How to change serial number on iphone

If you’re looking to change serial number on iPhone easily, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully change serial number on iphone and ensure that your iPhone is running smoothly with its new identification.

First, it’s important to understand what a serial number is and why you might want to change it. A serial number is a unique identification code assigned to your iPhone by the manufacturer. It’s typically used for tracking and warranty purposes, but in some cases, you might want to change it for privacy or security reasons.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that changing your serial number is not a straightforward process and can be risky if not done correctly. We recommend following these instructions carefully and consulting with an Apple support professional if you’re unsure about any of the steps.

To change serial number on iPhone, you’ll need to access the iPhone’s system files. This can be done using a specialized tool like iBackupBot, which allows you to browse and edit the system files on your iPhone. Before you start, note down your original serial number so you can follow the same process to change it back.


  • 1 Method 1
  • 2 Method 2
  • 3 Method 3
  • 4 Method 4
  • 5 Further Method / Advice
  • 6 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 6.1 Can I Change Serial Number on iPhone?
    • 6.2 Dangers of Changing iPhone Serial Number
  • 7 Conclusion

Method 1

Once you have iBackupBot installed and your iPhone connected to your computer, follow these steps to change serial number on iPhone:

  1. Open iBackupBot and select your iPhone from the list of available devices.
  2. In the left-hand menu, navigate to System Files > HomeDomain > Library > Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences folder, find the file named “” and select it.
  4. Click the Edit button in the top-right corner to open the file in the built-in editor.
  5. In the editor, find the section labeled “SBParentalControlsPinKey” and change the value next to it to the new serial number you want to use for your iPhone.
  6. Once you’ve made the change, click the Save button to save the changes to the file.
  7. Quit iBackupBot and disconnect your iPhone from your computer.

Method 2

To use this method to change serial number on iphone, you will need a computer with iTunes installed, USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer, a valid reason for changing the serial number on your iPhone.

  1. Open iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone to it using the USB cable.
  2. Click on the iPhone icon in iTunes, and then click on the “Summary” tab.
  3. In the “Summary” tab, click on the “Serial Number” field and enter the new serial number that you want to use for your iPhone.
  4. Click on the “Apply” button to save the changes.
  5. Disconnect your iPhone from your computer and restart it.
  6. After your iPhone has restarted, go to the “Settings” app and click on the “About” tab.
  7. In the “About” tab, you should see the new serial number that you have entered.

Method 3

To use this method to change serial number on iPhone, you will need a computer with internet access, a USB cable, and a tool to access the iPhone’s file system, such as iFunbox or iExplorer. You will also need the original serial number of the iPhone and the new serial number you want to use.

  1. Connect the iPhone to the computer using the USB cable. Open the tool you are using to access the iPhone’s file system and navigate to the iPhone’s internal storage.
  2. Locate the file named “Manifest.plist” and open it with a text editor. This file contains the iPhone’s serial number, among other information.
  3. Find the line that contains the serial number and replace it with the new serial number. Save the file and close the text editor.
  4. Disconnect the iPhone from the computer and restart it. The new serial number should now be displayed on the device.
  5. Check the new serial number for accuracy. To do this, go to Settings > General > About and verify that the serial number displayed matches the new serial number you entered.

Method 4

Before this method can work to change serial number on iPhone, you need to ensure that your iPhone is jailbroken. This means that you have installed a software that allows you to access the iPhone’s operating system and make changes to it. You can check if your iPhone is jailbroken by downloading a jailbreak detection app from the App Store.

Once you have confirmed that your iPhone is jailbroken, you need to open Cydia, which is a third-party app store for jailbroken devices. In Cydia, search for the “Change Serial” app and install it on your iPhone. This app will allow you to change the serial number of your device.

Next, open the Change Serial app and tap on the “Change Serial” button. This will bring up a screen where you can enter the new serial number for your iPhone. Be sure to enter a valid serial number that has not been used before, as using an invalid or already-used serial number can cause issues with your device.

Once you have entered the new serial number, tap on the “Save” button to apply the changes. The app will then verify the new serial number and update it on your iPhone.

Further Method / Advice

After you change serial number on iphone, you’ll need to update the serial number with Apple. If you want to update the serial number with Apple, you can contact them through their website or through the Apple Support app. Provide the new serial number and explain that you have changed it on the device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Change Serial Number on iPhone?


As stated in the other sections of this article, it is possible to change your iphone serial number.

Dangers of Changing iPhone Serial Number

As earlier stated, there are dangers of changing the serial number of an iPhone such as loss if warranty and support. However, this may be resolved if you follow the advice that was earlier stated here.


In conclusion, it is a challenging task to change serial number on iPhone, but it is possible with the right tools and knowledge. It is important to understand the implications of changing the serial number and consider the potential risks and consequences before proceeding. By following the steps outlined above, you can successfully change the serial number on your iPhone.

Note that the methods above will not work if you are using an Android device. If you are interested in this but don’t use an iPhone device, you can read our guide on changing the serial number of an Android device.

How do I get a new serial number for my iPhone?

Go to Settings > General and tap About. Look for the serial number. You might need to scroll down to find the IMEI/MEID, and ICCID. To paste this information into Apple registration or support forms, touch and hold the number to copy.

Can you change a phone serial number?

The method is quite simple, and you just need a rooted Android device that will allow the Xposed installer to run on a device. After having the Xposed installer, you will have to use Xposed module app to change a serial number of your Android. For this follow the guide below.

Is every iPhone serial number different?

Every iPhone has a unique serial number, which can be used to identify the specific handset you own. You may need to know the serial number of your iPhone if you're unlocking it through your carrier, having it serviced, or selling it.

What can someone do with the serial number of my iPhone?

Both the serial and model numbers potentially open you up to warranty fraud. Basically, someone with both these numbers might be able to put in a fake warranty claim. They could order replacement parts under your warranty, potentially using it up if there are limits.


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