How to change dodge key fob battery

How to Replace Dodge Key Fob Battery. The Dodge remote, key fob is separate from the car key.

Mr. Locksmith Automotive : (604) 259-7617

How to Replace Key Fob Battery

  1. Remove the cover by inserting a coin, a flat blade screwdriver, or the tip of your emergency key into the side gap and carefully pry in the direction of the arrow to open the cover.
  2.  Separate the key fob case.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. Insert a new battery with the positive pole facing up.
  5. Cover the battery with the battery cap.

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver DOWNTOWN: (604) 262-1907

Mr. Locksmith East Vancouver (604) 239-0755

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (Kitsilano, UBC, Kerrisdale, etc.) : (604) 760 7620

How to Replace Dodge Key Fob Battery

It’s a four-button, three major buttons and the panic, so it’s a four-button remote. And again, it’s for a Chrysler could fit the Dodges as well. Pretty simple, it’s got a little, little tiny mark there. You can take a, I wonder if a quarter would do the trick? Yeah, a quarter would do the trick. You could take a coin and just put it in there, give it a little pry, look at that, just super easy on this one. There’s the battery right there. Very common, for quite a few of the remotes, is, let’s just see, it’s a CR2032, same as what I have here on this Energizer.

Battery CR2032

Just a little tiny pry. Whoops, flips right out. And you see, if you ever get confused to how did it come out, the contacts go onto the bottom, not where the numbers are, but the contacts for using the remote go on the bottom. So again, just clips in.

How to Replace Dodge Key Fob Battery

Now, I like to use brand-name Energizer, Duracell, the Panasonics are okay, the Sonys, it’s just, I want to stick with the brand names. You just put it together again. Very simple. It’s all clipped back in. Now, I’ll just show you again real quick. Now this one’s kinda easy, there are no screws, there’s nothing tricky, it’s got the little spot there, dime works, quarter works. I just give it a little twist. So just a little tiny twist, very easy, there’s nothing tricky here. And then to pull out the battery, and again, there’s a stamp right on there, CR2032, there we go. And again, it just clips together very, very nice. Very simple, hope that helps, have a good day.

How to Replace Dodge Key Fob Battery

Mr. Locksmith Automotive : (604) 259-7617

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver DOWNTOWN: (604) 262-1907

Mr. Locksmith East Vancouver (604) 239-0755

Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (Kitsilano, UBC, Kerrisdale, etc.) : (604) 760 7620

How to Replace Nissan Key Battery

How to Replace Dodge Remote Battery

What kind of battery does a Dodge key fob take?

Step 5: Put the new battery, which is usually a CR2032 (can be found mostly at any auto parts store) and slide it into place.

Do I need to reprogram my Dodge key fob after changing the battery?

Typically, you do not need to reprogram the key fob after changing the battery. However, if you've replaced not just the batteries but also some of the internal wiring and electronics, you may need to reprogram it by pairing it with your vehicle once again.

How do you reset a Dodge key fob after changing battery?

Place key in ignition and start car while holding down the “UNLOCK” button on your key fob at the same time. Hold down the “PANIC” button and the “UNLOCK” button on your key fob, then release at the same time. Hold down the “UNLOCK” and the “UNLOCK” button on your key fob, then release at the same time.


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