How much is a ticket for driving with suspended license

Drive While Suspended | Highway Traffic Act s.53

The penalty for driving while suspended is a fine, a further six (6) month licence suspension and insurance increase.

Suspended Driving Penalty

Driving while suspended has severe penalties that can dramatically affect you including:

  • possible six (6) months in jail
  • minimum one thousand (1000) dollar fine.
  • six (6) month licence suspension for a first offence.
  • minimum five thousand (5000) dollar fine for cases involving alcohol suspensions.
  • dramatic increases in insurance rates.

These severe penalties are for a first offence of driving while suspended, second convictions will result in harsher penalties.

★★★★★  Excellent service, was facing a driving under suspension penalty of 6 months suspension and up to $2000. OTT represented me and I ended up leaving the court room with a $260 fine for driving without license and no licence suspension. I would definitely recommend OTT. Steven Sang Toronto ON.

Definition of Suspended Driving

Drive While Suspended – Highway Traffic Act 53.1

Every person who drives a motor vehicle or street car on a highway while his or her driver’s licence is suspended, under an Act of the Legislature or a regulation made thereunder, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable,

  • for a first offence, a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000; and
  • for each subsequent offence, a fine of not less than $2,000 and not more than $5,000,

or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both.

Fighting Drive Under Suspension Charges

Driving while suspended has the essential elements that the court must address and then any defences to the charge.

The essential elements to drive suspended may include the who, what, when, and where, but also did the offence occur on a roadway and with what type of vehicle.

Defences may include:

  • the driver did not know about the suspension
  • the driver did everything possible to avoid the suspension
  • the suspension was not valid or the notice or documentary evidence is improper

As driving while suspended charges can include jail for even first time offences, drivers are recommend to always have legal representation in court. Trials can include legal motions, cross-examination and proper analysis of any documentary evidence.

We have years of helping people with suspended licence charges. We can help you fight your drive while suspended charge and where possible assist you to get your drivers licence reinstated.  Contact OTT Legal today.

Where your licence is suspended for unpaid fines or for a large amount of money, we can assist you to get on a payment plan to have your licence reinstated, usually in thirty (30) days or less.

Ontario Drivers can be Suspended for:

What to do when Charged With Driving Suspended

If you have been charged with driving while suspended, the first thing to do is stop driving.

Although the courts and prosecution may be sympathetic to a situation where inadvertently your licence became suspended, they will not be so if you continue to drive.

Subsequent convictions for driving while suspended can involve a six (6) month jail term, do not drive until your licence has been reinstated.

If you have been charged with driving while suspended call our offices to speak with a former police officer or licensed paralegal to get immediate advice.

Our offices can represent you in traffic court to fight your ticket.  Usually we can appear for you so you do not have to appear in court.

Why is Your Licence Suspended?

When charged with driving while suspended, the first we’ll want to do is find out why you have been suspended.

If your licence has been suspended for unpaid fines or default payments, usually we explain to you how to get the fine paid get your licence back as soon as possible.

If you have an unpaid fine(s) and cannot afford to pay the fine completely, many times the court will allow you to go on a drivers licence payment plan if you make a reasonable down payment.  OTT Legal are experts at setting up licence reinstatement plans and we can do this for a minimal fee, usually getting your licence back in thirty (30) days or less.

Medical suspensions may require an appeal to the Licence Appeal Board for a medical review of your drivers licence.

For all other types of licence suspensions, give us a call for free advice about how to fix your driving licence suspension issues.

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What happens if you drive around with a suspended license?

If you get caught driving with a suspended license, it could lead to penalties including fines and imprisonment, depending on what type of violation led to the suspension. The sentence would be more severe for repeat offenders.

How much is a driving under suspension ticket in Oklahoma?

Driving on a suspended or revoked license is a misdemeanor in Oklahoma. A conviction carries up to a year and jail a fine of: $100 and $500 for a first conviction. $200 and $750 for a second conviction, or.

How much is a driving while suspended ticket in Alabama?

According to Alabama Code § 32-6-19, if an individual is convicted of driving with a suspended or revoked license, he or she can be ordered to pay a fine between $100 and $500, and be sentenced to up to 180 days behind bars.

What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license in Arizona?

Potential Penalties For Driving On A Suspended License Driving on a Suspended License is a class 1 misdemeanor. As such, it carries up to 180 days jail, 3 years probation, and $4,574 in fines and surcharges. Refer to ARS 28-3473, ARS 13-802, and ARS 13-707.


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