each term in the equation by that number. In this case, the y coefficient is 4, so you have to divide 4x, -3x, and 16 by 4 to get the final answer in slope intercept form. Here's how you do it:[4]

    • 4y = -3x +16 =
    • 4/4y = -3/4x +16/4 = (by division)
    • y = -3/4x + 4 (by rewriting, simplifying the division)

  4. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Identify the terms in the equation. If you're using the equation to plot a line, then you should know that "y" represents the y-coordinate, "-3/4" represents the slope, "x" represents the x coordinate, and "4" represents the y-intercept.

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  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write down the equation of a line in slope intercept form. First, simply write . You can fill the equation in once you have enough information. Let's say that you're trying to solve the following problem: Find the equation of a line that has a slope of 4 and passes through the point (-1, -6).[5]

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Plug in the given (or what you may call "known") information. Use what you know: that "m" is equal to the slope, which is 4, and that "y" and "x" represent the given "x" and "y" coordinates which are known, in this case. We have "x" = -1 and "y" = -6. "b" represents the y-intercept; you do not know b yet, so you can leave the "b" term in place.[6] Here's how the equation will look once you plug in the relevant information:

    • y = -6, m = 4, x = -1 (the given values)
    • y = mx + b (the formula)
    • -6 = (4)(-1) + b (by substitution)

  3. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Solve for the y-intercept. Now, simply do the math to find "b," the y-intercept. Just multiply 4 and -1 and then subtract the result from -6. Here's how you do it:

    • -6 = (4)(-1) + b
    • -6 = -4 + b (by multiplying)
    • -6 - (-4) = -4 -(-4) + b (by subtraction)
    • -6 - (-4) = b (simplifying the right hand side)
    • -2 = b (simplifying the left hand side)

  4. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write the equation. Now that you've solved for "b," you can fill in all of the necessary information and finish writing the line in slope intercept form. All you need to know is the slope and the y-intercept:

    • m = 4, b = -2
    • y = mx + b
    • y = 4x -2 (by substitution)

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  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write down the two points. Before you can write the equation of the line, you'll need to write down those two points. Let's say you're trying to solve the following problem: Find the equation of the line that passes through (-2, 4) and (1, 2). Write down the two points you're working with.[7]

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Use the two points to find the slope of the equation. The formula for finding the slope of a line that crosses two points is simply (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1). You can think of the first set of coordinates (x, y) = (-2, 4), as representing X1 and Y1, and the second set of coordinates, (1, 2), as representing X2 and Y2. Here, you're really finding the difference between the x and the y coordinates, which gives you the rise over run, or the slope. Now, just plug them into the equation and solve for the slope.

    • (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1) =
    • (2 - 4)/(1 - -2) =
    • -2/3 = m
    • The slope of the line is -2/3.

  3. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Pick one of the points to solve for the y-intercept. It doesn't matter which pair of points you choose; you can pick the one with smaller numbers or numbers that are easier to work with. Let's say you've chosen the points (1, 2). Now, just plug them into the equation "y = mx + b" where "m" represents the slope and "x" and "y" represent the x and y coordinates. Plug in the numbers and do the math to solve for "b." Here's how you do it:

    • y = 2, x, = 1, m = -2/3
    • y = mx + b
    • 2 = (-2/3)(1) + b
    • 2 = -2/3 + b
    • 2 - (-2/3) = b
    • 2 + 2/3 = b, or b = 8/3

  4. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Plug the numbers into the original equation. Now that you know that your slope is -2/3 and your y-intercept ("b") is 2 2/3, just plug them into the original equation for a line and you're done.

    • y = mx + b
    • y = -2/3x + 2 2/3

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  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Write down the equation. First, write down the equation so you can start using it to graph a line. Let's say you're working with the following equation: y = 4x + 3. Write it down.

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Start at the y-intercept. The y intercept is represented by "+3" or "b" in the equation of a line in slope intercept form is positive 3. This means that the line intersects the y axis at (0, 3).[8] Put your pencil down at this point.[9]

  3. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Use the slope to find the coordinates of another point on the line. Since you know that the slope is represented by 4, or "m," you can think of the slope as representing 4/1, the rise over the run of the coordinates on the line. This means that every time the line moves up 4 points on the y axis, it moves to the right 1 point on the x axis. So, if you start at the point (0, 3) and go up ("rise") 4 points, you'll be at (0, 7). Then, you should move to the right ("run") one coordinate, so you get (1, 7) as another point on this line.[10]

    • If your slope is negative, then you'll either have to move the y-coordinate up instead of down, or move the x-coordinate to the left instead of the right. You'll get the same result either way.

  4. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Connect the two points. Now, all you have to do is draw a straight line through those two points and you'll have successfully graphed a line from an equation in slope intercept form. You can keep going -- just pick another point on the line you've drawn and use the slope to move up or down to find additional points on the line.

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  1. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Use Point–Slope Form which is stated as: y - y1 = m(x - x1) . This is another way of working with one form of the equation of the line to get another form.[11]

  2. How to solve an equation in slope intercept form


    Take the one point given and the slope m given to us (known) to work with, for example: point (4, -3) and slope m = -2 .[12]

    • You are working where m = -2 as the slope of a line and the coordinates of a point are (4, -3), and these are our (x1,y1) like any defined point on the line. So, using those given values we have: y - y1 = m(x - x1), y - (-3) = -2(x - 4), by substitution using the point and slope y + 3 = -2(x - 4), by simplifying -(-3) to + 3 y + 3 = -2x + -2(-4), by distribution y + 3 = -2x + 8, by multiplying y + 3 - 3 = -2x + 8 - 3, by subtraction (of equals from both sides of the equation)y = -2x + 5, by simplifying/rewriting it (That fits the y = mx + b called the Slope Intercept Form).
    • What is Point–-slope form based on? The point-slope form expresses the fact that the difference of y values for two points on one line (that is, y − y1) can be stated as directly proportional to the difference of x values (that is, x − x1). There is a proportionality constant called m (the slope of the line).
      • We find that Direct Proportion is a comparison that can be stated in a form similar to y = kx. Here we notice that y - y1 = m(x - x1) fits the form y = kx .
      • Direct proportion means that given two variables such as x and y, then y is called directly proportional to x, if there is a constant k such that y = kx, if and only if x is not zero. "k" is the proportionality constant which is just the slope as we are using it. (You can also express direct proportion by saying "x and y vary directly", or express that "x and y are in direct variation").

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    How do you find the y-intercept when you are given two plot points?

    How to solve an equation in slope intercept form

    Grace Imson, MA
    Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco

    Grace Imson is a math teacher with over 40 years of teaching experience. Grace is currently a math instructor at the City College of San Francisco and was previously in the Math Department at Saint Louis University. She has taught math at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. She has an MA in Education, specializing in Administration and Supervision from Saint Louis University.

    How to solve an equation in slope intercept form

    Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco

    Expert Answer

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    One way is to use the slope-intercept form. Use the two points to solve for the slope. Once you have the slope, plug one of the points into the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b). M is the slope, then plug in any coordinate using one of the points. Solve for B. B is the y-intercept.

  • Question

    Can the y = mx + b formula be reversed to solve for x? If so, how?

    How to solve an equation in slope intercept form

    Subtract b from both sides, then divide both sides by m. x = (y - b) / m.

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  • If you do the simple ones in your mind, not showing the steps (not writing the work) -- then later when you have a harder one you may be (probably will be) lost, not knowing the procedures needed to do (write down) the work.

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  • That increase or decrease is also called the slope or the rate of change like miles per hour is such a rate, or like kilometers per second which are examples of a rate of change (distance compared to time).

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  • It is really impressive to the teacher when you learn and understand how to apply the linear equation to all kinds of [linear] story problems.

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  1. Grace Imson, MA. Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco. Expert Interview. 1 November 2019.
  6. Grace Imson, MA. Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco. Expert Interview. 1 November 2019.
  8. Grace Imson, MA. Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco. Expert Interview. 1 November 2019.

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