How to reduce cheek swelling after wisdom teeth removal

It can take up to 2 weeks to recover from the surgery for having your wisdom tooth or teeth removed.

During this time, you may have:

  • a swollen mouth and cheeks – this will be worse for the first few days but will gradually improve; gently pressing a cold cloth to your face helps reduce the swelling
  • some mild visible bruising of your cheek – the skin may be bruised for up to 2 weeks
  • a stiff, sore jaw – this should wear off within 7 to 10 days
  • pain – this is worse if the extraction was difficult or complicated
  • an unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • tingling or numbness of your face, lips or tongue (although this is uncommon)

Report any excess bleeding, severe pain or any other unusual symptoms to your dentist or oral surgeon immediately.

Self-care advice

To reduce pain and aid your recovery, it can be helpful to:

  • use painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (always read and follow the manufacturer's dosage instructions) – there's some evidence to suggest that ibuprofen is the best painkiller to take after having wisdom teeth removed
  • avoid strenuous activity and exercise for a few days
  • use an extra pillow to support your head at night
  • for 24 hours, avoid rinsing, spitting, hot drinks or anything else that may dislodge the blood clots that form in the empty tooth socket (they help the healing process)
  • avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 24 hours
  • eat soft or liquid food for a few days and chew with your other teeth
  • gently rinse the extraction site with antiseptic mouthwash after 24 hours, and repeat this regularly over the next few days, particularly after eating – you can also use warm water with a teaspoon of salt as mouthwash to reduce gum soreness and inflammation

Working and driving

It's usually recommended that you take a day or two off work after having a wisdom tooth removed. You won't need a sick note from your doctor or dentist for this.

You can drive immediately after the procedure if local anaesthetic was used, but you should avoid driving for at least 24 hours if a sedative was used, or 48 hours if the procedure was carried out under general anaesthetic.

Returning to normal

After your wisdom teeth have been removed and any swelling and bruising has disappeared, your mouth and face should return to normal.

You'll usually be able to brush your teeth normally after a few days. Make sure you finish any course of antibiotics you've been given.

A check-up appointment may be arranged for about a week or so after the procedure. At this point, any remaining stitches may be removed.

Page last reviewed: 17 May 2021
Next review due: 17 May 2024

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Most people get their third and final set of molars, also known as wisdom teeth, in their teens or early twenties. These teeth can be great when they’re healthy and properly aligned, but they’re often misaligned or they only partially break through the gums. And that’s when your dentist or oral surgeon steps in to remove them.

The speed of your recovery after surgery depends on how difficult it was to extract the teeth. Was it a simple extraction or was the tooth impacted into the jawbone? Either way, because of the surgical trauma, there will be post-operative tissue swelling. How severe it will be again depends on the ease of the extraction.

Reducing the swelling: the first 24 hours you need cold

The aim here is to minimize the total amount of swelling. To do this, you need to apply cold packs to the outside of your face where the extraction was. You can start doing this pretty much as soon as the surgery is done.

  1. Fill a surgical glove with ice, or use a cold pack bought from your pharmacy. A frozen bag of peas works really well too. Whatever the source of the cold, wrap it in a dishtowel.
  2. Hold it firmly against the outside of your face for 15 minutes. Then leave it off for 15 minutes, and so on. Repeat for the first 18 to 24 hours after the surgery.
  3. How it works: the cold causes the blood vessels in the area to constrict, thereby reducing the total volume of fluids that can be transported around the tissue and therefore reducing the amount of swelling.

NB: Remember you’ll still be feeling numb from the anesthetic, so don’t fall asleep with the ice pack pressed to your cheek.

Reducing the swelling: after 48-72 hours you need heat

You’re unlikely to completely prevent swelling with the cold compress described above, but you can help bring it down more quickly – this time using warm compresses. Swelling is generally considered to reach its peak 48-72 hours after surgery and that’s when you start the process, not before. Check with your dentist what they recommend.

  1. Buy a heat pack from the pharmacy, or use a hot water bottle or wet towel. But take care: you want to warm the swollen area, not burn it. Minimize irritation to your skin by wrapping your heat source in a moistened dishtowel.
  2. Hold the heat compress against the swelling. Leave it in place for 20 minutes; leave it off for the next 20. Repeat.
  3. How it works: the heat causes the blood vessels to dilate, which enables them to carry away the fluids that caused the swelling more efficiently.

NB: If your swelling hasn’t subsided by day four, report this to your dentist. While complications are rare, they are possible, so call your dentist right away if you notice any pus discharge or severe pain, or you develop a fever.

Top tip

Keep your head elevated – even when sleeping – to further help reduce swelling.

img c/o pixabay

How long will my cheeks be swollen after wisdom teeth?

It can take up to 2 weeks to recover from the surgery for having your wisdom tooth or teeth removed. During this time, you may have: a swollen mouth and cheeks – this will be worse for the first few days but will gradually improve; gently pressing a cold cloth to your face helps reduce the swelling.

Why is my cheek swollen 3 days after wisdom teeth removal?

The cheeks get swollen after an oral surgery procedure because your body is attempting to heal the damaged tissue. Oral surgery is often a traumatic experience on the body, so in turn, your body tries to heal the site of the extraction or procedure as quickly as possible.

Can I massage my swollen cheeks after wisdom teeth removal?

You can also massage the jaw joints post surgery. Gently massaging this area for a few minutes at a time helps you recover faster because it releases some of the unnecessary tension that your jaw may be holding onto.


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