How to get oil stains off wood

A number of oily things -- such as greasy food and body lotions -- can stain your home's wood flooring or your furniture. Whether the wood is finished or unfinished, you may be able to remove the unsightly oil spot using a variety of methods. In either case, it's important not to saturate the wood with too much water, which can loosen old glues and cause new stains.


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Mineral Spirits Method

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You can use a mineral spirits wash, such as paint thinner, to dissolve an oil stain on both finished and unfinished wood. Simply dampen a soft, clean cloth with a small amount of the spirits and rub it into the wood, working with the grain, to work the grease out. You can repeat the process as often as needed until the oil is dissolved.


Oxygenated Bleach Method

Image Credit: Alexandra Cristina Negoita/Demand Media

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Another way to remove an oil stain from finished or unfinished wood is with oxygenated bleach. To make the cleaning solution, put on protective gloves and mix one scoop of a commercial powdered oxygenated bleach with 1 cup of warm water. Work a small amount of the mixture into the stain using a soft cloth. Then, scrub the wood gently with a soft-bristled brush, working in the same direction of the grain. Wipe the solution off of the wood with a soft, dry cloth and repeat the procedure until the stain is gone.


Ammonia Method

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Free unfinished or finished wood of the oil stain by putting on protective gloves and combining 1 part household ammonia and 4 parts warm water. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and wring it out before wiping it over the stain on the wood flooring or furniture. Again, repeat the process as needed until the oil is gone. As the ammonia may discolor certain types of wood finishes, test the solution on an inconspicuous location first to check the reaction.


Gum Turpentine and Boiled Linseed Method

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To help wash away an oil stain, put on protective gloves and mix 2 tablespoons of gum turpentine and 4 tablespoons of boiled linseed oil per each gallon of hot water. Dip a soft rag into the solution and wring it out before rubbing it into the oil stain. Repeat the process as many times as you need to until the spot is gone. Dry and buff the wood with another soft cloth. If the wood is finished, you can polish it with lemon oil or surface wax.

Unfinished wood brings warmth and a natural feel into a home or backyard, but it is very delicate and susceptible to staining easily. Accidents happen all the time, so it’s next to impossible to prevent your unfinished wood from getting stained.

The most common stains on wood flooring or furniture in the house are oil and grease stains caused by food spills. Fortunately, you can remove oil stains using readily available inexpensive home products.

Get rid of oil stains on your unfinished wood with these products:

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Corn flour/ corn starch
  • Mineral spirits
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Powder detergent

Table of Contents

  • Cornstarch for removing oil stains from unfinished wood
  • Mineral spirits gets rid of oil
  • Vinegar and liquid dish soap
  • Rubbing alcohol cuts grease
  • Frequently asked questions
    • What is the best way to clean and maintain unfinished wood?
    • Can lemon juice be used instead of vinegar?
    • Is it okay to use bleach for removing oil stains from wood?
    • Is it okay to use ammonia to remove oil stains on unfinished wood?
  • Wrapping up

Cornstarch for removing oil stains from unfinished wood

As it turns out, there are lots of interesting household uses for cornstarch flour that go beyond cooking. One of them is that it is incredible at absorbing oil and grease stains.

Follow this procedure:

  1. Pour cornstarch on the oil stain.
  2. Leave it to settle for a few hours, as this gives it enough time to suck up the oil.
  3. Remove the cornstarch when you see it is saturated with oil.
  4. Repeat the process as many times as needed until all the oil is gone.
  5. Once you’re satisfied, wash the unfinished surface with hot water and dish soap, then dry.

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Mineral spirits gets rid of oil

Mineral spirits, also known as turpentine, is excellent for cleaning wood. If you have wood flooring in your house or a lot of wood furniture, then it’s something you definitely need to include on your next shopping list. You can buy it in a hardware store, and it’s the easiest method for removing oil stains in unfinished wood surfaces.

Follow these steps:

  1. Saturate the area with mineral spirits.
  2. Make sure the stained areas are all the way covered.
  3. Leave it to work on the stain and let it dry.
  4. Once it dries you will see the stain will have disappeared.

Vinegar and liquid dish soap

Dish soap is designed for removing grease from dishes and it works well on other materials too. It’s an excellent degreaser, and it’s not harsh, so it won’t destroy or discolor your unfinished wood surface.

Many people fear using vinegar to clean wood, but it’s a mild disinfectant, and it cuts grease so for the oil stains the two will work well together.

Things you’ll need:

  • 2 spoons of liquid dish soap
  • 1/4 cup of vinegar
  • A bucket full of hot water
  • A mop

Follow the procedure:

  1. Make a bucket full of hot water.
  2. Pour in the vinegar and dish soap, mixing well.
  3. Pour the solution on the stained area.
  4. You can use a soft-bristled brush to work on the stain.
  5. Leave the solution there to work on the oil stain for a while.
  6. Use the mop to remove the mixture and finish the cleaning process.
  7. Remember to completely squeeze water from the mop, it has to be almost dry before using it on the wood floor.
  8. Dry using a rag or towel.

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Rubbing alcohol cuts grease

Rubbing alcohol, being that its alcohol, will kill all bacteria and cut the grease stains. It also dries instantly, which is excellent for unfinished wood.

Things you’ll need:

  • 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol
  • A half bucket full of hot water
  • A microfiber cloth

Follow these steps:

  1. Take the rubbing alcohol and pour it into the bucket of hot water.
  2. Saturate the stained area with this solution.
  3. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the solution after it has settled for 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat the process until all the stain has come off.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best way to clean and maintain unfinished wood?

To care for and maintain unfinished wood furniture or flooring the following should be observed:

  • Sweep daily and vacuum to remove dirt and dust from furniture, wipe with a dry piece of cloth daily to remove dust.
  • Mop once a week because water damages unfinished wood.
  • If you notice any stain or dust buildup, put vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then spray just a little and wipe dry or mop with the solution as described above.
  • Spot clean stains rather than washing the entire surface.
  • Avoid cleaning unfinished wood with a lot of water. You can wash using a mop but ensure to squeeze off all the water first, then just wipe well.
  • Rubbing alcohol is also an excellent hack for cleaning unfinished wood surfaces, so once a week, use a rubbing alcohol solution to clean the unfinished wood surface.

Can lemon juice be used instead of vinegar?

Lemon is good at getting rid of oil stains, but make sure it’s not too concentrated as lemon is a natural bleach. Just mix equal parts of lemon and water then use it on the oil stain, let it soak a bit then dry with a microfiber cloth.

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Is it okay to use bleach for removing oil stains from wood?

No, bleach is not good to use for removing stains on your unfinished wood surface because it will fade and destroy the look of the wood. Also, forget about shininess when you use bleach. Lastly, bleach is not safe to use for cleaning daily.

Is it okay to use ammonia to remove oil stains on unfinished wood?

Ammonia is very harsh and should, therefore, be avoided when cleaning unfinished wood. Always go for milder, natural, and eco-friendly products for cleaning your wood. It’s much safer this way, plus we want the furniture or flooring to last a long time.

Wrapping up

Unfinished wood can be quite tasking to maintain because it stains easily. Harsh cleaning products and too much water can damage the look and beauty of the wood. Oil stains are some of the ugliest and most stubborn for wood. However, the products above are tried-and-true methods for getting rid of oil stains on wood.

How do you get oil and grease out of wood?

White Vinegar Vinegar – a weak form of acetic acid – cuts through oil and grease and doubles as a sanitizer without leaving any film or residue. Mix equal parts of hot water with white vinegar in a small bowl and apply to the wood with a soft, clean cloth.

Does baking soda remove oil stains from wood?

Remove fat stains from wood floors with baking soda one minute. Then, harmonise the area with warm water and mafi wood floor soap. Optionally, treat with mafi care oil balsam at the end. If there is still oil/fat on the surface, this should be removed with a cotton cloth.

Can dried oil stains be removed?

"Don't worry–there are methods to remove old grease stains from clothes, even after they dry," Buurstra says. Here's what she suggests: Scrape and blot liquid dish soap into the stain and let sit for 10 minutes. Soak in warm or hot water for at least 30 minutes.

What is the fastest way to remove oil stains?

Steps to get rid of oil stains.
Apply dish detergent to the stain..
Wait 5 minutes..
Rinse the stain..
Machine wash with bleach. Tip..
Air dry and check for success..


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