How to set alarm on twin bell clock

Wind-up alarm clocks have a certain charm. The sound they make -- tick, tock, tick, tock -- brings back feelings of a less stressful time. You can use them anywhere, and you don't have to recharge them. If you're concerned that the electricity might go off while you sleep, and you absolutely, positively cannot be late for your morning appointment, use a wind-up alarm clock. It will tick-tock right through a power outage and ring its alarm to wake you up on time.


Step 1

Look at the back of the clock. There will be two buttons and two wind-up keys. Some clocks may have a single wind-up key for both the alarm and clock functions.

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Step 2

Set the clock time. Use the button labeled "Clock" to move the hour and minute hands to set the clock to the current, correct time.


Step 3

Wind the clock. Use the wind-up key labeled "Clock," and turn it clockwise until it stops. Once it stops, do not force it to turn or it will break.

Step 4

Set the alarm. Use the button labeled "Alarm" to move the thin third clock hand to set the alarm. If you want the alarm to go off at 7 a.m., move the small hand so it is exactly on the number 7. If you want the alarm to go off at 7:30 a.m., move the small hand so it is halfway between numbers 7 and 8.


Step 5

Wind the alarm. Use the wind-up key labeled "Alarm." Turn it clockwise until it stops. Do not try to force it to turn once wound.

Step 6

Activate the alarm. On many wind-up alarm clocks, the alarm is set by pulling out the button that is used to set the time the alarm will go off. On some models, there is a separate button, usually labeled "Alarm," which should be pulled out to set the alarm. This button may be located on the top of the clock.

AJ Station Alarm Clock Light Gray 4.3" White dial, black markers, gray body, matte brass feet (2-AA batteries not included) Glossy hard PE body, quiet Japanese movement, bell ring alarm, motion sensor LED l ...Read More

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How do you set an alarm on a Sharp bell clock?

There are only two settings on the back of the clock--one knob is for setting the time, the other is for setting the alarm time. To set the alarm time, simply rotate the alarm knob which moves the red alarm hand on the face of the clock.


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