How to make a feather in doodle god


Doodle God is a puzzle game in which you'll need to combine elements to discover new ones, to which you'll then combine to discover more new elements and so on. There are 4 episodes, with a combined total of 228 elements to discover in the game. When you start Episode 1 you'll begin with 4 of the 228 required elements, these being Water, Fire, Air and Earth. The game can be stacked on all consoles and both EU/NA regions. You'll only need to navigate with

 and use  to select/combine elements, or solely use the touch screen if on the Vita, all other buttons have no purpose/benefit for earning the trophies.

You will unlock all of the trophies following this walkthrough, so long as you do not use any tips (the light-bulb on the left) by pressing . If you use any tips, you will void 

 Brilliant Inventor and 
 Master of the WorldsIf you use any tips on accident (be careful as skipping between episodes is also ), you need only replay the episode(s) that you used them in, you do not need to play through the whole game again.

It will take you on average between 30-50 minutes to complete the game for 100%, depending on how fast you pair up the elements. There is no timer or anything to make you rush, so you can play and enjoy it at your own pace.

This walkthrough is broken down into each of the 4 episodes and a final section as reference for all unlocked elements. Please note, that the 4 numbered lists of combinations across the episodes do not add up to 228. This is because firstly, you already have 4 unlocked elements to begin with and secondly, several combinations in the game reward you with more than one element/creation.

Episode 1: The Beginning

You will start with the first 4 elements in their 4 groups. You will need to create 100 elements to unlock Episode 2: Technology. 

You will unlock both 

 Combo! and 
 Great Combinator after you have created your first 5 elements, along with 
 Creator of Civilization and 
 Brilliant Inventor for completing the episode.

Here is how you'll looking at the beginning of the episode with your starting elements:

Combinations for the required elements in Episode 1 are as follows:

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Air + Earth = Dust
  3. Air + Fire = Energy
  4. Air + Energy = Storm
  5. Fire + Dust = Ash
  6. Lava + Air = Stone
  7. Fire + Stone = Metal
  8. Water + Stone = Sand
  9. Energy + Metal = Electricity
  10. Water + Air = Steam
  11. Metal + Steam = Boiler
  12. Fire + Sand = Glass
  13. Water + Earth = Swamp
  14. Swamp + Sand = Clay
  15. Swamp + Energy = Life
  16. Swamp + Life = Bacteria
  17. Water + Life = Weeds
  18. Swamp + Weeds = Moss
  19. Earth + Moss = Grass
  20. Swamp + Grass = Reed
  21. Water + Bacteria = Plankton
  22. Life + Sand = Seeds
  23. Life + Ash = Ghost
  24. Life + Stone = Egg
  25. Egg + Earth = Dinosaur
  26. Dinosaur + Fire = Dragon
  27. Air + Egg = Bird
  28. Swamp + Moss = Fern
  29. Clay + Life = Golem
  30. Golem + Life = Human
  31. Human + Fire = Corpse
  32. Life + Corpse = Zombie
  33. Zombie + Corpse = Ghoul
  34. Human + Energy = Wizard
  35. Wizard + Energy = Demigod
  36. Seeds + Earth = Tree
  37. Human + Metal = Tools
  38. Metal + Tools = Weapon
  39. Weapon + Human = Hunter
  40. Hunter + Weapon = Warrior
  41. Warrior + Dragon = Hero + Blood
  42. Blood + Human = Vampire
  43. Fire + Clay = Bricks
  44. Tools + Reed = Paper
  45. Bird + Hunter = Meat + Feather + Blood*
  46. Tree + Tools = Wood
  1. Feather + Paper = Book
  2. Swamp + Bacteria = Worm + Sulfur
  3. Tree + Fire = Ash + Coal
  4. Coal + Boiler = Steam-Engine
  5. Sand + Worm = Snake
  6. Snake + Water = Fish
  7. Water + Coal = Oil
  8. Plankton + Fish = Whale
  9. Snake + Tools = Poison
  10. Poison + Weapon = Poisoned Weapon
  11. Poisoned Weapon + Human = Assassin
  12. Wood + Tools = Wheel
  13. Earth + Tools = Field
  14. Field + Seeds = Wheat
  15. Wheat + Stone = Flour
  16. Flour + Water = Dough
  17. Dough + Fire = Bread
  18. Sand + Egg = Turtle
  19. Swamp + Egg = Lizard
  20. Wood + Wheel = Cart
  21. Cart + Steam-Engine = Locomotive
  22. Bird + Fire = Phoenix
  23. Lizard + Earth = Beast
  24. Beast + Vampire = Werewolf
  25. Worm + Earth = Beetle
  26. Beetle + Sand = Scorpion
  27. Wood + Water = Boat
  28. Cart + Beast = Chariot
  29. Hunter + Beast = Meat* + Wool + Blood*
  30. Human + Clay = Ceramics
  31. Human + Stone = Hut
  32. Stone + Plankton = Shells
  33. Shells + Stone = Limestone
  34. Limestone + Clay = Cement
  35. Tools + Wool = Fabric
  36. Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
  37. Domestic Animal + Grass = Milk + Fertilizer
  38. Life + Tree = Treant
  39. Weeds + Earth = Mushroom
  40. Water + Cement = Concrete
  41. Concrete + Bricks = House
  42. Fish + Beast = Dolphin
  43. Wood + Boat = Ship
  44. Oil + Cart = Car
  45. Car + Air = Airplane
  46. Fabric + Human = Clothes

(*) = Already Unlocked

Episode 2: Technology

In this episode, you will unlock the Void element. You will have to create an extra 33 (133 in total) elements to unlock Episode 3: Modern Age. 

You will unlock 

 God's hundred near the start of this episode, and 
 Creator of Technology upon completing the episode.

Here is how you should be looking at the start of the episode:

The combinations are as follows:

  1. Air + Worm = Butterfly
  2. Storm + Bird = Thunderbird
  3. Glass + House = Skyscraper
  4. Limestone + Fertilizer = Saltpetre
  5. Saltpetre + Sulfur = Gun Powder
  6. Weapon + Gun Powder = Firearm
  7. Ship + Fabric = Frigate
  8. Ship + Steam-Engine = Steam Ship
  9. Void + Glass = Light Bulb
  10. Void + Electricity = Radiowave
  11. Lightbulb + Radiowave = TV
  12. TV + Book = Computer
  13. Radiowave + Radiowave = Radiation
  14. Metal + Radiation = Plutonium
  15. Plutonium + Weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  16. Computer + Radiowave = Cellphone
  1. Energy + Fire = Plasma
  2. Plasma + Void = Sun
  3. Sun + Grass = Flower
  4. Sun + Flower = Sunflower
  5. Tree + Flower = Apple
  6. Sand + Tree = Palm Tree
  7. Seeds + Energy = Coffee
  8. Void + Airplane = Rocket
  9. Void + Rocket = Satellite
  10. Radiowave + Fire = Laser
  11. Laser + Book = CD
  12. Metal + Water = Quick Silver
  13. Quick Silver + Demigod = Philosophers Stone
  14. Apple + Cellphone = Gold
  15. Human + Computer = Cyborg
  16. Computer + Computer = Internet

Episode 3: Modern Age

In this episode, you will be introduced to an additional 5 new elemental groups as you progress, as well as unlocking the Commandments. You will need to have created another 37 (170 elements in total) elements to unlock the final Episode, World of Magic. 

You will unlock 

 Creator of Modernity for completing this episode.

Here is how you should be looking at the start of the episode:

The required combinations are as follows:

  1. Sand + Glass = Clock
  2. Water + Glass = Ice
  3. Book + Human = Knowledge
  4. Warrior + Firearm = Soldier
  5. Gold + Paper = Money
  6. Knowledge + Fish = Octopus
  7. Bacteria + Milk = Cheese
  8. Money + Human = Work
  9. Beetle + Work = Ant
  10. Human + Bacteria = Virus
  11. Knowledge + Human = Scientist
  12. Fish + Egg = Caviar
  13. Apple + Dough = Pie
  14. Commandments + Human = Religion
  15. Religion + Human = Law + Sin
  16. Beast + House = Cat + Dog
  17. Tools + Law = Mechanism
  18. Mechanism + Book = Typewriter
  19. Law + Solider = Policeman
  20. Ice + Milk = Ice-Cream
  1. Knowledge + Virus = Medicine
  2. Fire + Meat = Steak
  3. Reed + Field = Sugar
  4. Ice + Mechanism = Freezer
  5. Reed + Human = Music
  6. Music + Human = Fun
  7. Human + Rocket = Astronaut
  8. Medicine + Bacteria = Antibiotics
  9. Money + Skyscraper = Bank
  10. Computer + Virus = Hacker
  11. Law + Fun = Games
  12. Sugar + Bread = Cookies
  13. Money + Bank = Debt
  14. Debt + Money = Credit Card
  15. Typewriter + Human = Journalist
  16. Life + Void = Alien
  17. Water + Water = Sea
  18. Sun + Sea = Salt
  19. Rocket + Alien = UFO
  20. Beast + Medicine = Rat

Episode 4: World of Magic

In this final episode you will be introduced to another 5 extra elemental groups, as well as unlocking Magic.

You will unlock 

 Deity of Darkness naturally when you have created all of the bad elements/creations. Completing the episode will award you your final trophies, which are 
 Creator of Magic
 World Creatorand 
 Master of the Worlds.

Here is how you should be looking at the start of the episode:

Your last combinations to fulfill all 228 elements, are as follows:

  1. Wizard + House = Tower
  2. Wizard + Zombie = Necromancer
  3. Magic + Religion = Priest
  4. Priest + Magic = Prayer
  5. Priest + Prayer = Healing
  6. Priest + Weapon = Mace
  7. Priest + Warrior = Paladin
  8. Stone + Human = Dwarf
  9. Magic + Void = Darkness + Light
  10. Magic + Knowledge = Spell
  11. Magic + Music = Bard
  12. Magic + Water = Potion
  13. Magic + Beast = Unicorn
  14. Magic + Paper = Scroll
  15. Light + Darkness = Shadow
  16. Spell + Air = Illusion
  17. Spell + Ice = Cone of Cold
  18. Spell + Fire = Fireball
  19. Spell + Book = Spell Book
  20. Light + Life = Angel
  21. Darkness + Earth = Underground
  22. Beast + Darkness = Demon
  23. Darkness + Energy = Death
  1. Death + Healing = Resurrection
  2. Life + Void = Chaos + Order
  3. Chaos + Void = Astral
  4. Astral + Spell = Teleport
  5. Astral + Death = Illithid
  6. Astral + Metal = Silver
  7. Law + Assassin = Rogue
  8. Mechanism + Life = Modron
  9. Human + Metal = Armor
  10. Human + Weapon = Sword + Crossbow
  11. Human + Magic = Elf
  12. Human + Elf = Half-Elf
  13. Human + Swamp = Orc + Goblin
  14. Human + Tree = Druid
  15. Elf + Darkness = Drow
  16. Elf + Metal = Mithril
  17. Elf + Weapon = Bow
  18. House + Armor = Castle
  19. Weapon + Magic = Wand
  20. Drow + Metal = Adamantite
  21. Dwarf + Darkness = Duergar
  22. Dwarf + Weapon = Axe + Hammer
  23. Beast + Weapon = Claws

All Elements

For reference, here are all of the unlocked elements:

The "?" will be Claws, your final creation as shown in the last image.

Final creation for 100%.


  • 0
  • 1
  • 4
  • 6

11 Trophies • 300 Points

Guide Contents

How do you make Bird Doodle God?

Bird is available by making one of the following combinations: Combine air and egg to create bird. Combine air and lizard to create bird.

How do you make paper in Doodle God?

Combine reed and tools to create paper.

How do you make Thunder Bird in Doodle God?

Creation. Thunderbird is available by making one of the following combinations: Combine bird and storm to create thunderbird.

How do you make a assassin in Doodle God?

Combine human and poisoned weapon to create assassin.


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