How to relieve tightness in upper back

How to relieve tightness in upper back

If you experience back pain in your upper back and neck area it is most likely caused by poor posture.

But no worries, we identified the muscles that are tight on most of the population and listed specific upper back stretches below to help you release them, lessen your back pain and increase your mobility.

The following stretches will target theses muscles:
Upper trapezius
Levator scapulae
Latissimus Dorsi

7 Stretches For Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders:

1. Shoulder Blades Stretch (Eagle pose)

Targeted muscle: Stretches Rhomboids/Deltoids

How to relieve tightness in upper back

This is a great stretch to release tight trigger points in between your shoulder blades.
How to do it:

  • Place right elbow on left elbow
  • Now take your left hand and interlace it around the right arm
  • In this position you can apply more pressure to feel your upper back opening
  • Hold the end position for 20-30 seconds
  • Repeat on the other side

2. Upper Trapezius Stretch

Targeted muscle: Stretches Upper Trapezius

How to relieve tightness in upper back

This will stretch out the neck and upper back muscles (Scalene & Upper Trapezius) which can get very tight on individuals with this forward neck syndrome.

  • Start either in a standing or seated position.
  • Place one of your hands on the opposite side of your head and tuck the other hand behind your back.
  • Now bring the head down towards your shoulder.
  • Use the hand on top to press your head down – to get a deeper stretch (Not too hard).
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds and do both sides

3. Lat Side Stretch

Targeted muscle: Stretches Latissimus Dorsi

How to relieve tightness in upper back

The lats is the biggest muscle of the back and is involved in many daily activities, as well as sports, so it gets very tight in most people.
How to do it:
– Begin in standing position grabbing your right hand with left hand to start with.
– Assist with your left hand and stretch to the side.
– Hold this position for 20 -30 seconds.
– Repeat on the opposite side.
– Aim for 2-3 repetitions of this stretch on each side.

4. Seated Levator Scapulae Stretch

Targeted muscle: Stretches Levator Scapulae.

How to relieve tightness in upper back

Because of rounded shoulders and forward head position This is one of most effective upper back stretches because the Levator scapulae muscle in particular gets very tight from our cell phone texting and prolonged desk work.
How to do it:
– Begin in a seated position and grasp the bottom of your chair with your right hand.
– Bring your chin in towards your chest and rotate your head towards the left shoulder.
– Then using your left arm gently push your head down looking towards your left armpit until you feel a slightly stretch along with right side of your neck.
– Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds.
– Repeat on the opposite side.
– Aim for 3 repetitions of this stretch on each side.

Recommended Program:
The Complete Posture Fix (With Dr. Oliver) – Fix your Posture and Ergonomics, Ease Back & Neck pain, and Increase your Mobility.
Learn More

5. W & Y Stretch & Retract

Targeted muscle: Opens chest muscles & strengthens lower traps

How to relieve tightness in upper back

This exercise both strengthens and stretches all the right posture muscles. And the best thing is that it’s easy to do it from anywhere – even in your office.
How to do it:
– Begin standing with your back straight.
– Make “W” shape with your arms. Bend both of arms to about 90 degree angle as you lower them to your stomach area and then squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 2 breaths.
– Make “Y” shape with your arms by extending both arms up. Hold for 2 breaths.
– Hold 1-2 at each end point, Aim for 10 repetitions

6. Child’s Pose

Targeted muscle: Stretches Latissimus dorsi

How to relieve tightness in upper back

This stretch releases the back muscles such as Latissimus dorsi – which is usually tight from everyday activities.
How to do it:
– Begin by positioning yourself on the floor on your hands and knees with your knees slightly wider than your hips.
– Turn your toes inwards to touch and push your hips backwards while bending your knees.
– Once you’re in a comfortable position, straighten your arms forward and allow your head to fall forwards into a relaxed position.
– Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds.
– Slowly return to the starting position.
– Aim for 3 repetitions.

7. Thoracic Spine Foam Rolling

Targeted muscle: Releases Upper Trapezius

How to relieve tightness in upper back

This is great way to loosen up the upper back area.

  • Lie on your back, with your hands placed behind your head, and a foam roller placed under your upper-back.
  • Start to slowly roll up and down beginning at your mid-back and moving towards the top of your shoulders.
  • Keep your core tight and use your legs to roll.
  • Don’t rush, do nice and slow rolls.

Check out the Upper Back Stretches Video:

Recommended Program:
The Complete Posture Fix (With Dr. Oliver, DC)
Correct your Posture and Ergonomics, Ease Back & Neck pain and Increase your mobility.
Learn More

How to relieve tightness in upper back

Fix Pain between shoulder blades
How to get rid of neck pain
forward head posture exercises
Causes of poor posture

How to relieve tightness in upper back

Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES), Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), Professional Dancer

As a long time back sufferer Leon found unique methods to alleviate his pain using natural methods including self massage, exercise/stretching and postural habits. He founded to empower others to fix their postures and ease their back pain from home.

How do you loosen a tight upper back?

Lower neck and upper back stretch.
Stretch your arms out in front of your body. Clasp one hand on top of your other hand..
Gently reach out so that you feel your shoulder blades stretching away from each other..
Gently bend your head forward..
Hold for 15 to 30 seconds..
Repeat 2 to 4 times..

Why does the top of my back feel tight?

Upper back pain can occur anywhere between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage. Upper back pain may be caused by injuries or fractures, poor posture, disk problems or other issues, such as arthritis. People with mild to moderate upper back pain can usually manage their symptoms at home.